Parts of the pancreas - endocrine and exocrine, their composition and structure

The pancreas can be called the organ of the digestive system. It is located behind the stomach in the posterior abdominal wall, slightly touching the left hypochondrium. The gland box is a kind of separator between her and the stomach. When the human body is opened, it immediately becomes apparent that it is under the stomach. So, let's examine in more detail what it consists of.

Pancreas composition

By carefully studying the composition of the pancreas, we expand not only our knowledge of this organ, but we can also take care of our body and help it, if necessary. Since the knowledge that it consists of a head, tail and body is not enough to solve a problem. It would be good to know the internal structure of this body. It is conditionally divided into two parts - endocrine and exocrine, but they perform completely different functions.

Considering the organ in more detail, you can find out that it consists of acini, which contain a huge number of enzymes that take part in digestive processes. The produced gastric juice through a special system of ducts, passes into the main pancreatic duct, which is connected to the main bile duct. The pancreas also includes the islets of Langerhans - these are some kind of separate groups of cells that move hormones, insulin and glucogen into the bloodstream.

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And now, I would like to clarify some important details about the exocrine part of the pancreas.

Exocrine part of pancreas

The exocrine part of the gland is a complex system, divided into lobes with thin fences. These fences include acinus, which includes acinar cells. The exocrine part also includes a number of excretory ducts. Due to acinar cells, secretion of digestive enzymes takes place. The exocrine part of the pancreas is directed to the production of pancreatic juice, in which the human body so needs. In a day, the production of this juice reaches 700 g. This amount is ideal for regulating fat and carbon metabolism.

Endocrine part of pancreas

The structure of the endocrine part of the pancreas is completely different from that of the exocrine. In terms of its mass content, it is much smaller. Its main part consists of the islets of Langerhans. These islands are separated from the exocrine system by connective tissue interlayers. Such islets are located on the entire surface of the organ. The largest number of them is observed in the tail. As for the total, it reaches two million. Each kind of cells that make up an island have certain functions.

If we take into account pancreatic tissue, it becomes clear that they can innervate the vagus and sympathetic nerve. Every year the number of islets of Langerhans is getting smaller. The islets change with age, and such changes consist in the instantaneous change after the birth of the predominance of A-cells over cells-B.

The recovery process in the endocrine part occurs due to the proliferative activity of the insulocytes with the help of the acinoinsular transformation.

As we see, the composition and parts of the pancreas are very peculiar, and each of them performs its specific function. But, every person must know the structure of his body in order to help him in time, when he asks for it

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