Tarceva: manufacturer, instructions for use, price of medicine, reviews, analogues of the drug

Modern drugs that have a deactivating effect on the development of tumors of various types, have a high efficacy and long-lasting effect. And among the drugs with a similar effect, we should focus on the new generation of Tarceva, which has the minimum number of adverse events and most rapidly affects.

Elimination of external manifestations of the disease, reduction of the general symptoms of the disease, improvement of the patient's condition - this is how the action of Tarcev's drug manifests itself.

Acceptance of the agent in question is appointed by a specialist depending on the diagnosis made. From this depends both the prescribed dose, and the duration of treatment with the help of Tertsev.

The greatest effect of the treatment can be achieved with a comprehensive approach, since joint drug administration aimed at eliminating the consequences of tumor development, allows increasing the effectiveness of Tarceva.

Form release, composition and packaging

The drug is offered on sale in the form of tablets that have a biconvex form. Outside, they are covered with a soluble shell of beige or yellowish-beige color, which has no pronounced taste.

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On one side of the tablet is the manufacturer's logo. The diameter of each tablet is 6.3-6.4 mm, thickness - 3.0-3.5 mm.

Today in pharmacies on sale there are three types of this drug, differing in the form of its release:

  1. Tablets with a film shell weighing 100 mg each. The blister contains 10 tablets, in a cardboard box - three blisters.
  2. Film-coated tablets, the mass of which is 150 mg. In the blister also contains 10 tablets, in the package - three blisters.
  3. Tablets, a mass of 25 mg each, having a film membrane. Blister - 10 tablets, in the package - three blisters.

Composition each tablet has the following:

  • active substance erlotinib hydrochloride;
  • auxiliary components: magnesium stearate, sodium lauryl sulfate, lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose.

The film coating includes titanium dioxide, macrogol, hypromellose. May be together the listed components used the finished mixture.

For the inscription on the surface of the tablet( corporate logo) shellac is used which has a modified in methylated alcohol form, a dye yellow iron dioxide, isopropanol, butanol, purified water. A ready mix can be used.


The manufacturer of the drug is the Swiss pharmacological company Hoffmann La Roche Ltd. Her fame today and many positive drugs of this manufacturer allow us to call the company one of the most popular and trustworthy.

Indications for use

The use of the drug Tarceva is determined by a doctor, the treatment regimen is prescribed based on the diagnosis, the general condition of the patient and the possibility of using additional medications.

Indications for the use of Tarceva may include the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • locally advanced non-small cell carcinoma;
  • non-small cell carcinoma with metastases to various parts of the body and organs;
  • after unsuccessful attempts at chemotherapy;
  • for topical treatment of metastatic non-small cell pancreatic cancer.

However, a number of contraindications require careful attention to the patient both in the preparation of the initial treatment regimen, and in the process of its conduct.


Represents a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, the Tarceva preparation, having a pronounced antitumor effect, perfectly copes with the manifestations of the inoperable stage of cancer in metastases.

By inhibiting the development of pathological cancer cells, the drug stops tumor growth, deactivating cancer cells and increasing the body's ability to counteract them.

Contraindications include the following conditions:

  • period of bearing the child;
  • breastfeeding time;
  • is under 18 years of age, when immunity is not yet fully formed and serious abnormalities in the development of the child's body can occur;
  • severe disturbances in kidney function;
  • pathology in the functioning of the kidneys.

Special care should also be taken when prescribing the drug in the presence of hypersensitivity to any component of the drug or with a tendency to allergic reactions.

The doctor should be aware of all the factors affecting the patient's health: taking alcoholic beverages, smoking, rare hereditary immunological diseases, the presence of a stomach ulcer.

Mechanism of action

The reception of the drug causes the appearance of expression on the surface of both healthy and pathological cells, which largely inhibits their development, reduces the growth activity.

Inhibition of phosphotyrosine provokes weakening of the division of cancer cells, which reduces the area of ​​damage and helps to normalize the work of the body's immunity.

Instruction for use Tarceva

The method of application, depending on subjective reasons, is prescribed by the doctor. Examination of the general condition of the patient, the presence of side diseases, susceptibility to the components of the remedy - all these indicators significantly affect the success of the treatment and the result.

In case of non-small cell lung cancer it is prescribed in complex therapy, for any manifestations of intolerance to the drug it is canceled, replacing with similar with similar action. The total daily dose should be at least 150 mg per day.

During the drug therapy should closely monitor changes in the patient's condition, and with allergic manifestations stop taking the drug.

Side effects of

In complex treatment with Tarceva, the occurrence of such side effects as gastrointestinal disorders, constipation, likely diarrhea and bloating, flatulence, and intestinal bleeding are likely.

Rashes on the skin in the form of rashes and minor skin integrity disorders in places of localization of inflammatory processes do not occur often.

Metabolism can also be disrupted, resulting in the likely development of anorexia.

With even minor malfunctions in the functioning of the liver or kidneys, renal or hepatic insufficiency may develop, often problems with vision: conjunctivitis often occurs, eyelashes grow worse, they fall out and become thinner.

From the side of the lungs is likely the appearance of a prolonged cough, shortness of breath, nosebleeds are likely. Diseases that have symptoms of lung problems can be fatal.


During the experiment with volunteers who once took a dose of more than 1000 mg of the drug, it was found that a single dose of such a dose did not cause serious disturbances in the body.

However, when repeated intake of such a dose, such symptoms as skin rashes, itching and burning of the skin, reddening of some of its areas, as well as failures in the work of the kidneys, liver and lungs began to appear. Nasal bleeding, coughing, shortness of breath and diarrhea are the most common manifestations of an overdose when taking the drug.

Special instructions

Special care when applying Tarceva is required in the presence of failures in the work of the kidneys, liver and organs of the digestive tract. A certain reduction in the dose and constant attention to the patient's well-being in this case will prevent possible negative consequences.

Children under 18 years of age - up to this point the child has not fully formed immunity, so that when taking this medication, there may be a number of negative side effects.

Drug Interaction

When parallel taking drugs that have a similar effect, there is an increase in the manifestations of the therapeutic direction. However, in this case, the occurrence of increased toxicity of the treatment is likely.

With the use of drugs that change the pH level, the rate of absorption of the active substance of Tarceva varies, so the doctor should take into account the technique of treatment of concomitant diseases.


According to the majority of those who used the Tarceva drug in the treatment of cancer, this tool can be used both to get the fastest effect due to its high effectiveness, and to improve the patient's condition in advanced cases of cancer.

Active substance, quickly absorbed by the body, begins its effect, reducing the area of ​​damage and stopping the active division of cancer cells.

It is also noted the ease of taking the drug: basically enough one tablet a day to get the effect. However, one must know about the possible side effects to avoid negative effects on the patient's body.

Price Tarceva

The cost of this drug depends on the mass of tablets in the package:

  • tablets weighing 25 mg have a cost of 27,300 to 29,150 rubles;
  • tablets weighing 100 mg - 56,120 - 59,050 rubles;
  • tablets weighing 150 mg - 68,100 - 69,150 rubles.

Analogues of the drug

Analogues include drugs with the antitumor effect of Vero-Etopzide, Camptothecane. All of them have a single active substance and can have a restoring effect in the advanced stages of the pathological process.

Synonyms of

The synonyms of Tarceva's means are considered to be Bosulif, Votrient and Giottrif.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug can be released only with a doctor's prescription.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Tarceva's shelf life is three years, it is required to store it in a dry room with a low moisture content. Obligatory is the protection from getting the drug into the hands of children. It should be protected from animals.

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