Diagnosis of pancreatic diseases, methods of treatment, how to diagnose the disease?

Unbalanced nutrition, alcohol, stress, pregnancy, trauma can disrupt the functioning of the pancreas, as a result, the disease begins. The most common disease is pancreatitis. Its forms are determined by specialists, as reactive, acute and chronic.

In the early stages of pancreatic diseases, their diagnosis, which could determine the characteristics of the pathological process, is difficult. At this time the disease manifests itself mainly by such symptoms: pain, rumbling and bloating in the abdomen, alternating constipation and diarrhea, increased salivation, aversion to fatty foods. To determine the pathology and purpose of treatment, first examine urine and blood for the presence in them of enzymes produced by the pancreas. With a positive result, a comprehensive diagnosis is assigned.

How is the pancreas diagnosed?

Features of the pathology process in the pancreas are diagnosed with the help of the following studies: tomography on computer equipment, ultrasound examination and research in the laboratory.

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  • Ultrasound is the most simple and painless for the patient examination. With its help determine the size of the organ, the zone with reduced and increased echogenicity, the parameters of the ducts, the presence of cysts and stones or their absence.
  • Tomography allows you to determine the same parameters as ultrasound, that is, the anatomical features of the organ and its histology. But allows you to get more accurate results of the study.
  • Research in the laboratory allows you to determine the features of the functional of the organ. For example, one of the simplest methods to determine changes in the endocrine system is to establish the level of blood glucose saturation. In addition, feces, urine and exhaled air can be analyzed.

Pancreatic diagnostic methods

The following diagnostic methods for pancreatic diseases are distinguished:

  • Clinical. The primary diagnostic data is obtained by the doctor from a conversation with the patient and his examination, since every illness manifests itself in a specific clinical picture. If the expert suspected that the given organ of the patient is amazed, he examines the skin, mucous, palpates the abdomen and "pancreatic" zones.
  • Tool. These methods allow to reveal the structure of the organ, determine its size, the presence of neoplasms, to detect abscesses, edema and other pathological formations.
  • Laboratory. Research in laboratories clarifies the disease that affects the pancreas, the activity of its processes, the severity, the presence of products of damage to hormones and digestive enzymes. The research data is assigned as appropriate.

The final verdict can be made by the doctor only after the analysis of a set of diagnostic procedures.

Diagnosis and treatment of the pancreas

It should be understood that any gastrointestinal illness adversely affects vital organs, that is, a "chain reaction" is triggered. The consequences can be as deplorable and irreversible as possible. If symptoms appear, consult a doctor immediately. Although pancreatic diseases have identical causes, their correct treatment is possible only if the diagnosis is accurate, which the doctor can do only after a comprehensive examination of the patient. On the one hand, it is not difficult for an experienced specialist to establish an inflammation of this organ in a clinical study, but different methods of treating the same forms of the same disease are used.

In no case should you resort to self-medication - all medication should be prescribed by a doctor at dosages appropriate to a particular clinical case. For example, an acute form of pancreatitis is treated exclusively by a surgeon. Only with an individual, literate and professional approach can you maximally effectively affect the diseases of the pancreas.

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