Chronic colitis - treatment with folk remedies and herbs

This disease, like chronic colitis, requires a long, in most cases lifelong treatment, so only medications and procedures will not produce the proper effect. Therapy of this inflammatory bowel pathology should be comprehensive, including compliance with the patient's appropriate diet, exercise therapy and the application of well-established folk remedies.

Therapeutic measures carried out with the help of herbal preparations are used mostly as an auxiliary tool, which helps to remove the severe symptoms of the disease and accelerate the healing process of the mucosa. Many people have heard about this method of treating the chronic form of this intestinal pathology, so often the patients or their relatives ask the question: "What methods of traditional medicine are best used for the therapy of colitis?"

Treatment of chronic colitis with folk remedies

In chronic colitis, there are often problems with appetite, which makes the patient's body very weak, and the treatment does not bring the expected result. Therefore, it is often possible to meet the question of how, when xr. Colitis fight it. Here, folk medicine will come to the rescue, the means of which have long and effectively been used to treat the chronic form of this ailment.

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To stimulate the appetite, which usually disappears with chronic colitis, folk treatment recommends the following vegetable infusions:

  • The basil, a tablespoon of which is infused in a glass of boiling water, is used well and is taken before a meal of 2 tbsp.l. Reception should be carried out not more often than 4 times a day;
  • Remarkable raw material for preparation of the drug, which improves appetite, is ginger. His tincture is drunk three times a day before meals;
  • No less effective for this purpose is the tincture of cumin, which should also be consumed before each meal.

All these broths are good for loss of appetite, which always accompanies this disease, so they are very useful for patients who have been weakened by the disease.

Treatment of chronic colitis with herbs

Herbs from time immemorial are used effectively in the therapy of various serious ailments. They help the patient reduce the pain caused by a disease, remove his symptoms, interfere with the normal way of life, and speed up the recovery process. With colitis, which takes place both in acute and chronic form, treatment with the help of traditional medicine also plays an important role. All proposed phytogens are mainly directed to the removal of severe symptoms accompanying the disease:

  • In the case when pathology is accompanied by constipation and flatulence, the seeds of caraway seeds from which the broth is prepared are well established;
  • If chronic colitis occurs against a background of frequent diarrhea, folk medicine suggests using infusions prepared from wild strawberry;
  • Tea from a plant such as alfalfa is a very effective pain killer;
  • When there is internal intestinal bleeding in chronic colitis, the best folk remedy is a nine-ounce wine, which is made from Cahors and fresh rhizomes of elecampane.

If such folk remedies, such as decoctions, tinctures and teas, are applied correctly, they will have an excellent effect both in the treatment and prevention of chronic colitis and will allow the patient to forget his severe symptoms for many years.

Microclysters in folk treatment of chronic colitis

Also herbal preparations are widely used when used in a rectal way. In this case, decoctions of phytospores, or oils made from certain plants, are introduced in a small amount( usually 30 ml), into the anus for the night. The benefit of this procedure in the treatment of chronic colitis is that with its help on the inflamed intestine is a cleansing, softening laxative and anti-inflammatory effect. Also this folk method promotes the fastest healing of ulcerative defects on the mucosa.

Microclysters based on herbal decoctions, which are a popular method for the treatment of chronic colitis, are the most versatile tool in the treatment of a disease. The aim is to directly deliver the active substances to the inflamed area of ​​the mucosa, which are contained in water or oil infusions of medicinal plants.

Quite often, patients who have this disease in chronic form, are asked the question: "How to correctly place microclysters when hr.colitis, to get the best effect "?Folk treatment for this procedure provides for the temperature of the administered composition to match the body temperature. This ensures the best absorption of medicinal enzymes. In addition, the hot solution strongly irritates the mucous membrane.

For the correct preparation of the solution necessary for this procedure, used in folk medicine, you should pour the right amount of a mixture of medicinal herbs with steep boiling water and insist under the lid in a warm place for half an hour, and then filter.

In the case when oil microclysters are prepared for the treatment of chronic colitis, not dry but fresh medicinal preparations are used. They are poured with any vegetable oil, but it is best if olive is taken, as it itself can provide a good therapeutic effect. This procedure is performed 1 or 2 times a day, depending on the form and stage of the disease, as well as the accompanying symptoms and the presence of complications.

But, despite the fact that all folk methods of treating chronic colitis are considered very effective and completely safe, not causing any side effects, they should be used for the treatment of the disease only after consulting a doctor. He most correctly takes into account all the nuances of the course of this inflammatory pathology and selects the most appropriate collections of medicinal plants to combat it.

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