How to detect worms and helminth eggs in the body of an adult and a child, methods of detection, what to do at home?

Nowadays, using modern diagnostic methods, it is possible to detect worms in a timely manner and determine to which species they belong. On the basis of the data obtained, the parasitologist prescribes the most effective course of treatment, which helps to prevent all possible negative health consequences that may appear as a result of the vital activity of these parasites in the human body.

Not all worms can be directly seen in the baby's pot, in the toilet or on the inside of the underwear. In most cases, the eggs of the worm can be detected only under a microscope during laboratory studies of feces or to detect the presence of helminths by the results of a blood test.

There are also more in-depth studies that allow not only to detect worms and confirm the diagnosis, but also to determine the species of parasitic worms. Diagnostic tools can be conditionally divided into the following groups:

  • clinical and instrumental studies;
  • immunological studies;
  • VRT( vegetative resonance test).
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In practice, it has been proved that according to the results of laboratory tests aimed at detecting helminths in a patient, it is possible to detect with high accuracy helminth infection in only 1 out of 5 people.

Immunological diagnostics, which includes a blood test for the presence of certain antibodies to certain types of worms, allows the detection of helminths of the extraintestinal group with high accuracy. As for parasites of intestinal location, this technique does not justify itself.

It should also be recognized that the use of hardware technology( radiography, ultrasound, computer diagnostics and others) does not guarantee confirmation of the diagnosis of "helminthiosis" in humans. This method weakly determines the type of worms when they are detected.

Today, vegetative resonance testing( VRT) is the most effective and accurate diagnostic measure for detecting and determining the type of worms. Specialists, using appropriate manipulations, can not only diagnose with high accuracy, but also indicate what kind of worms parasitize in the patient's body. The only drawback of this method is its high cost. It is for this reason that this type of diagnosis is not very popular.

Methods for detecting helminths

After infection of the body, as a rule, during one or two months, most helminthic invasions proceed without obvious and indirect symptoms. Therefore, at home, it is impossible to detect helminths. What if you suspect worms in yourself or your child? An obligatory part of the diagnostic measures is the study and analysis of the overall clinical picture of the disease, the symptoms of which can be:

  • dyspnea and periodic superficial cough;
  • general weakness and fatigue;
  • acute pain in the abdomen;
  • temperature for a long time in the range of 37.1-38.0 ° C;
  • eruptions in various areas of the skin - such as large papules and psoriatic plaques, urticaria;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • abundant salivation;
  • lack of appetite and bad sleep at night;
  • are often nervous disorders.

If the worms are located in the pancreas, then the possibility of such symptoms as pain in the region of the liver and the right hypochondrium and mechanical jaundice is high. Such a patient can complain about constant vomiting, nausea. With a disease such as ascariasis, parasites and their eggs can often be observed in vomit. At the infected child quite often parents can see worms or their fragments at emptying or on underwear. The presence of one or more of the above symptoms becomes a valid reason for contacting a medical institution to check whether the patient is infected with helminthiosis or not.

Detection of helminths in the laboratory

If there are suspicions of parasites, you should know how to detect the worms in a child or an adult. Since worms are most often found in the gastrointestinal tract, the main type of research in a special laboratory will be feces analysis. To improve the quality and accuracy of research, analysis must be done repeatedly over a period of time. Thanks to this method, it becomes possible to detect the presence of not only adult worms, but also their larvae, and even eggs.

  • With the help of analysis of faeces, the following types of worms can be recognized: ribbon and roundworms( bovine tapeworm, ascarids, trematodes, wide ribbons and many others).
  • For more accurate laboratory tests, an additional blood test for antibodies is performed. With it, you can identify specific types of helminthiosis even at an early stage of the disease.

In order to detect eggs of pinworms in humans, which the female parasite lays near the opening of the anus, an analysis such as a study of the scraping taken in this area is made. Also, the doctor can prescribe an analysis of urine, skin samples or sputum - depending on the type of worms, the presence or absence of which should be checked. Methods for diagnosing helminthiasis are selected by a parasitologist on the basis of patient complaints and analysis of the clinical picture of the disease. The most representative are the results of a comprehensive examination of the patient.

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