Incompatible stomach cancer, is it possible to treat?

A cancer of the stomach of a malignant type, in the case when it was not detected on time, did not take due measures to treatment, begins to progress and becomes inoperable. There is a defeat of the tissues of surrounding organs. The cancerous tumor gradually "eats" healthy mucous membranes and walls of the stomach, spreading every day over a large area. This is the process of so-called metastasis. Not all metastases can be detected during diagnosis. Getting rid of them is effective if the process of infection has only begun to develop. Doctors-oncologists agree that even removing a sick stomach, the process of metastasis is unlikely to stop.

Metastases, depending on the type of growth, can be divided into 4 types:

  • mixed;
  • is lymphatic;
  • is hematogenous;
  • implantation.

Based on the type of metastases, a specific type of treatment is prescribed.

More than 60% of people turn to specialists at a stage when they are forced to hear a verdict - inoperable stomach cancer. The reason is the later detection of the problem, when the tumor has already reached stage 3 or 4, while removing the tumor is no longer possible.

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When treating an inoperable stage of cancer, the doctor must prescribe a palliative treatment that can extend life to six months. It does not heal the patient, but makes his condition much easier. Such methods include gastrostomy, gastroenteroanostomosis, and recanalization of the esophagus. The patient is given radiation and chemotherapy with a satisfactory condition under the above procedures.

For a short while, pain relievers can help "numb" the pain, which is also often used in such cases.

Treatment of inoperable stomach cancer

Consider some common palliative methods of treatment.

Chemotherapy is a medical method based on the use of cytostatic drugs, which have a harmful effect on cancer cells in the stomach. In the process of treatment, cell division stops, this leads to their death. The course is usually divided into several stages, usually five or six. This is done in order to "catch" the period of maximum sensitivity of cells to chemical preparations.

Treatment of inoperable stomach cancer using this method can go through the introduction of intravenous injections, you can take pills or inject drugs into the neoplasms themselves.

Chemotherapy for inoperable stomach cancer can be an adjunctive when it is used after surgery, for example, palliative. The procedure is prescribed strictly by the doctor and is quite rare, since the main goal at this stage, which can be performed by an ad-hoc method of chemotherapy, is impossible.

Non-therapeutic therapy is designed to reduce swelling, making it operable. It is also possible to identify sensitivity to specific drugs.

Chemotherapy is also curative. It is most commonly used for inoperable stomach cancer. This is an independent kind of procedures that allows you to reduce the size of the tumor, stop its pressure on nearby organs, ease the patient's condition, reduce pain.

The disadvantage of chemotherapy is its toxicity. After all, one must understand that the organism of a patient with cancer in an inoperable stage is already weakened, it can be difficult to tolerate the introduction of chemical preparations. Chemicals in addition to the tumor will destroy other, healthy cells, which will lead to side effects.

Adverse effect:

  • worsens blood clotting;
  • may cause anemia;
  • may cause vomiting;
  • is the destruction of the hair;
  • occurrence of thrombocytopenia;
  • appearance of stomatitis.

Radiation exposure method. Incompatible stomach cancer, to a greater extent, consists of a neoplasm with a mucous structure. Therefore, radiotherapy is ineffective here, because the structure is characterized by low sensitivity to radiation. Only a very high radioactive threshold can have an impact.

It is possible to use radiotherapy for inoperable cancer together with chemotherapy procedures for better results, reducing symptoms, temporarily improving the condition.

Surgical intervention of palliative nature. If it is not possible to perform a resection of an inoperable tumor, gastroenteroanastomosis should be bypassed. Its effectiveness consists in easing the symptoms, but it is short-lived.

If the patient has an obstruction, as well as dysphagia, the use of endoscopic methods is actual. They can quickly ease the condition.

It is possible to use stenting of the gastric lumen when special expansion stents are being installed. They can improve the patency very significantly.

Possible installation of gastrostomy. This is an operation that can be performed in more than 100 variants. The method is based on stitching in the stomach of a special rubber tube, through which the patient will continue to eat. The method has many disadvantages, but it is often used for inoperable types of cancer.

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