Edema and edema on the skin: types, treatment, signs

Edema is the pathological accumulation in one or more parts of the body of a fluid. A characteristic feature of the edema is a significant increase in the volume of the skin in the place where it originated. Pathological edema, especially if it develops in vital areas, worsens the work of internal organs. What other dangers does it carry and what are the methods to treat it?

What is edema on the skin areas

Hardly every person suffered from edema on the body. Often, their appearance is not associated with any pathological cause, so the symptom gradually passes by itself. But there are cases when it is difficult to establish a provoking factor and differentiate the disease is very difficult.

In edematic syndrome, fluid accumulates in different parts of the skin in natural cavities, which provokes a change in the volume of tissues, their functions and physical properties.

About the swelling of the hands and feet will tell this video:

Its classifications

For reasons of development of

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Edema is classified according to various criteria. For example, they are subdivided for developmental reasons:

  1. Hypoproteinemic .In plasma, the level of albumin decreases.
  2. Hydrostatic .There is an increase in the capillary pressure.
  3. Membraneous .The permeability of the capillary network is increased, as it is damaged.

The edema is divided into 2 main species - general and local. In the latter case, the phenomenon is limited to one or more small areas.

At the stage of formation of

The following are isolated during the formation stage:

  • pretek( the process of delay in the body of the liquid starts);
  • marked swelling, which is easily determined by examination.

On the type of edematous fluid

Classification is carried out and the type of edematous fluid:

  1. Mucus .It usually consists of organic acids, colloids of interstitial tissue, water. This form of the disease is commonly called myxedema.
  2. Exudate is a liquid with blood elements, often containing up to 8% protein.
  3. Transudate .A liquid similar to the previous one, but with a reduced protein content( not more than 2%).

The rate of development of the pathological condition

The rate of development of the pathological condition also plays a role:

  • chronic( formed up to several weeks);
  • sharp( appears in a few hours);
  • lightning fast.

Self diagnosis of edematous syndrome is described below.

How to identify a sign in your

Determine yourself at the initial stage the process of accumulation of liquid can not. Maybe it's only when it becomes visible. The affected area will rise above the skin, become soft. As a rule, after touching the area, there remains an imprint, although sometimes the swelling is elastic.

As for other symptoms, they depend entirely on the cause of the disease. It can be like heart pain, cyanosis, shortness of breath, or just a general malaise.

About the causes of skin edema, independent and accompanied by inflammation, redness and itching, read below.

About edematous syndrome will tell the video below:

Diseases and disorders

Edema in many diseases of the cardiovascular sphere is one of the important indicators of the problem. So, if it is localized in the region of the lower extremities, at the waist, then it speaks of heart failure. If the swelling of the skin began to flow onto the subcutaneous tissue, began to accumulate in the peritoneum or the pleural cavity, then this is an obvious sign of the neglected form of the disease.

General edema

Edema formation( and sometimes its location in certain areas of the body) can indicate other diseases:

  1. Cirrhosis of the liver. The symptom is accompanied by severe ascites and affects the abdominal wall, lower back, legs.
  2. Endocrine diseases.
  3. Jade and other kidney pathologies. Water retention occurs throughout the body, but more on the face, under the eyes. The skin in such places is pale, soft.
  4. Hormonal disorders. Symptom often accompanies the dysfunction of the organs and glands that produce hormones.
  5. Neurosis, crumbling vegetative system. There is a dysfunction of organs and the development of substances that promote the accumulation of salts and moisture in the body.
  6. Depletion. Hypoproteinemic form of edema accompanies fasting, prolonged alcohol intoxication, gastrointestinal diseases.
  7. Pulmonary insufficiency. Accumulation of fluid occurs in the lower part of the trunk, in the legs.
  8. Skin edema in allergies is very dangerous, as it usually focuses in the neck area, the face. The growth in the volume of the larynx can lead to an overlap of oxygen.

For all of the above diseases, general swelling is often diagnosed.

Local edema

Local is accompanied by the following pathologies:

  1. Thrombophlebitis. The oedematous extremity is very painful, the area of ​​the skin is dense, and in the thrombosis region it has a brownish shade, is inflamed.
  2. of Lymphedema. If the disease is of the initial form, then only the feet and shins are affected, but in the future the fluid accumulates over the entire area to the thigh. The flow is determined by a dense tissue, fibrous growth begins on the skin of the legs.
  3. Varicose veins. It is asymmetrical. Appears usually after a long load on the limbs, with a long standing.
  4. Postthrombophlebitic syndrome. Edema accompanies the occlusion of the vessel constantly, it has different sizes. After a while, trophic disorders, pigmentation, and veins join it.
  5. Diseases of the brain, especially encephalitis, accompanied by fluid accumulation, numbness in this area and sometimes even paralysis.
  6. In diseases of the joints around it a swelling is formed.
  7. Obliterating atherosclerosis. The symptom appears because of the need to constantly lower the legs down to reduce the pain syndrome.
  8. Flebolymphpedema is a combination of varicose and lymphedema. The accumulation of fluid is two-sided.
  9. Disturbance of lymphatic drainage. There is a swelling in the area of ​​the lymph nodes, it is compacted, pale.
  10. Inflammatory process. Palpation is painful, the skin is red because of the influx of large amounts of blood to the site. This is often observed with face, burns, boils, etc.
  11. Problems with blood pressure.

For the treatment of edematous syndrome, read below.

How to deal with edematous syndrome

Although there is an excess of fluid in the body, it is often dehydrated, so the task is not only to get rid of this excess in the place of edema, but also very slowly replenish that volume of lymph and blood that is missing. The therapy itself is always connected with the cause, which provoked the symptom. If we go back to the previous block, where we told, when and with what problems it develops, then it becomes clear that treatment is required profile and serious.

  • Diuretics are necessary for the rapid disposal of accumulated fluid.
  • Along with them, vitamin remedies are used, and if a lack of potassium is found in the blood, a special diet will be required.
  • Fully under the ban at the beginning of treatment is salt, and later the volume of its consumption is significantly limited.
  • Since some medicines can trigger the accumulation of water, any drug is used only with the advice of a doctor.

Regardless of what caused this symptom,

  • lymphatic drainage massage,
  • magnetotherapy,
  • ozone therapy,
  • laser intravenous blood irradiation,
  • electromyostimulation.

Other methods of physiotherapy are used if the edema is permanent or often occurs. The remaining methods of treatment phlebologist selects together with other specialists after the detection of the underlying disease.

About the swelling of the legs and its removal will tell Elena Malysheva in the video below:

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