Constipation from bread, black with bran and white, is it possible to eat flour, pasta, biscuits?

Almost all people are familiar with the fact that such a long delay in the stool, and each of them presumably knows what products provoke the onset of the disease for him, and therefore tries to exclude them from his diet. Often you can hear a complaint from patients that they have constipated from bread. And can it be, because this product, especially the black version of it, prepared from rye flour, since ancient times was considered the whole head?

Yes, as it turns out, in our time from flour is more harm than good. Especially if there is it in unlimited quantities. And products made from the highest grade flour, even white bread and loaves, even pasta, even harmful to a healthy person. They, as well as black fresh bread, not only can provoke the appearance of constipation, but also seriously disrupt the work of the digestive tract.

Many people are wondering why this is happening, and what can be done so as not to impoverish their diet by the lack of these products, without which almost no person can present their daily diet? The reason that it is not recommended to eat bread with constipation, though black, though white, and also pasta, is that all these products have been prepared with the addition of chemistry in recent years. In addition, the flour for their preparation is thoroughly cleaned and all that is useful, including coarse plant fibers, that stimulates the intestine is removed from it. What to do? To avoid short-term or long stool delays, you should pay attention to products that have not undergone such treatment.

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Bread with bran for constipation

It is on him that should pay the most attention with a long absence of urge to excrement, which was caused by the hardening of stool and slow passage through the intestines. Most often this problem is the result of eating high-calorie foods with low fiber content and coarse plant fibers, which are contained in sufficient quantities in black bread. They should be included in the diet in sufficient quantities to people prone to constipation.

This is due to the fact that the coarse fibers contained in it bind excess acid contained in the gastric juice, and it has a less irritating effect on the intestine. In addition, they improve peristalsis, which contributes to a faster release of stool. Effective influence is rendered also by the bran contained in the black bread. They swell in the digestive tract, collecting and binding all the accumulated rubbish, slags and toxins. After that swollen stools with them easily go out without causing harm to health. Also, when asked by patients about why, when frequent constipation is useful, coarse bread containing dietary fiber, experts give the following reasons:

  • Swelling, it increases the volume of fecal matter, softening them. This leads to the fact that the process of defecation passes easily and painlessly;
  • Due to dietary fiber, intestinal peristalsis is stimulated, which helps to stop any prolonged constipation;
  • Coarse bread plays the role of sorbent. It binds well and removes all toxins from the digestive tract;
  • In addition, it is a good nutrient medium for beneficial intestinal microflora.

But the question of patients about whether it is possible to eat crackers with constipation, there is only one unambiguous answer. Doing this is not recommended. Even in the event that they are not bought in the store, and dried houses from black bran bread. The thing is that any crackers do not contain moisture. Therefore, they begin to pull it out of the already dehydrated stools in the intestines, fixing them even more.

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