Why does my head hurt and how to deal with the problem

1 On what types this problem is divided

If headaches occur in the occipital region of the head, then this can indicate the presence of a very serious disease in the cervical spine. Often in such situations, experts diagnose osteochondrosis or spondylitis. In addition, the headache may manifest as a result of stretching or trauma. In this case, the head may turn dizzy, it may hurt a little, ears can be heard constantly.

The appearance of pain in the front of the head can be the first sign that a person suffers from certain diseases. It can be a migraine, a flu, a genyantritis, an inflammatory process which passes in a mouth or there are illnesses of a teeth. Very severe headaches occur due to increased arterial or intracranial pressure. The same problem is caused by various kinds of allergic reactions.

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If you regularly feel headaches in the area of ​​the temples, then it is worthwhile to allocate time and immediately visit a neurologist. As practice shows, in this case the pain can be permanent or occur in certain situations. As a rule, a variety of infections, mental, physical or psychological stress of a person, a change of weather, provoke headaches in the temples. In some situations, too frequent use of alcoholic beverages in large quantities, which leads to intoxication of the entire body.

2 Causes of cephalgia in a person

There are several reasons that a person can feel quite strong headaches. The most common are the following:

  • infection or the presence of a virus;
  • migraine;
  • problems with teeth;
  • presence of inflammatory process;
  • brain tumor;
  • is an inflammatory process in the eyes.

Headaches can be caused by flu, sore throat, tonsillitis and other viral and colds. If the disease is severe, the pain will be permanent and very strong. As a rule, the concentration of painful sensations occurs in the region of the temples. In children, a headache with a cold may indicate that treatment is improperly selected. It is necessary as soon as possible to consult a specialist and prescribe a new treatment.

At different ages, a person may have a headache due to migraine. In this case, the pain will be throbbing and will be given only to one particular area of ​​the head. As practice shows, during a migraine, in addition to the headache, the person still feels a strong irritation, it makes him sick, makes a noise, can not normally look at a bright color.

Severe headaches can be caused by dental diseases, and therefore you should immediately contact the dentist, especially if the pain is concentrated in the forehead area.

Headache can be troubling due to the fact that a person has an inflammatory process in the nose or ear area. In this case, the ears may still ache, often pawns the nose, general weakness is observed. If, however, nausea with vomiting is added to all this, the pain becomes too strong, then it is necessary to immediately consult a specialist, because this may be a sign of the development of serious complications.

A severe headache caused by the presence of a brain tumor is very dangerous for human health and life. In this case, the head may spin, partially or completely disappear sight, sometimes there may be seizures of severe pain and vision problems. In order to be able to accurately diagnose, contact a specialist and conduct a survey.

A severe headache arises from the fact that a person has a disease or a problem with the eyes. It can be both inflammatory processes and usual fatigue due to the fact that a person spends a lot of time at a computer, reads in poor light. Eyes in any situation should from time to time rest.


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3 How the unhealthy lifestyle of

is affected Sometimes the head is very sore due to the fact that the person practically does not move. At the same time, physical activity is minimal. The same can be said about people who spend a lot of time at the computer.

A severe headache will follow that person who is nervous, his life consists of constant stress or emotional overstrain. In this situation, you need to take some vitamin complexes or after consulting a specialist to buy antidepressants.

In addition, the causes can be attributed and improper nutrition rights. For example, the head hurts because of the large consumption of alcoholic beverages, coffee, chocolate, smoked products or products containing caffeine, nitrates, histamines. Also, pain occurs with constant overeating or malnutrition.

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4 If a child's head and a pregnant woman have a pain

Generally, headaches occur in school-age children. Especially often this is observed when a lot of lessons and the child is in suspense. In addition, teenagers suffer from headaches due to a hormonal failure that occurs in their body.

Today, experts say that it is very difficult for children in the last year of training, when the load is too high. When children are nervous, then they immediately tighten the muscles of the shoulders, which leads to a severe headache.

