Code of polyps( polyposis) according to ICD 10, Paris classification

In the broadest sense of the word, stomach polyps are defined as protruding above the surface of the mucosa of the formation. The clinical manifestations of such formations are not specific, determining precisely for this disease, which makes it difficult to diagnose them. The first classification of polyps was proposed by Menetries in 1886, which divided them according to the type of attachment. The classification according to the morphological features of these formations in the stomach was proposed in 1939 by A. Rybinsky. According to the International Statistical Qualification of Diseases, the outgrowth in the stomach is attributed to the tenth revision of the morphology of the neoplasms - ICD 10.

Basically, different subtypes of formations can be divided into tumor and non-tumor. In addition, they can be divided into:

  • single growths less than 10 mm in diameter, located in the antrum stomach;
  • multiple presence of small formations, numbering dozens, under the general name polyposis.
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The World Health Organization defines an adenomatous form of the ICD 10 as a tubular or glandular structure lined with dysplastic epithelium. A neoplastic change in the epithelium creates a condition for the development of cancer. Identify them can be on a velvety lobate surface, which contrasts sharply with the smooth surface of the adjacent mucous membrane. MKB 10 according to the shape and severity of the pedicle defines 4 types of polyps:

  1. Hemispherical forms, representing flat plaques with a wide base 3-6 mm in diameter.
  2. Round or oval in shape of a hemisphere on a leg with a diameter of up to two centimeters, with a bright coloration, often expressed.
  3. In the form of a nipple with a conical top on a short stalk.
  4. The formation of an elongated stalk-shaped form with a distinctly shaped leg of different sizes.

The ICD 10 includes adenomas:

  • villous with finger-shaped outgrowths;
  • tubular with branched glands, surrounded by a mucous membrane;
  • papillotubular adenoma combines the tubular and papillary structures.

Codes for the ICD 10:

  • K62.0 Polyp anal canal.
  • K62.1 Polyp of the rectum. Benign neoplasm of stomach.

The Paris classification of polyps is definitely the concept of early gastric cancer, like a tumor on the surface of the gastric mucosa or on the submucosa of its wall. In connection with this, in ICD-10, the type "O" was further identified, which describes the types of gastric cancer without metastases, with subtypes, depending on the type of neoplasm. Given the high degree of danger of turning into adenomatous polyposis cancer according to this classification, the tactics of treating the disease are determined.

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