Pancreatitis and pancreatic ulcer, penetration - symptoms, diet, treatment

Stages of this disease are considered erosion, a period of exacerbation and chronic form. Erosion begins with mucosal defects, continues with hemorrhages and tissue death. After that, a chronic pancreatic ulcer occurs, affecting the deep layers of the organ. It can penetrate from the organ into the organ( the process was called penetration), hitting large areas, leading to severe consequences.

Penetration is dangerous by organ digestion, the diagnosis of the duodenum and stomach, in which the death of cells progresses, can not show the condition of the pancreas and liver. The analyzes of diastase, amylase, sediment assays, protein fractions, general analysis of blood and urine become ineffective. Scientists have revealed a direct dependence of the defeat of border organs in the occurrence of disease in the stomach and 12-and perstnoy.

Symptoms of pancreatic ulcer

Symptoms that have pancreatitis and ulcer of this organ are similar in many respects:

  • pain - relapses may be absent for years( called triads of Troitsky), seasonality and periodicity are clearly pronounced at the rest of the time, divided into a late( one and a half hours after eating), early( half an hour after eating), fasting, nocturnal
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  • bleeding - is typical in 10% of cases, dystrophic processes develop
  • heartburn - nocturnal, fasting, occurs due to high acidity, decreased tone of the sphincter( cardiac)

Differences in gland diseases in the method of pain relief: pancreatitis during an attack is cooled with an ice pack, the second illness is suppressed with a warmer, laying the patient on the right side with the legs pressed. Penetration of the ulcer into the pancreas from neighboring organs adds in some cases a metallic taste, chest burning, salivation and vomiting. Constipation and weight loss is accompanied by a fear of eating, a decrease in appetite.

Diet for pancreatitis and ulcer

Usually, a hard diet is used for ulcers and pancreatitis( # 5), consisting of liquid dishes with mashed ingredients: slimy soup, steam souffle, decoctions of dogrose and fruits, and vegetables. Difference from nutrition in pancreatitis is the absence of bread and crackers( full), fish and beef, poultry and rabbit remain in the patient's menu.

All meals are nedosalyvayut, the diet is meager, for a long time is never appointed, it is necessary in moments of exacerbation, is part of the treatment. Increased protein content in the diet in the treatment of pancreatitis is not dangerous to peptic ulcers, it is important not to use products that cause fermentation, gassing, exciting mucous, requiring enhanced digestion and isolation of enzymes.

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