If we talk about pregnant women, then the cause of the headache is a large number of hormones. At the same time, blood pressure may be significantly increased or lowered. A pregnant woman quickly gaining weight, most of them are worried about severe toxicosis. Experts also say that the headache during pregnancy can cause the presence of certain chronic diseases.

5 Prevention

In order to know what to do if your head is very sore, you first need to find out the cause of this problem. You can remove symptoms with modern medications. It is worth noting that in any case, you need to reconsider your lifestyle, change the diet and get rid of bad habits. Do not eat foods with flavors, dyes or additives.

If you do not know what to do with a severe headache, then as a preventive measure try to move as much as possible. You can start to engage in some specific type of sport. At the same time, it is necessary to make a regime and a daily routine in order to avoid the stresses that are frequent companions of modern people. It is very important to go to bed and get up at the same time. Headache will occur in the event that a person does not get enough sleep.

Try to be as nervous as possible, because in most cases it is the nervous disorders that cause the appearance of pain. Do not pay attention to the negative that surrounds you and, as psychologists advise, try to keep yourself in hand and be optimistic. In order to do this you can drink teas based on chamomile, mint, dog rose or add to regular tea a few drops of valerian tincture, motherwort that will help calm nerves and will not harm the body.

If the headache is what to do first? You must definitely go to a specialist and conduct a thorough examination. If headaches occur all the time, then most likely - it indicates the presence of a serious disease that needs immediate and proper treatment.

6 Diagnosis

Of course, everyone understands that it is not always possible to solve the problem with the help of conventional analgesics. If you set the wrong reason, then very soon the headaches will start to bother you again, and from the treatment there will be no result. Sometimes, in order to understand what to do if the head is very sore, it is necessary to consult several doctors. Not only the therapist, but also the endocrinologist, the oculist, the stomatologist or the neurologist.

Headaches occur quite often. If you have previously been examined and know the exact reason, you can get rid of the headache yourself. Otherwise, self-medication is by no means possible.

Visit a specialist is desirable in the following cases:

  • if the headache occurred for the first time and you do not know what exactly caused this;
  • the pain has arisen quite sharply and without a reason, with time does not pass, but only intensifies;
  • intensity of pain has become different, its place of localization has changed;
  • , in addition to the headache, there are other additional symptoms: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, flies fly before your eyes, a person feels a general weakness.

7 Correct treatment of

If a person knows the cause of the headache, he can use medicines on his own. As a rule, pills help solve the problem quickly enough. In most cases, use non-steroidal drugs against inflammatory processes, analgesics or vasodilator drugs.

As practice shows, you can do without medication. To do this, it is sufficient to eliminate the cause of the pain. Quite often help walk in the fresh air, a warm bath, a good massage.

Sometimes you can get rid of a headache with meditation, auto-training or after a restful sleep. Very good help to solve the problem of folk ways, namely: herbs, teas, compresses or acupressure.

If you undergo treatment in a hospital, then in this case you can be assigned various physiotherapy procedures. Very often experts appoint salt caves, laser therapy, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy. In any case, whichever method of treatment you choose, it must first of all be aimed at eliminating the cause of the problem.

8 Traditional medicine

Sometimes a person can not use medicines to get rid of a severe headache. In this case, you can use very safe and effective herbal preparations, compresses or other folk methods. You should choose the method of treatment that is most suitable for you. Most often with headaches use the following prescriptions for treatment.

Drink fresh and necessarily warm broth, cooked on the basis of medicinal plants. Remove the headache can be herbs such as mother-and-stepmother, valerian, St. John's wort, oregano, mint and many others. All of them can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Some experts recommend in this case to rub the temples of a sick person with lemon peel or even fresh garlic juice.

Compresses based on lemon, lavender, and orange oil are very effective. In addition, these oils can simply be inhaled or put together with a cotton wool bed soaked in oil and lie down for a while.

Drink fresh juice of potatoes, spinach or calendula berries.

Some people treat a headache with ginger tea or tea with the addition of a small amount of cinnamon.

For special occasions, you can keep a pillow of buckwheat husks and sleep on it when a severe headache starts to disturb.

Very good help to get rid of headaches special acupressure massage or acupuncture.

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