Treatment of polyps in the intestine( gut), how to get rid, how to treat - drugs, suppositories, how to cure polyposis?

Polyps in the intestine can be very dangerous, treatment in official medicine is welcome only one thing - radical removal. Until recently, only large tumors were removed, and small polyps were treated with folk methods and a proper diet. Today, experts insist that any meat build-up, even the size of a pea, should be eliminated. And all because, according to statistics, 30% of polyps degenerate into cancer. The process of transformation sometimes takes years, but there are also such types of neoplasms( for example, adenoid), they become malignant very quickly.

Methods for treating polyps in the gut

If polyps are found in the gut, treatment can be done in several directions. Answering the question how to get rid of polyps of the intestine, the gastroenterologist pays attention to the fact that conservative treatment is unpromising. And all because to deliver drugs directly to the neoplasm is quite difficult. Often used candles for polyps of the intestine, they can be treated only if the meat build-up is located near the anus.

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Hormonal therapy has side effects, and the methods of traditional medicine allow you to get rid of only the symptoms of the disease, they can stop the growth process of benign tumors, but you will not be able to get rid of the intestine polyps completely with candles, broths and herbal infusions.

So how do you treat polyps in the gut? Only radically. For this, the most gentle methods and endoscopic equipment are used today. The procedure for the colonoscopy is as follows:

  1. A flexible hose is inserted into the intestine through the anus and the endoscope. At its end is fixed the camera, it transmits the image to the monitor, so the surgeon during the operation very well sees the state of the hollow organ, where the neoplasms are located, what they are in size.
  2. The endoscope is equipped with several nozzles. The tongs are used for biopsy, the loop electrode is used to remove polyps in the gut. The loop pounces on the head of the mushroom-like neoplasm, tightens on the stalk, then the surgeon slightly pulls the polyp, squeezes it and removes it with the help of a current. Current while simultaneously cauterizes the wound and seals the vessels. This is why bleeding after surgery is almost non-existent.
  3. If the polyp in the intestine is large( from 2 to 5 cm or more), then it is plucked in parts, this treatment helps to get rid of the tumor completely.
  4. Biopsy is sent for histology, the analysis is designed to find out whether there is a malignant transformation or not.

Please note! This method of surgical treatment is very well tolerated, it is practically painless, patients with a high threshold of sensitivity are treated with local anesthesia. The operation is performed in a hospital setting, trauma to the operated organ is minimal, so after a few hours the patient goes home on her own feet.

Resection of intestinal polyposis

When polyposis of the intestine is diagnosed, treatment is done in a completely different way. Polyposis is characterized by the presence of several formations( from two, three or more).You can not remove them with endoscopy, so you have to remove the completely affected area, resect it, and then the two ends of the intestine are sewn again. Such a radical remedy for polyps is very effective, but the operation requires careful preparation, after it a long rehabilitation period is needed, so long-term treatment is obtained.

Each of us should know how to cure polyps in the gut. It is also important to bring to the notice of all, without exception, that after any treatment it is necessary to undergo an endoscopy once a year. Such a diagnostic procedure allows to detect the presence of relapse and to take adequate measures. Why such a reinsurance? The fact is that in 13% of cases the polyps in the intestine grow again, and then the treatment resumes again. In 7% of patients with repeated diagnosis of polyps in the gut are detected in a completely different place. This means that it is necessary to carefully study the causes of the disease and take more effective measures to eliminate them using various means.

Knowing how to treat polyps in the intestines, you can try and prevent the progress of the disease. For this, the necessary preventive measures are taken. Doctors recommend including in the daily diet products with coarse fiber. It is better to give preference to vegetable, and not animal fats. It is also necessary to limit the use of alcohol, it is worth completely giving up smoking.

So, how can polyps in the gut be dangerous, treatment should be taken immediately. Make the call to the doctor should have the characteristic symptoms: bloody-mucous discharge from the anus, pain in the lower abdomen, tarry chair.

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