Medical pancreatitis

The first mention of drug pancreatitis began to appear after 1950, and in domestic medical practice since 1981.This is not surprising, given that it was exactly these years that coincided with a jump in the development of pharmacology and the beginning of a wide application of highly active drugs. In these same years, studies of side effects from taking medications on the human body began.

During these studies, the first drugs were installed, which adversely affected the pancreas. These were corticosteroids, which were prescribed for such diseases as aplastic anemia, thrombocytopenic purpura, pemphigus, rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma and others. The disease often had a fatal outcome, it was severe, and it looked like pancreonecrosis, mortality was also recorded among children who were treated with corticosteroids.

Other drugs that cause drug pancreatitis are diuretics, contraceptives, ACTH.If the disease was caused by diuretics, then after the abolition of their reception, there is often a rapid improvement in the patient's condition. Cases of overdose of calcium-containing drugs, including vitamin D. In some cases, pancreatitis was caused by antibacterial drugs such as clonidine, meprobomate, immunosuppressants, paracetamol, indomethacin, salicylate.

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One of the symptoms of this disease is a strong pain syndrome in the left hypochondrium and epigastric region immediately after taking the medication. This leads to rapid hyperfermentation and amylasuria occurs.

An important symptom of the diagnosis of medical pancreatitis is the rapid disappearance of the signs of the disease of the gland immediately after the withdrawal of medications, and the resumption of symptoms after their re-appointment.

Treatment of patients is recommended to be performed in conditions of hospitalization. If a drug is prescribed that could lead to such a condition of the patient, it is immediately canceled. Otherwise, the treatment corresponds to the treatment of other types of pancreatitis.

An important point in diagnosis is understanding the mechanism of the disease. Some diseases, such as rheumatism, lupus, arthritis and others, affect many organs simultaneously, without excluding the pancreas. These diseases are treated with corticosteroid hormones, but during the period of treatment the cause of drug pancreatitis can be both medicines and disease, so do not attribute all cases of this disease to the medicamentous type.

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