Skin peeling occurs at any age in women. In men, such a symptom appears rarely, only if accompanied by a serious disease. How to determine when peeling is not dangerous, and when it shows skin diseases? We will talk about the most important criteria and help to cope with the problem. So, what causes and how to get rid of skin peeling?
What is peeling skin
Peeling is the appearance on the skin of the scales of dead epidermis. This process occurs for every person, but usually is invisible. Under the influence of a variety of factors, the stratum corneum is rejected in large numbers.
When talking about peeling, it is usually meant because of xerosis - it is dryness of the skin that does not have any pathological causes. It is believed that dry skin is only a type of skin, so there is nothing to treat in this case. In fact, treatment is required, but it is expressed in qualitative moisturizing. If you ignore the xerosis, you can have comedones, there is an early aging of the skin and other problems.
Sometimes, peeling is associated with dysfunction of internal organs, sensitization of the body. In this case, not only requires moistening, but also other measures associated with the therapy of the underlying cause of the symptom.
The fact that the scalp is peeling is described by Elena Malysheva in the video below:
Classification of
Divide peeling by pathological and physiological.
- In the second case, the process of rejection of dead cells is at a normal level.
- This pathological process exacerbates this process.
The classification is based on the size of scales:
- plate( psoriasis);
- pear-shaped( rubrofitia, lichen);
- large-plate( lupus, erythroderma).
How to identify
Peeling may be copious or small, it all depends only on the underlying cause of the disease. Directly with pathology is the relationship and duration of the symptom. He is able not to pass for several years, only sometimes fading.
- Yellow peeling color is characteristic for seborrhea,
- white shade indicates psoriasis,
- and dark scales indicate ichthyosis.
Skin at the site of the symptom may become impregnated with exudate and form a crust.
You should consult a doctor if you have the following symptoms:
- development of pustules in the area of peeling,
- severe itching,
- infection,
- peeling spread to the feet,
- appeared blisters, spots.
What does the scalp peeling, on the face, palms, fingers and toes, about which skin diseases can indicate a symptom?
Diseases and disorders
A number of diseases and problems of the skin is accompanied by desquamation:
- seborrhea,
- allergy,
- irritation,
- psoriasis,
- injury skin,
- sunburn,
- hypothyroidism,
- demodicosis,
- inflammation,
- helminthiasis,
- hormonal failure,
- eczema,
- toxins,
- neurosis,
- lichen,
- ichthyosis,
- scarlet fever,
- conjunctival,
- lupus erythematosus,
- of GI disease,
- fungus,
- syphilis,
- diabetes mellitus.
This symptom does not always indicate a disease.
- For example, the skin begins to peel more when there is a lack of moisture or in the winter.
- In elderly people, the mechanism of the onset of a symptom is a purely physiological change, as the sebaceous glands simply cease to function normally.
- There is peeling and from frequent washing with soap, long-term stay in a room with low humidity and high air temperature.
On how to treat severe peeling of the skin of the face, other parts of the body with irritation, itching, dryness, redness, we will tell below.
Useful tips on how to get rid of skin peeling, contains the video below:
How to deal with the problem
Traditional solutions
If only the ecdysis is disturbing, then you can try to deal with it yourself. If, within 2-3 weeks, no improvement was noted, you need to visit a dermatologist.
Treat symptom requires moisturizing, as this will help prevent the appearance of new skin scales. In the treatment should take into account such recommendations:
- Wear clothing with natural composition.
- To conduct a course of vitamins A and E, group B.
- For washing choose a soap with a moisturizing effect. Such a device usually has a large amount of fat in its composition.
- After water procedures, it is desirable to moisturize the skin.
- Lubricate the skin with any ointment containing dexpanthenol. Medication not only solves the problem of peeling, but will also reduce inflammation and irritation.
- Hydrocortisone ointment. Apply it no more than 14 days.
The doctor selects other healing compounds based on what caused the symptom.
Are there any special ointments for peeling and itching of the skin that are available for self-manufacturing? Let's find out more.
Folk remedies
If there is no inflammation, severe itching sensations and other unusual symptoms, such as eczema, for example, you can resort to folk medicine. There are a huge number of recipes for moisturizing:
- Boil oatmeal on milk, mix the necessary amount of cereal with butter and honey, and then apply to the face. It is advisable to find olive oil for the recipe, since it will not create a film on the skin. The duration of the mask is 15 minutes.
- After washing, take honey, add a little water to it and massage the resulting skin with circular movements.
- Prevent the peeling of rubbing with the juice of watermelon, apple, cucumber.
- Flax seeds( 2 tbsp.) Are cooked in 2 cups of water until a gruel is obtained. It is cleaned, but the decoction is filtered. It should be applied for 20 minutes to the skin. Then the product is rinsed with water.
- Banana knead, mix with cream( 2 tsp).Keep it on the skin for up to 15 minutes, and after rubbing the skin with a decoction of linden.
To achieve the effect, you need to repeat the mask. In total, the course includes about 20 procedures, in a week you can do not more than three procedures.
The video below the girl on her own example tells how to protect the skin in winter from peeling: