Squamous cell carcinoma of stomach and its prognosis

Squamous cell carcinoma of the stomach is a type of tumor, unfortunately, cancerous, malignant. Forms a layer of flat cells of the epithelium, which, located between the glandular cells, envelops the walls of the mucous membrane of the stomach. These cells are very similar in their construction to skin cells.

The most important factors that cause squamous cell carcinoma of the stomach are heredity, genetic predisposition, penetration into the body of the infection. Malicious conduct of life, in particular alcohol abuse, nicotine, and malnutrition can also contribute to the development of precancerous diseases.

The disease is very dangerous because in the early stages, when predictions are more encouraging, it is still difficult to diagnose it. The first symptoms are rarely noticed, because they can be associated with many other, much less serious diseases.

The main symptoms of squamous cell carcinoma of the stomach are a feeling of discomfort and heaviness in the stomach, poor appetite, rapid satiety, aversion to meat, nausea, vomiting,( sometimes with blood particles).The last stages of the disease are accompanied by general weakness and a sharp decline in work capacity, perhaps rapid weight loss, anemia.

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Treatment for this terrible disease can be different, depending on the stage, location and other factors. It can be radiation or chemotherapy, as well as surgical intervention. Which involves removal of the focus and metastatic lymph nodes.

Squamous cell carcinoma of the stomach - prognosis of

Depending on the size of the tumor, whether it spread to surrounding tissues and spread, whether lymph nodes and other organs are affected by metastases, five stages of squamous cell carcinoma of the stomach are distinguished, the prognosis for each is different.

The most important indicator, which is guided - is the survival rate for 5 years. That is, how many people with this disease will live five or more years without the resumption of the disease after the onset of remission.

At the first stage almost every patient has a chance, in the second stage, a five-year survival rate is possible in 80% of cases. With the onset of the third stage, the percentage drops to 40-60.Out of the total number of patients diagnosed with the fourth stage of squamous cell carcinoma of the stomach, only 7% have a chance to live for five years or more without recurrence of the disease. At the fifth stage, this indicator is almost zero.

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