Multicolored lichen in man: photos, symptoms and treatment

Lisha otabryvidny, colorful, colored - this is all the names of the same skin disease caused by fungi of the genus yeast. These microorganisms belong to the conditionally pathogenic category, they can be present on the skin of healthy people without causing them any anxiety.

But under certain conditions( excessive sweating, chronic diseases, hormonal imbalance, etc.), fungi can begin to multiply uncontrolled, which causes the development of an otaroid lichen.

Without adequate treatment on the human body for a long time, brown spots remain, which deprives the patient of self-confidence and generates psychological complexes. In women, the disease often begins during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby.

Causes of the appearance of

Why does the multicolored lichen appear, and what is it? Seeing the first signs of pink lichen on your skin( see photo), do not panic. According to the doctors, pink lichen is the leader among skin diseases that worsen in the spring months. The appearance of scaly patches is due to the microscopic yeast fungus Malassezia furfur, which is carried by most people.

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The following factors of can cause :

  • excessive sweating;
  • is a special sweat composition that promotes the development of microorganisms;
  • stress and high physical activity;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • non-observance of personal hygiene;
  • hereditary predisposition.

It can be seen that the activation of the fungus occurs if a person suffers from vegetative-vascular disorders, when the fat content of the skin increases, immunity decreases or sweating swells.

The course of the disease

In the armpit, on the chest, stomach, shoulders and back appear flaky spots. The spots can be round or oval in shape, yellow, brown, rarely black. In the absence of treatment, small spots merge into large lesions.

When scraping the patches, an insignificant ovarian scaling is revealed. The disease is characterized by a prolonged course, often combined with psoriasis and other skin diseases.

Symptoms of varicoloured hair in a person

In case of the appearance of multicolored lichen in a person, the main symptoms are chaotically located small, constantly exfoliating, yellowish, dark brown, gradually acquiring a red-brown or dark color, specks on the skin of the body. The lesions are most often the shoulders, neck, back, chest, armpits.

Fungus, reproducing in the epidermis, disrupts the work of melanocytes, as a result of which they do not synthesize the pigment melanin and contribute to the appearance of non-standard colored areas of the skin. Additional symptoms of this disease are severe itching and sweating.

Multicolored lichen: photo

How does this ailment on the skin of a person look like, we offer detailed photos to view.


It is correct to diagnose, in addition to examining the characteristic rashes, the specialist helps:

  1. Inspecting under a Wood lamp( foci of pityrious lichen under fluorescent light emit a brown or yellow glow).
  2. Study of scales under a microscope.
  3. Balser test( foci, when lubricated with iodine, begin to actively absorb the drug).
  4. Histological examination.

Treatment of multi-colored hair loss in a person

So, after a visit to a doctor and an accurate diagnosis, you can go on to the question of how to get rid of a multicolored lichen? First of all, it should be noted that the treatment regimen should be painted only by a specialist, taking into account all the features of the body, the attendant factors and how long the patient has these symptoms.

Drugs effective against multi-colored lichens include the following:

  • systemic antimycotics in tablets( McMiore, Furazolin);
  • medications of the triazole series( Fluconazole);
  • preparations based on selenium sulphide( Sulsen);
  • medications based on imidazole( Sertaconazole, Ketaconazole).

In the presence of allergies, an alternative method of therapy is rubbing benzyl benzoate, sulfur salicylic ointment or sodium hyposulphite. An important point in the treatment of pityriasis at home is the observance of all stages of personal hygiene( regular shower, change of underwear and clothes).

In general, treatment schemes for varicoloured varicoloured a lot, but the principle of treatment is one. To date, the most effective method is etiotropic therapy, aimed at destroying the causative agent of the disease. Means of etiotropic therapy include various antifungal agents of local and systemic action, they are used for treatment at home.


Peregrine lichen successfully treatable without self-medication. But sometimes, in connection with the restoration of melanin production, even successful therapy can take several months.

There is often a remission of the disease, especially in the summer, as well as with unsystematic symptomatic and self-medication.


To avoid contamination with colorful lichen on holiday, you must observe several rules:

  1. Before sunbathing, you must first dry, and then lie down on the sand or litter;
  2. Sunbathing is dosed;
  3. Do not sunbathe on natural beaches;
  4. It is mandatory to use sunscreens and emulsions, especially if you have to stay long in the sun
  5. Use individual beach towels, often wash them;
  6. The shower after bathing in common reservoirs is mandatory.
  7. Observe the rules of hygiene and do not use not your things.

How to get rid of multi-colored depriving once and for all? In order to avoid re-infection, it is necessary to carry out hardening, water-acetic and water-salt wipes, avoid sweating, wipe the skin in spring with salicylic alcohol.

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