The level of alpha-amylase in the pancreas in the blood for chronic pancreatitis

Pancreatic amylase belongs to the group of digestive enzymes that take an active part in carbohydrate metabolism. The pancreatic amylase secreted into the blood plasma belongs to the P-type, and there is also an S-type enzyme synthesized by the salivary glands. The main function of the substance is to break up the starch molecules into oligosaccharides, which are simpler forms of carbohydrates.

The process of digestion and assimilation of carbohydrate food largely depends on the level of amylase content. Changes in the analyzes may be characteristic of a number of inflammatory or metabolic diseases. The most frequent indication for the analysis of this enzyme is the suspicion of pathological processes in the pancreas, and much less often in other organs.

Blood amylase in pancreatitis

Damage to the cell structure resulting from pancreatitis leads to a massive release of the secretion of the pancreas, in which amylase is present. An increase in serum levels occurs within a few hours after the exacerbation of the process and persists for up to 3-5 days. If the activity of the enzyme exceeds the norm more than 5 times, there is every reason to suspect an acute form of the disease.

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There are cases when the amylase of blood in pancreatitis rises slightly or even keeps within normal limits, but such analysis results can not completely refute the diagnosis. The level of the enzyme does not indicate the severity of the course of the process, but if the indicators do not return to normal for a long time, complications can be expected.

Amylase level in pancreatitis

The total content of the enzyme normally differs in different age groups and looks as follows:

  • 5-65 U / l in children up to 2 years;
  • 25-125 Units / l - from 2 years to 70 years;
  • 20-160 U / l in persons older than 70 years.

The level of amylase in pancreatitis can increase several times, especially with an acute process or exacerbation of chronic inflammation. Also, a characteristic feature of the disease is an increased concentration of the enzyme in the urine. Clinical observations show that excess of normal contents can reach up to 30 times. The informativeness of biochemical analysis on this enzyme is quite high and amounts to almost 90%.

Amylase for chronic pancreatitis

With prolonged course of the disease, biochemical blood counts may differ little from the normative level. Thus, amylase in chronic pancreatitis is slightly increased in the early stages of the process, with a further approximation to the norm, and in some cases even lower than it. A sharp increase in the enzyme is characteristic only of periods of exacerbation, accompanied by a strong symptomatology.

Since the chronic process may be accompanied by varying degrees of enzyme activity in different patients, this analysis is not informative and determinative in the diagnosis. To increase the degree of sensitivity of the results, it is recommended to take the tests on the first day of inpatient treatment, twice after instrumental examinations and with the intensification of the pain syndrome.

Alpha-amylase in pancreatitis

This digestive enzyme is the total index representing the secretory activity of both the pancreas and the salivary glands. Alpha-amylase in pancreatitis increases due to its pancreatic fraction, normal values ​​of which range from 0 to 50 U / l. Another specific feature is an increase in the enzyme in the urine.

A fractional study of the level of this enzyme is very important for diagnosis. So, in cases of chronic course, cases are common where the total enzyme index is normal, and the pancreatic enzyme index is elevated, reaching 75-80%.Such indicators may indicate an aggravation of the process. Reduction of the pancreatic secretion fraction in the total alpha-amylase is characteristic of atrophy and fibrosis of the organ tissues during long-term pancreatitis.

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