Chronic enteritis - symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, diet during exacerbation, hr.form in children and adults, how to treat folk remedies?

Chronic enteritis is an inflammatory disease of the small intestine with a violation of its activity, which is expressed in premature digestion and absorption process, degeneration, degenerative changes, as well as atrophy of the intestinal mucosa and violation of the entire functionality of this organ.

Chronic enteritis in adults and children is primary and secondary. The causes of the onset of the primary disease include:

  • There is an acute intestinal infection of the nonspecific type in the history of the disease.
  • Disruption of nutritional status - abuse of acute types of food, overeating, dry food, carbohydrate products.
  • Toxic effect on the surface of the intestinal mucosa caused by alcoholic beverages, medicinal chemical preparations, contacts with poisons.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Ionizing radiation.
  • Insufficiency of the ileocecal valve in the area where the small intestine passes into the large intestine. This also includes the presence of a large duodenal nipple, ischemia of the intestinal wall, and an abnormality of intestinal development, especially in children.
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The secondary causes of chronic enteritis include:

  • The presence of diseases of the digestive system.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system, respiratory organs and circulation, as well as decreased immunity.

Symptoms of chronic enteritis

Symptom with chronic enteritis, expressed in painful sensations, can be found infrequently, and mainly it has a mild severity. The patient has dull pain, less often it can carry a spastic characteristic, and is localized in the periapical zone. Manifestation of painful manifestations is possible with palpation.

In addition, hr. Enteritis is characterized by the symptoms of Sternberg, expressed in painful sensations when palpation along the path of the mesentery of the small intestine cavity, and Obraztsov, which is characterized by rumbling and splashing when probing the cecum.

Symptoms of intestinal dyspepsia will be accompanied by complaints, for example, a feeling of pressure, raspiraniya, rumbling, increased formation of gas, the emergence of nausea. Such manifestations are especially pronounced after direct consumption of food. If the course of the disease is severe, then the appearance of such symptoms of chronic enteritis as dizziness, a sense of weakness.

The chair in children and adults becomes mushy in the presence of gas bubbles, and there are not overcooked food particles with no obvious mucous impurity. The fecal mass predominantly has a fetid odor. For exacerbation of chronic enteritis, polyphecal is characteristic - the volume of stool can be of the order of 2 kilograms per day.

In some cases, patients with chronic enteritis may experience a sharp urge to act as a defecation, and after feces begin to worry about the sudden appearance of weakness and tremor of the hands. In the light and middle course of hr. Diarrhea may be absent.

Symptoms of chronic enteritis have properties progress gradually or be violent. Regression of the disease is a rare, mostly positive result of the disease has a close relationship with the treatment and strict adherence to the diet.

Diagnosis of chronic enteritis

For the diagnosis of chronic enteritis, a large number of different analyzes are performed:

  • A general analysis of blood composition - a deficiency of iron and B vitamins is revealed.
  • The general analysis of urine has no significant changes.
  • Biochemical blood test reveals a decrease in the protein, sodium, iron, calcium, sodium and other substances.
  • Analysis for blood levels of hormones - all indicators are lowered.

Coprological diagnostics for exacerbation of nonspecific chronic enteritis, conducted to detect changes in fecal masses. So, it will be revealed that the color of the stool becomes straw-yellow or greenish-yellow. A small amount will detect the presence of mucus, however, fatty acids and soaps will reveal a large content.

Diagnostics of chronic enteritis also includes a study of the ability of intestinal function and intestinal absorption. Along with this, differential diagnosis is performed with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment of chronic enteritis

At the beginning of hr.enteritis and in case of severe course of the disease, treatment should be performed in conditions of the gastroenterology department. However, if the disease has an easy form, and even if it is aggravated, then therapy is allowed at home, only while it is forbidden to exercise, and a certain diet should be observed.

The main aspect of therapy is a specialized diet. In the midst of an exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to conduct a "hungry diet" with the introduction of 2 liters of fluid. If there is a poor tolerance of some treatment options, doctors recommend instead of "starvation" observance of a special food based on table number 4.Food should be 5-6 times a day, while the food should be gentle and served in small portions. From a diet with chronic enteritis, all foods that irritate the intestine are excluded.

Along with compliance with the diet, drug treatment hr.enteritis in children and adults is an individual therapy, and will be administered taking into account the cause of the development of exacerbation. The first will be antibiotic therapy, which uses various antibiotics and sulfonamide drugs. Also, a specialist will be appointed to receive antifungal agents, preparations of nitrofuran series and so on. After the intestinal cavity has been cleared of pathogenic microflora, it is possible to begin restoration of intestinal flora.

At the same time, the patient is prescribed adsorptive, astringent and enveloping agents. In order to improve the digestive process, in the treatment of chronic enteritis specialist appoints enzyme preparations. In addition, metabolic and vitamin deficiency disorders that occur during exacerbations are corrected.

Along with this, it is worth mentioning the use of folk remedies for the treatment of chronic enteritis. In the first few days of exacerbation of the disease, such broths of dogrose and currant juice are taken. At the same time, the healing effects that have a bacteriostatic, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect have a good effect. Also allowed is the use of folk remedies from pomegranate, chamomile, strawberry, blueberry, yarrow and other medicinal plants.

Only a specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, can prescribe the use for the treatment of chronic enteritis in adults and children of one or another folk or medicinal product and diet.

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