Chronic paraproctitis - symptoms and treatment, surgery in acute form, folk remedies, ICD code 10

Infection from the lumen of the rectum in the tissue near the rectum, causes inflammation. Disease, depending on the intensity of the course may be called acute or chronic paraproctitis. According to the International Classification of Diseases of the Tenth Revision( ICD 10), chronic paraproctitis by code refers to 61.0.

Chronic paraproctitis, as a rule, is a consequence of purulent inflammation when the abscess is opened during the operation or spontaneously at home, the disease becomes chronic. It is also possible to have a new infection near the rectum area after a disease, accompanied by a sudden increase in body temperature or traumatic pelvic damage, using the existing canal. At the same time, there is a very high probability of forming an additional fistula.

The complete fistula formed at the site of the removed abscess has a channel with holes, one of which goes inside the inflamed crypt( internal), and the second, the external hole extends outwards, into the perianal region. If there is only one internal orifice of the canal, fistula is called incomplete. The danger of the fistula lies in the possibility of developing complications that can not be immediately noticed. It can be several external holes, zateki.

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In relation to the anus sphincter, where the location of the fistula canal is located, different types of chronic paraproctitis are distinguished:

  1. The canal passes through the subcutaneous layers of the muscles.
  2. With the fistula located in the deep layers of the circumferential muscle.
  3. Enveloping part of muscle.

The most dangerous type of disease is extrasphinctin, which can manifest itself in varying degrees of complexity.

Symptoms of chronic paraproctitis

Symptomatic disease depends on the causes that caused this disease, and is undulating. During the period of remission, the chronic inflammation of the mucosa near the anus can not cause the patient any trouble at all. When the disease worsens, the chronic form is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. The presence on the skin of a fistula, which can be of a small size, from one centimeter.
  2. Isolation of purulent fluid( mucus).
  3. Itching in the anus, severe irritation.
  4. Painful sensations that increase when the faeces exit.

In some cases, symptoms that are characteristic of acute paraproctitis are possible. Therefore, a severe headache, high fever and pain in the anus, worsening with an act of defecation, are a good reason to call a specialist. The need for immediate treatment of chronic paraproctitis is explained not only by a significant deterioration in the quality of life, but also by the danger of developing serious complications. Prolonging the disease for a long time without the intervention of doctors can lead to malignant neoplasm.

Treatment of chronic paraproctitis

Treatment without surgery for this disease is useless and only surgical intervention is needed to eliminate the disease. In the operation of chronic paraproctitis, the formed abscess is opened, and the accumulated pus is removed. It is carried out a few months after the fistula is formed. In order to preserve the sphincter without damage, various methods of surgical intervention have been developed. For postoperative treatment, a course of drug therapy is carried out, which removes the further inflammatory process and increases the immunity.

To prevent the return of inflammation, do not forget about preventive measures. To this end, it is necessary to observe diet and diet, promptly treat diseases of the rectum, take care of strengthening immunity. Drug therapy for chronic paraproctitis includes antibiotics, drugs that have immunomodulating and fortifying properties.

Immediately after surgery, a laser therapy session is performed to reduce the likelihood of complications, eliminate pain and accelerate recovery. The laser is irradiated with a cavity after the dressing and cleaning of the wound from purulent discharge. The duration of the course is from ten to twelve procedures.

Treatment of chronic paraproctitis folk remedies

For successful treatment of chronic paraproctitis in the postoperative period, the most effective method will be a combination of traditional and traditional medicine. The list of folk remedies includes:

  • baths with medicinal herbs;
  • microclysters with herbs and cleansing;
  • tampons and candles;
  • decoctions and other means for internal and external reception.

Very useful herbal tea from the collection, composed of the roots of althea and herbs millennia, taken in 75 grams. Adding 100 g of plantain leaves to them, the mixture is poured into 700 ml of boiling water and left until the morning for 12 hours, settle. As a preventive measure, a mixture of 20 ml of vodka with sunflower oil is very useful, after shaking, drink an hour before meals. The mixture is taken only in fresh form, and it can be taken for several months.

Recipes for the use of medicinal baths are very diverse and include not only medicinal herbs, but also other components. For example, a bath in milk with onion and chopped garlic. The mummies are used for the baths, taking them for two weeks. For sedentary baths, use an infusion of wood ash( 70 g) filled with hot water( 7 L).

Herbal decoctions can be ingested and used for microclysters. Instead of tea, you can use red ashberry juice, which is extremely effective for treating chronic paraproctitis due to antimicrobial and regenerating properties. Instead of the trays use compresses from raw potatoes, blends of medicinal herbs. A compress made from steamed St. John's wort is also useful. After-operation fistulas are removed with tincture of mushroom. An excellent tool for the therapy of chronic paraproctitis are tampons impregnated with bear or badger fat. Instead of candles you can put on the night sticks of raw potatoes.

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