Reflux-esophagitis superficial gastritis and its treatment

Gastroesophageal reflux is a rare disease characterized by disruption of the sphincter separating the stomach and esophagus, which causes gastric juice to enter the esophagus. Sometimes reflux-gastritis esophagitis can manifest itself in almost any healthy person.

However, because of such frequent manifestations, inflammation develops in the lower esophagus. It is this condition that is called gastro esophageal reflux disease.

Causes and symptoms of gastro reflux

The main reason for the occurrence of superficial gastritis is reflux esophagitis, which is the overfilling of the gastric cavity with food, as well as the relaxation of the sphincter between the esophagus and the stomach.

Rarely, the causes of reflux gastritis and esophagitis are a hernia in the diaphragm, a state of pregnancy, obesity, excessive amounts of fatty foods, cigarettes, alcohol, food allergies, certain medications.

The basic symptoms of the disease are heartburn, which tends to intensify after eating, or in the horizontal position of the body. Also, often acidic eructations and dull( rarely acute) pain in the abdominal cavity.

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As you know, reflux gastritis esophagitis can occur in children, even absolutely healthy. In infants, reflux is often called regurgitation. If such a manifestation happens seldom, then this is usually considered the norm. Accordingly, this syndrome almost completely disappears in all children without any treatment in about a month or ten.

The main reason for the disease of superficial gastritis and esophagitis in children is the same as in adults. In rare cases, the cause of this syndrome may be a congenital narrowing of the outlet from the stomach, or food allergy.

The main symptoms of gastro reflux of esophagitis in infants are constant crying, bending in the arch( more often during the feeding period), frequent eructations, and regurgitation, sometimes vomiting( several times between feedings), restless sleep, lack of weight gain.

In children of older age, the manifestations are different: often there are repeated night vomit, restless sleep, and a number of concomitant symptoms that at first glance resemble the symptoms of diseases in the respiratory system.

Closer to adolescence, the symptoms of this disease are the same as those in adults( possibly to a lesser extent).

Treatment of reflux gastritis of esophagitis

The drug treatment of reflux gastritis of esophagitis consists in the reception of: antisecretory drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice, prokinetic drugs, which are aimed at improving the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract;antacids, which reduce the negative effect of hydrochloric acid in the stomach on the mucosa of the esophagus.

As a result of such treatment, lesions that are present on the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach are damaged in a timely manner. The termination of the development of reflux gastritis and esophagitis happens according to statistics in 85% of cases.

In the absence of positive dynamics, surgical treatment is performed. In this case, its main goal is to restore the normal functioning of the sphincter. Indication for the operation is also severe complications of reflux gastritis esophagitis and Barrett's esophagus.

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