Allergy to cow's milk protein

Allergy to milk is the body's immune response to the milk protein. Most often, the cause of the allergy is cow, goat milk, which contain about 80% protein( casein).

According to statistics, more than 5% of children are allergic to milk, which can have a non-delayed type, and appears immediately after taking the product, or several days after admission.

In a baby, an allergy can manifest itself on milk almost immediately after taking, in adults the signs are less pronounced( see photo).

Reasons for

There are several reasons why people do not tolerate milk:

  • is hypersensitive to the proteins it contains;
  • poor lactose tolerance;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • failure to adhere to a proper diet by nursing mothers.

Most often the allergy is caused by proteins contained in milk - casein and whey protein .Some allergy sufferers are exposed to only one milk protein, and some are several at once. The product of cloven-hoofed animals( sheep, cows, goats) is similar in composition, therefore if a reaction to one product is identified, it is unlikely to be replaced by an identical one.

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Allergy to milk in a child

Symptoms can develop by immediate type, that is, in a few hours, or after a delayed one - for several days:

  • On the skin side, rash, redness on the cheeks and forearms, buttocks;
  • From the respiratory organs - sneezing, nasal congestion, wheezing, cough, quickening of breathing;
  • From the digestive tract - vomiting, bloating, colic, foamy diarrhea, belching.

Experts argue that the likelihood of an allergy to milk in an adult child is significantly reduced if the mother sucks his breast as long as possible. This is understandable: it is breast milk that helps to acquire immunity to various diseases, including allergies.

It is also worth knowing that an allergy to mother's milk in children is impossible. However, in some cases, when a breastfeeding mother uses dairy products, part of the foreign proteins, getting into the baby's body, can cause a corresponding reaction. And, although the infant's allergy is not caused by mother's milk itself, it can lead to negative manifestations.

Symptoms of milk allergy in adults

Most often after drinking milk in adults, such allergic reactions can occur:

  • appearance of rash and red spots on the body;
  • inflammation of the eyelids, tearing and redness of the eyes;
  • allergic rhinitis and nasal congestion;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • shortness of breath.

These symptoms appear immediately after milk intake, or after a certain period of time.

Allergic to milk: photo

How does the allergy look, we offer detailed photos to view.


In addition to collecting anamnesis of the disease and examining the patient, a series of laboratory tests and provocative tests are usually performed to determine the final diagnosis.

The following laboratory tests and clinical tests are used to confirm the diagnosis of milk allergy:

  • general blood test;
  • general urinalysis;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • immunogram;
  • detection of lymphocytes and antibodies sensitized to milk proteins;
  • scarification tests.

Timely and accurate diagnosis of milk allergy is extremely important in light of the complications that it may entail. In addition, the correct diagnosis involves proper treatment and compliance with the necessary lifestyle. Ultimately, all of the above measures lead to a maximum reduction in the negative effects of milk allergy and improve the overall quality of life.

Treatment of

Diet for allergies to milk is of paramount importance. When treating allergies to milk, you should carefully monitor what you eat. Therefore, it is necessary to replace all dairy products with animal protein by analogues with vegetable protein.

Such types of milk are excellent:

  • coconut , used for cooking various dishes and sauces;
  • almond , prepared from sweet almonds;
  • oatmeal , rich in calcium and B vitamins, honey or sugar is added to improve the taste;
  • soybean , prepared from soybeans, very rich in minerals and vegetable proteins;
  • rice , has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and metabolism.

However, statistics show that 25% of patients have soy protein intolerance, because only three quarters of people who are allergic to milk can find a substitute. As for rice milk, it does not cause such a reaction, but its nutritional and useful properties are an order of magnitude lower than that of soy and, of course, goat or cow.

Therefore, if none of the above types of milk you did not arrange, you can abandon it altogether, but in the future will have to constantly take care of the regular receipt of the necessary calcium rate. In any case, you will be able to find an option that will satisfy the needs of your body.


Children with allergies in recent years is becoming more. Now the diagnosis is much better developed than decades ago and it is much easier to determine what caused the allergy. When the "enemy" is known, it is easier to fight it.

According to various data, 40-50% of children by the end of the first year of life cope with allergies, 80-90% recover to 3-5 years and in rare cases, the allergy persists all life. In extreme cases, dairy products can completely replace the lack of milk in the diet.

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