Medicamental treatment of stomach ulcers or pharmacotherapy of peptic ulcer

Drug treatment for stomach ulcers is prescribed by a doctor, based on the cause of the onset of the disease.

Pharmacotherapy of peptic ulcer is subject to the following principles:

  • The drug treatment of peptic ulcer is similar in its approach to the therapy of ulcers localized in the duodenum.
  • Obligatory administration of antisecretory basic therapy. In this case, medications for stomach ulcers are prescribed in a strictly prescribed dose. During the day, the preparations should maintain acidity of pH> 3 not less than eighteen hours. Antisecretory drug treatment of stomach ulcers, the scheme and duration of the course depend on the period of scarring of the defect.
  • The pharmacotherapy of peptic ulcer of the stomach provides diagnostic control by endoscopy at intervals of two weeks.
  • With a positive diagnostic answer for the presence of Helicobacter pylori, anti-infective therapy is prescribed. The effectiveness of anti-Helicobacter treatment is monitored after a month and a half. If the medication is ineffective, a second course is prescribed.
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  • Maximum reduction in factors that adversely affect treatment. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs( NSAIDs) are replaced with paracetamol, inhibitors( selective) COX-2.If this is not possible, the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is combined with misoprostol.

How to treat a stomach ulcer medication?

Therapeutic regimens recommended by specialists in the treatment of gastric ulcers include the following pharmacological groups:

1. Secretolytics are drugs that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid, which promote the healing of opened ulcers. The line of these drugs includes:

  • M-holinolitika: Metacin, Gastrotsepin, Telenzepin, Platifillin;
  • H2 blockers neutralizing histamine receptors: Ranitidine, Roxacidin, Famotidine, Piloride, Nizatidine;
  • Drug medications blocking the proton pump, the most modern and effective remedies for this medication group are: Omeprazole, Pantoprazole, Exomeprazole, Lansoprazole, Rabeprazole.

2.Antatsidy - a group of medicines represented by sucking and nonabsorbable agents that neutralize excess acid in the digestive system and arresting spasms: Protab, Gastal, Maalox, Fosfalugel, Gevixson, Rennie, Compensan;

3.Gastrocytoprotectors - drugs that enhance gastric mucosal resistance:

  • Enveloping, astringent drugs( Vikalin, Vikair, Smecta);
  • Medication to stimulate mucus secretion, which additionally protects the mucous membrane of the stomach( Carbenoksolon, Saitotec, Enprostil);
  • Means of bismuth colloid( De-nol, Ventrisol);
  • Sucralfate;

4.Preparats-reparants, restoring damaged gastroduodenal mucosa, contributing to scarring of defects: Retabolil, Solcoseryl, Kaleflon, Gastrofarm, sea buckthorn oil, Etaden, Atemin.

5.Medications aimed at the complete elimination of pathogens Helicobacter pylori. In this group three and four component therapeutic regimens are presented for a week and a ten-day course of treatment.

Medical treatment of gastric ulcers( anti-Helicobacter therapy regimen) includes antibiotics( Clarithromycin, Tetracycline, Metronidazole, Levofloxacin), taken together with bismuth-containing drugs and agents blocking the proton pump.

Anti-Helicobacter therapy and treatment with secretolitics play the main role in the treatment of ulcers with medicines. The remaining medicines supplement the general scheme, contributing to the fastest recovery.

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