Abdominal pain, in the navel: causes in women and men

Most people who have abdominal pain in the navel do not understand how dangerous it can be to their health. Someone scolds themselves for overeating, others blame on a busy day, stress or colds. Complicating the situation is that spasms and pains can cover the entire area of ​​the abdomen and create false desires for pain.

Many of us experienced such pain at least once in our life and know how unbearable it is - it occurs with any movement, so it remains only to lie and not move. And if a person who, for example, has a strong toothache, is able to get to the dentist independently, a person with abdominal pain near the navel must suffer lying on the bed, being literally "twisted" by it.

In this case, the only thing that remains is to call a doctor. And this is most likely followed by hospitalization.

Causes of pain in the navel area

In women and men, pain in the navel area can be sudden and searing or chronic, sometimes resembling colic. Before you begin to worry, you need to analyze when there is discomfort.

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Because the cause of pain in the navel can be very prosaic - too tight clothing presses on the stomach, which causes pain. A belt with a metal buckle can cause painful swelling and rash, and this is possible not only in people who are allergic.

However, to cause pain in the navel area in women and men can also be a dangerous disease, some of them require emergency intervention.

  1. Appendicitis. If a person has suddenly caught a pain, there were pains just above the navel, around the navel, under the pit of a stomach or in the abdomen, we can assume that you have appendicitis. As a rule, such pains become more intense with time, their localization passes to the right side of the body. There is not always a sharp increase in body temperature, but usually the tongue becomes dry, and the heart beats unevenly and often.
  2. Enteritis, or inflammation of the small intestine, as well as gastroenteritis ( inflammation of the stomach and small intestine) are frequent causes of abdominal pain in the navel. In addition to pain in patients with enteritis, nausea, vomiting, and stool disorders may occur( more often diarrhea, but there may be constipation).Another symptom characteristic of enteritis is rumbling, abdominal swelling, frequent exudation of gases( flatulence).Acute enteritis is most often infectious and is accompanied by an increase in temperature. Chronic enteritis is caused by inaccuracies in the diet or the presence of chronic helminthic invasion, giardiasis. Diverticulitis of the small intestine .This disease can be diagnosed primarily by protrusion in the abdomen, in particular, the navel. These protrusions - diverticula - look like an inflated bag about the size of about three inches in diameter, and in rare cases up to 15 centimeters( and the minimum size can be from 3 mm).The mucous membrane of the intestine is protruded through the muscles of the intestine. Diverticula can affect the intestine in any place. These places are very painful and are given to the left side of the abdomen. In addition to visible signs, the temperature can also rise - up to about 38 degrees.
  3. Syndrome malabsorbtsi and. This is a chronic disease of the digestive tract, caused by impaired digestion of food masses. This may be due to defects in enzymatic degradation of nutrient substances to less complex compounds;lack of full suction and subsequent transport of substances. A man complains of various discomfort in the abdomen. Painful sensations are quite diverse, but non-specific, and they persist( without treatment) for a long time.
  4. Intestinal colic .The causes of this syndrome may be constipation, and diarrhea, and digestive disorders, and dysbacteriosis, and much more. The abdomen around the navel in this case hurts because of spasms of the musculature of the intestine. The more it contracts, the more painful and painful it is.
  5. Umbilical hernia. In addition to painful sensations in the navel, you will encounter a visual manifestation of the disease - an oblong formation. Pain is always sharp. Suspected for yourself the presence of a hernia, urgently call an ambulance, otherwise you can not avoid the deplorable consequences. Self-medication here is inappropriate - in front of you is really a serious problem.
  6. Chronic ynonitis is a long-lasting inflammation of the jejunum. The development of the disease is facilitated by the transferred intestinal infections, parasitic lesions, unbalanced diet, excessive consumption of alcohol, acute and fatty foods, chronic hepatitis, metabolic disorders and immunodeficiency conditions. The most pronounced spastic pain in the near-umbilical area due to spasm of the intestinal wall. Characteristic are also pains against the background of flatulence, caused by distention of the intestinal mucosa with accumulating gases. Inflammation of the lymph nodes of the mesentery - mesadenitis develops, which is manifested by soreness from below and to the right of the navel, in the navel and left hypochondrium.
  7. Small bowel cancer does not have a specific type of pain. As with many other intestinal diseases, with cancer, the pain can be localized in the navel and have a cramping character, intensify when filling the intestine. Almost always with cancer there are phenomena of dyspepsia: belching, heartburn, there may be bloating, diarrhea or constipation. Sometimes the feces have tarry appearance and black color, which indicates the presence of blood in it. Of the other symptoms, weight loss, general weakness for weeks and even months, loss of taste for life can be observed.
  8. Abdominal migraine .The most vulnerable are children, usually of preschool age. The disease is manifested by severe paroxysmal pain in the navel area, as well as nausea, vomiting, flatulence, bloating, diarrhea.

Based on the above, it becomes clear that the painful sensations around the navel or to the sides of it can testify to a variety of diseases, some of which are life-threatening.

Whatever the cause of the pain in the periapical zone, it should be diagnosed. After all, any pain that appears in the abdomen around the navel is a unique signal of the body about the course of the disease. Do not engage in self-medication and take all kinds of pain killers, here you need a comprehensive medical examination.

Abdominal pain hurts around the navel and temperature

If you experience pain in the navel area, which is accompanied by fever, this may indicate a number of intestinal diseases - appendicitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, peritonitis, stomach ulcer or intestinal obstruction. In women, such symptoms may indicate problems with the ovaries.

For a more accurate symptom, you need to tell the doctor where you are experiencing pain, above the navel or below.

What should I do if I have pain in the navel?

It is important to recognize the critical situation and call the doctor in time. This should be done immediately if you notice the following signs:

  • sharp persistent pain, vomiting, loose stools;
  • pains on the right side of the abdomen near the appendix;
  • blood in vomit and feces.

So, with severe pain in the abdomen, call an ambulance and lie on your back, bending your knees and hip joints, and place a high pillow under your head. The position should be such that the abdominal muscles are as relaxed as possible.

Well, and on the stomach itself, put either a warm, but not hot, a heating pad, or your own palm. And remember, amateur performance in such cases is not appropriate, diagnose and prescribe a treatment should the doctor.

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