Than to treat a fungus of fingernails or nails on arms or hand?

Fungal infection of nails and hands - a phenomenon unpleasant. It is an infectious disease transmitted from a sick person through direct contact. Spores of the fungus-dermatophyte, the infected person leaves everywhere in the places to which he touches.

For example, hand nail fungus can be infected in every place where there are suitable conditions for life and for reproduction of the fungus. He needs a temperature of not more than 75 degrees, a dark place, humidity, a high alkaline index and a good nutrient medium.

From the already sick person on household items or in public places there are pores that very quickly find a new owner.

Reasons for

The main pathogens of the infectious process in the nail plates of the hands are 2 kinds of fungi - dermatophytes( Trichophytonrubrum and Trichophytonmentcigrophytes) and yeast fungus of the genus Candida( Candidaalbicans).

The mechanism of infection with a fungal spore is simple to disgrace. A piece of skin or a spore falls on a site of the uninjured nail and begins to actively live out there. Although, an important role is played by immune defense. If it works at the proper level, there will be no place for the fungus. But with its weakening, the spores actively divide and develop onychomycosis of the nails of the hands.

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Fungus under the fingernail is a disease that needs early diagnosis and timely treatment. The exact diagnosis is made only after examination and examination of a piece of nail under a microscope. The sooner the doctor puts you the right diagnosis, the faster and more reliable you will get rid of the fungus.

Symptoms of fungus

Fungus may not manifest itself for some time after the lesion. The first sign of the transition of mycosis of the skin of the hands to the active stage is persistent itching of the palms and interdigital folds. Usually manifested after washing hands or taking a shower.

Then the nail plate begins to separate, becomes thinner or, conversely, thicker. It changes color, and its surface becomes clumsy, the skin in the nail area begins to peel and itch.

Between the fingers and on the palms of the fungus manifests itself as follows:

  • appears peeling
  • small cracks
  • gradually appear pale pink, and sometimes lilac or red spots.

In particularly neglected cases, the final stage of the fungus on the fingers and nail plates is complete destruction of the nail. Over time, the symptoms of onychomycosis worsen, and only constant and regular treatment can stop the damaging effects of the fungus.

Nail fungus on hands Photo: the initial stage

How does the fungal lesion of the fingers, as well as the nails in the initial and advanced stage. More details on the photo.

Treatment of nail fungus on the hands of

It must be recognized that when the fungus suffers from fingernails on the hands - the treatment is long and requires a certain patience.

Usually in neglected cases it lasts 6-8 months. In the initial stage of the fungus, with timely access to a specialist, the treatment can take from several weeks to 2-3 months. In case the nail is hopelessly affected, it will have to be removed.

Most of the fungus treatment products are available in the form of ointments or creams to act locally on the lesion. However, the doctor can also prescribe pills for strengthening the therapy - in this form, some antifungal drugs are also produced.


In the initial stage, when the fungus affects less than 60% of the nail on the hand, it is effective to get rid of onychomycosis with special lacquers.

  1. Batrafen .Treatment schedule: the first month is applied to the affected nail once every 2 days, the second - applied 2 times in 7 days, the third - used once in 30 days. The course of treatment is 3-6 months.
  2. Spray Terbix .Before applying the spray, it is necessary to clean and degrease the affected area with alcohol, spray on it and near the skin areas of the preparation. Use the medication 1-2 times a day.
  3. The demented .The use of the drug helps to get rid of the unpleasant odor and kill the fungus. The varnish is applied to the affected area every day.

If you find the first symptoms of nail fungus, you need to start treatment with varnishes, then the chance to cure the fungus without prolonged use of the tablets will increase.

Cream and ointments

Before treating the nail fungus on the hands of one of the listed tools, you need to steam up your nails in a warm bath with the addition of herbs, laundry soap or soda. Cream and ointment rubbed massaging movements in the nail and nearby tissues 1-2 times a day, unless otherwise specified in the instructions.

  1. Lamisil ( cream, gel).Before applying the product, the affected area of ​​the nail is cleaned. Use the cream daily 1-2 times a day.
  2. Terbinafine ( cream, ointment).Applied to combat various types of fungus nails. The drug is applied by applying to the sick nail 1-2 times a day.

The most important drawback of creams and gels is the inability of the active substances to penetrate deep into the nail plate, to the bed, and in fact the most viable fungi accumulate there. With the use of lacquers you can be calm: they penetrate through the nail tissue and accumulate in them, due to which the high antifungal effectiveness is formed


To treat the nail fungus on the hands only with the help of local medicines( ointment, lacquer, spray), there is no sense in those cases,when the lesion of the nail plate is more than ⅔ of its total area.

Group of systemic drugs used to treat nail fungus in advanced stage:

  1. Triazoles ( fluconazole and intraconazole) are third-generation antimycotics: Diflazone, Diflucan, Medoflucone, Irunine, Orungal, Rumikoz, etc.
  2. Allylamines ( terbinafine): Lamican, Onihon, Tebikur, Terbizil, Terbinafin, Terbinox, Thermicon, Fungoterbine, Exeter, Exifin, etc.
  3. Imidazoles ( ketoconazole and others) are second generation antimycotics: Nizoral, Fungavis, Ketoconazole DS, Oronazol, Fungikok, Fungistab, etc.

Pand severe fungal infection and the low efficiency of local shows The treatment is the use of antifungal tablets listed above. They can be assigned only by a specialist, because you need to strictly follow the scheme and timing of admission.

Than to treat a fungus at home

Treatment of a nail fungus on the hands of folk remedies is very specific. There are many recommendations. I will quote the most popular ones.

  1. One such method is the treatment of all nails with a solution of propolis with a concentration of 20%, which is sold at the pharmacy. To do this, apply the solution to the cotton sponge and apply to the sick nails for a couple of minutes. For complete recovery, the procedure should be done every day.
  2. Combine 3 liters of water and 1 liter of apple cider vinegar, add a little potassium permanganate to the solution. In this bath hold your feet for 10-15 minutes and diligently wipe them. The procedure should be repeated every evening for a week.
  3. Pinch off a piece of tea mushroom, carefully remove the film from it. Peel the mushroom in a homogeneous gruel. Carefully rub it into the affected nails twice a day.
  4. Soap the nail with tar soap, dip it into table salt and tie it with a bandage all night.

To prevent reproduction of fungi deep under the nail, folk remedies can not. If you really want, then you can use them as an addition to the main therapy, but only if the doctor approves.


Remember that hand nail fungus, like many other diseases, is easier to prevent than treat!

Care should be taken when visiting the swimming pool and public baths - you should wear individual shoes in such places and use only your personal hygiene items. Having received a nail fungus on his legs, you can easily transfer it to your hands.

To protect yourself from the damage of the nails, hand care will help - timely processing of microtraumas, keeping the nails dry and clean, treating the increased sweating( hyperhidrosis) of the palms.

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