How to check the pancreas, how pancreatitis manifests, what happens, what is the cause of it?

Pancreatitis is a pancreatic disease that is directly related to its inflammation. There are two forms of pancreatitis. The first is acute, in which the disease develops rapidly and rapidly, the second - chronic, in which the processes proceed slowly and sluggishly.

How to recognize pancreatitis? When the disease is just beginning, the pain can bother you mostly in the left side or in the upper abdomen. Manifestations of pain will most often be noticeable after eating. Similar problems begin because the pancreas stops producing the enzymes necessary for digestion in the right amount. If you do not contact the doctor in time, the condition will steadily deteriorate.

If you "waited" for an exacerbation of the pancreas disease - the pain in the upper abdomen will be extremely acute, and you can not confuse it with anything. Most often these pains are not removed by any analgesics and antispasmodics. Also, the acute phase is characterized by signs of digestive disorders - vomiting, nausea, etc. There may be diarrhea, in which the stool is completely liquid and with a pungent odor, and will also have a foamy consistency and contain undigested food pieces.

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Pancreatic pancreatitis is characterized by a constant weakness, a decline in strength. In addition, his symptoms are a heightened sense of thirst and hunger. The feeling of thirst is also characteristic when the gland is affected by diabetes mellitus.

However, in any case, you do not need to diagnose yourself. Because similar symptoms can be observed in other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. At the first pains and signs of the disease, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible to check the condition of the pancreas.

How does the pancreas manifest itself in the disease of pancreatitis?

In the chronic stage of pancreatitis, gradually, the natural tissue of the pancreas is replaced by scar tissue. Such a process does not pass asymptomatically. Therefore, the sick body begins to "make itself felt."The pancreas manifests itself in the disease of pancreatitis in various ways.

The most common manifestation of pancreatitis, experts call the strongest pain in the upper abdomen. It can be localized in different parts: in the epigastric region, right or left hypochondrium. Often, the pain is shrouded in nature. Such a pain syndrome can not be stopped by any antispasmodics or analgesics.

When performing an ultrasound examination, with pancreatitis, the pancreas manifests itself by changing its shape. In addition, a specialist can determine the unevenness of the edges of the organ. It is not uncommon for pancreatitis to be diagnosed with cysts as well.

In addition, the ailment affects the biochemical parameters of the patient's blood. So, in the presence of pancreatitis, the blood level of a component such as alpha-amylase will be higher than normal in dozens of times.

How is the pancreas troubled?

In addition to the strongest pain, the pancreas will be troubling in other ways. Most often, patients begin to experience nausea and vomiting, dizziness, general malaise. In addition, with pancreatitis, patients find rapid fatigue. There are also irregularities in the work of the digestive and gastric organs. In this case, the pancreas is disturbed by a violation of the stool, a sense of "heaviness" after taking fatty, smoked, salted, fried foods.

How to check the pancreas in a child?

Essentially, the methods of diagnosing various ailments of the pancreas in children will not differ from studies for adults.

First of all, to check the pancreas in a child, it is possible to conduct urine analysis, which will help to establish the amount of pancreatic enzymes in the body. With the normal functioning of this organ, they enter the blood in a small amount and are excreted in the urine. However, their normative index should not exceed 160 g / h / l.

In addition, pancreas can be checked by ultrasound, during which the doctor can detect the presence of anomalies in the development of the body, stones in the bile ducts and many other indicators.

In a number of cases, the gastroenterologist appoints the child fibrogastroscopy. This study will help to investigate how the outflow of bile passes, as well as the entry of specific enzymes into the intestine.

What causes pancreatitis?

The damaging factors contribute to the onset of this illness. Usually they are the enzymes that the body produces. If they are produced by a healthy pancreas, they naturally split and, accordingly, do no harm to the body. But, if the patient is sick with pancreatitis, secretion stagnation occurs. This happens for the following reasons:

  • stomach injury;
  • abnormalities of pancreatic development;
  • any inflammatory processes in the intestine;
  • presence of pathologies of bile ducts;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • excessive consumption of fatty, fried, smoked food;
  • is a frequent intake of a number of medications that have toxic properties in relation to pancreatic cells. For example, such as: Aspirin, Furosemide.

In addition, pancreatitis can also be caused by serious viral diseases that result in an autoimmune condition.

However, at the same time, statistics say that in 30% of cases, it is not possible to establish the exact cause of pancreatitis.

Definition of pancreatitis, how to determine?

A similar diagnosis is established after a series of serious studies. First of all, the doctor conducts an external examination of the patient, and also talks with the patient and finds out the method of his life, the diet, the presence of diagnosed diseases, heredity.

After that, for testing they are assigned a series of tests: blood, urine, feces. It is mandatory to have an ultrasound. Often, the patient receives a referral to fibrogastroscopy. And only after complex passage of the listed procedures, the doctor can define a pancreatitis and ascertain the given diagnosis.

How to check the condition, function, enzymes of the pancreas, which doctor does it?

In order to believe the condition of this body, as well as to undergo an appropriate examination, including tests for pancreatic enzymes, it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist who takes in a polyclinic at the place of residence or consult a private specialist.

Remember that by self-medication, you can cause irreparable harm to your body! When the first symptoms and manifestations of the disease immediately contact a qualified specialist!

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