Polyp bleeds( bleeding), bleeding in the rectum

This question arises in most people who have a similar disease. Of course, this is a very serious symptom of polyp manifestations. As a rule, the bleeding of a polyp is provoked by its large size and a violation of its integrity.

Polyps in the stomach are mainly divided into 2 groups: epic and non-epileptic. They are 5-10% of all tumors. Basically, they appear in people who have passed the age limit of 40-50 years, and usually in men they are more common than women.

Symptomatics is poorly expressed, but with the appearance of the polyp, gastric bleeding is observed. They are moderately manifested in the feces, while it is necessary to take an analysis for hidden blood. It is also expressed in emetic discharges and the tar color of the stool is observed. In some cases, it is accompanied by signs of hemorrhage: pallor, weakness, secondary hypochromic anemia and loss of appetite.

Gastrointestinal bleeding leads to immediate hospitalization. After all, first of all, physicians should stabilize the patient's condition, conduct a survey, identify a problem that causes such a problem and eliminate it.

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Bleeding polyps of the rectum

Bleeding polyps of the rectum - this is a frequent phenomenon. Because of the large size, with defecation, he is injured, due to which a symptom occurs. If the disease is accompanied by an abundant release of mucus and blood, the patient suffers from anemia and exhaustion of the body. The most serious consequence that can be expected is a degeneration into a malignant tumor.

With the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to undergo an immediate examination and especially if there is a bleeding polyp in the rectum. Already by the method of fingering, the doctor can identify such formations. Sometimes large formations fall out of the anus, and they should be corrected. This is usually done by yourself with your finger. If you are lucky, then in the analysis of hidden blood in the stool, specialists will find both blood and particles of the polyp. In this case, the diagnosis will be much easier, and the treatment will be appointed very quickly.

Injury to the rectum polyp, which bleeds, is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • A frequent stool, accompanied by considerable pain and a small amount of scarlet blood and mucus.
  • If the lesions are severely injured, then enhanced excretions are possible.
  • When falling out of the anus, it is accompanied by heavy pains and infringement of the sphincter, which also causes it to bleed.
  • Another sign is the feeling of discomfort and the sensation of a foreign body in the anus.
  • In the inflammatory process, fever and chills occur.
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