Indicators of the norm of eye pressure in glaucoma and treatment of the disease

1 Signs of the disease

Before thinking about how to treat low-grade( normal) pressure glaucoma, you should familiarize yourself with the main signs that show the disease. Symptoms can be expressed both individually and in a complex. Here, much will depend on the severity of the disease.

With glaucoma of normal pressure, visual field defects are observed which are localized closer to the center. In contrast to conventional glaucoma, when the pressure is increased, in this case it is in the center that a pronounced darkening will be observed.

In glaucoma of this type, the value of intraocular pressure usually remains at a normal level( about 18 mm Hg).But in some cases, this figure can be reduced to a value of 15 mm Hg. Art. The more pronounced lesions of the optic nerve, the higher will be the intraocular pressure.

This disease is characterized by a fairly slow course. In most cases, deterioration in vision does not even progress. It reaches a certain level and remains on it. But if unfavorable factors appear, then vision may drop in a year to 40%.

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People with glaucoma of normal intraocular pressure often pursue migraines. But the head begins to ache strongly only in cases when the pressure is significantly lowered. Most often this happens at the end of the day.

In the blood serum, if you pass the analysis, there are autoantibodies specific for this type of disease. It should also be emphasized that in any case with glaucoma of this type, the rate of blood flow in the eye artery decreases.

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2 Diagnostic methods

But in addition to observing the main symptoms of this disease, in medicine, special methods are also used to detect this type of glaucoma. Most often, perimetry is used - visual field estimation. Appropriate devices allow to reveal the exact location of blind spots on the eye. Doctors are strongly advised to constantly be screened by perimetry for people with glaucoma, so that you can notice the increase or decrease in these spots on time.

Also special equipment allows you to identify violations in the optic nerve of the eye. This method is not the cheapest, but it is he who gives the opportunity to choose the right treatment. Another very important stage of the study is the examination of the drainage pathways of the eye. A partial outflow of intraocular fluid is carried out for this purpose. This process is called gonioscopy. This makes it possible to evaluate how well the liquid is eliminated from the eye. If suddenly it is found that the ways are closed, then correction of treatment aimed at preventing an increase in intraocular pressure is carried out.

3 Therapy and prevention of ailment

As for the peculiarities of treatment, the approach to this disease must be complex. The fact is that it is far from always possible to cure glaucoma completely without surgery. The course of treatment should appoint a doctor after the examination and the delivery of the necessary tests. But there are also a number of activities that can be carried out at home. Observance of some simple rules will not only help to stop the development of the disease, but also will not allow it to appear in an absolutely healthy person.

4 Aerobic training

Practice shows that the regular performance of aerobic exercises has a significant impact on the body as a whole and on the eyesight. When glaucoma should try to move as much as possible. It is best to give preference to walking and light outdoor exercise. Only thus it is recommended to watch carefully the frequency of breathing and pulse, so as not to provoke an overload of organs.

Exercises that can quickly increase or decrease pressure, on the contrary, should be avoided. In no case should you dive, stand on your head or keep your legs up for a long time. All this can lead to a sharp change in pressure, which in any case will negatively affect the vision and work of the heart.


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Before taking up any particular sport, it is absolutely necessary to consult an ophthalmologist. Otherwise, normal pressure glaucoma can develop into a more serious disease, in which pressure will often and greatly increase.

5 Moisturizing the eye mucosa

With glaucoma of normal pressure, it is extremely important to ensure that the mucous membrane of the eyes does not become inflamed or dry out. It is recommended to periodically use eye drops that will not only relieve fatigue, but also moisturize the eyes.

It is best for this purpose to use the preparation "Artificial tear", which can be found in almost every pharmacy at an affordable price. It is not capable of causing complications and can be used as often as necessary. But as for all other drops, then they should not be used in any case without prior consultation with the treating doctor.

You should also try not to strain your eyesight. In the event that the work is associated with a permanent location near the computer, you need to use special goggles. And every 20-30 minutes do gymnastics for the eyes. If the disease is difficult, reading and working with the computer is best left out altogether.

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So, timely detection of glaucoma with normal eye pressure will stop the development of this insidious disease or even completely get rid of it. You should always listen and follow the recommendations of the ophthalmologist unconditionally. And you never need to wait until the last, because to avoid the operation then it is unlikely to succeed.

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