Polyps of the rectum - folk remedies, celandine treatment

Polyps of the rectum are considered benign neoplasms, folk remedies help to eliminate the causes of the disease and the most characteristic symptoms. Therefore, quite often some recipes are readily used in official medicine. They become part of an effective prevention and rehabilitation postoperative period. What folk remedies for colon polyps have been able to prove their effectiveness? The most commonly used are decoctions and infusions from various herbs.

Often they are found only with a planned diagnostic examination, folk remedies help prevent the transformation of a benign tumor into a malignant tumor. Most often for conservative treatment is used celandine grass. Medicinal raw materials are all parts of the plant. From them prepare broths and infusions, enemas and juices. They have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, wound-healing effect. Therefore, treatment of polyps of the rectum with celandine is very effective. How is it produced?

Enema for rectum polyps

Since this is the lowest part of the large intestine, it is therefore easy to deliver the medicine with enemas. Solutions for them are prepared as follows:

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  1. Fresh green grass of celandine( about 50 grams) is taken.
  2. Cut into small pieces and recover into a meat grinder.
  3. The resulting gruel is poured into one and a half cups of boiling water.
  4. After cooling, the folk remedy is placed in the enema and inserted through the anus in the intestine.
  5. You need to try to hold the medicine within an hour and a half. If the enema is made for children, keep the solution in no more than half an hour.

In order for the healing effect of this folk remedy for polyps of the rectum to occur, enemas are administered only after the intestine is well cleaned. Enema is done every other day. The cycle consists of 20 procedures.

Please note! This plant, which contains many alkaloids - poisonous substances. If more than 50 grams of raw materials are taken to prepare enemas, side effects can occur in the form of severe dizziness and mild nausea. Therefore, the following formula can be used to calculate the correct dose: for 1 kg of body, 0.75 grams of green mass.

Ointments for polyps of the rectum

As a result of properly performed treatment, rejection of the tumor occurs, but only if it has a long leg. Anal polyps are treated with ointment. It is prepared as follows: the green leaves of the celandine are crushed in a blender or coffee grinder and mixed in equal proportions with borate petrolatum. The resulting mass is typed on the finger, which daily treated the affected area, or the tool is laid out on a cotton swab, which is then inserted into the anus. The tampon should be changed five times a day, the procedures last for a week.

Decoctions for polyps of the rectum

In addition to enemas and ointments in folk medicine, a decoction of medicinal herbs is actively used. In equal parts are mixed chaga, St. John's wort, millennial and celandine. Collect( teaspoon) is poured over with boiling water( 200 mg), covered with a lid and infused for two hours. To drink such a folk remedy for polyps of the rectum is necessary three times a day before meals of 25 grams. The course is long, several months. The effect is almost always positive.

Other folk remedies for rectum polyps

In addition to celandine, there are a lot of other very useful recipes that must be taken into service:

  • Try to remove polyps of the rectum with honey and horseradish. Both ingredients are mixed in equal amounts and taken in the morning on an empty stomach for a month by a teaspoonful.
  • It is very useful to consider such a folk remedy as a decoction of viburnum. Three tablespoons of berries are poured into a glass of boiling water, insisted, strained through a sieve and taken in any amount during the day, but drink a drink better before eating.
  • If the patient has been diagnosed with polyps of the rectum, folk remedies help to stop the progress of the disease. Oak bark is used for this purpose. It is carefully dried in the sun and powdered into powder. A tablespoon of powder is immersed in a jar and poured with boiling water( one liter).The mixture is put on a slow fire and cooked for fifteen minutes. Cool the product better in a dark cool place. After cooling, the tincture is ready for use. The cortex is taken five times six times a day between meals for one week. Then a one-week break is made, and the course resumes again.

It is important to understand that due to the possibility of transformation into cancer tumors, polyps of the rectum can be dangerous, folk remedies can help, but a mandatory condition for conservative treatment is constant monitoring by the doctor. Otherwise, there is a chance to skip the beginning of the process of rebirth.

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