Is the stomach ulcer healed, healing of ulcers?

Unfortunately, a popular question in modern society: whether a stomach ulcer is curable is not an unambiguous answer.

This disease with a chronic seasonal character, prone to relapse.

Complete healing of ulcers without scar formation on the mucosa occurs only in those patients whose illness was diagnosed at the very beginning of its development. More often it occurs at preventive examination with the help fiborgastroskopicheskogo inspection FGDS.Because at this stage, there are no symptoms of the disease.

Otherwise, healing of the stomach ulcer does not guarantee that under unfavorable stress conditions for the organism the disease will not remind itself of itself again.

Is the stomach ulcer fast?

Patients need to realize that the treatment of gastroenterological ailment is a complex and lengthy process, requiring discipline of the patient and rigorous performance of all medical appointments.

Gastric ulcer irrespective of the therapy scheme is cicatrized more slowly than that diagnosed in the duodenum.

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Even with adequately selected treatment, the stomach ulcer does not heal before thirty days. Sometimes it takes at least two to three months to repair the damaged mucosa.

If after this period, recovery does not occur, the ineffectiveness of drug therapy may indicate a malignant degeneration of the defect. It is necessary to repeat the cytological diagnosis and biopsy.

How to heal a stomach ulcer?

1. The basis of success in the healing of stomach ulcers is diagnosis. There are many reasons for the emergence of pathology in addition to stress, negative habits and unbalanced nutrition, which can be learned only by the results of a gastrointestinal examination. Therefore, it is important to clarify what preceded the disease: cholecystitis, duodenitis, pancreatitis, or other disorder.

2 . Strict therapeutic diet, drinking regimen, sugar replacement with honey( if there is no food allergy to the product), refusal of coffee, alcohol and cigarettes are the faithful helpers in healing the mucosal defect.

3 . Naturopathy and folk non-traditional medicine will become faithful assistants to conservative medical treatment. BADs and folk recipes selected by the patient should be discussed with the attending physician or nutritional nutritionist. Self-treatment is dangerous.

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