Description of antispasmodics from headache

1 Classification of drugs

In medicine, pain relievers are distinguished based on the mechanism of their action. These can be neurotropic and myotropic antispasmodics. Also, medicines can be natural or artificial in origin.

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Neurotropic type of antispasmodic has a pronounced effect, which removes spasm by affecting the transmission of nerve impulses. Myotropic antispasmodics affect biochemical processes in smooth muscle cells.

Medicines of natural origin are most often plant products that must be brewed and drunk. They work well if the cause of the headache lies in fatigue or increased nervous tension. You can use mono or make a collection. Excellent proven themselves daisy, mint, oregano, tansy, lily of the valley in May.

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If the pain is severe, then the artificial medications released most often in the form of tablets or powders will give a faster positive effect. It is necessary to strictly adhere to dosages and not abuse drugs, since they have a number of side effects.

2 List of popular medicines

Papaverin. Over the years, Papaverin has proved himself just fine. He relieves the headache by dilating blood vessels and eliminating spasm. In addition, it acts as a mild sedative. After using the drug, the onset of positive dynamics is observed for 20 minutes. The analgesic effect is long enough. The drug causes drowsiness and helps to fall asleep to patients who have migraines.

For elderly people and children under 6 months of age, Papaverine is not recommended. As contraindications is increased intolerance of the acting remedy, as well as liver failure and glaucoma.

No-shpa. More than 40 years ago, Hungarian doctors were able to develop a new drug at the time, initially based on the action of papaverine. No-shpa was created, the active ingredient of which is drotaverin. It is an antispasmodic, but with headaches it does not always help, only in certain cases. Most often it is pain caused by high blood pressure. But-shpa very quickly dissolves in the body and starts to act practically from the first minutes after administration. It can strengthen the effect of a number of other drugs. In particular, it perfectly helps to overcome headaches paired with Paracetamol.

However, No-shpa helps to eliminate only the symptoms and does not in any way affect the underlying cause of the pain. It can mask other manifestations of the disease, so when visiting a doctor, if the patient took this drug, it is worth mentioning about it. Before use, it is necessary to measure blood pressure, since its reduced form is a contraindication to the use of drugs, which include drotaverin. It is also necessary to consult a doctor before taking it, if there are problems with the kidneys and liver.

Galidor. Galidor enters the list of drugs that help to remove pain syndrome. It acts in the same way as any other antispasmodics with a headache - it dilates the blood vessels and eliminates spasm. A distinctive feature is that it does not produce rapid relief, but requires treatment by the course. It should be used with caution with other drugs. Not suitable as an ambulance.

Buskopan. This drug belongs to the neurotropic species. It affects the transmission of nerve impulses to the nerves themselves. The drug begins to actively relieve the patient's condition within 10-15 minutes after administration. Does not cause drowsiness and does not affect the central nervous system. Therefore, it can be recommended for people of certain professions. If there is abdominal pain, then do not apply it until a complete clinical examination.


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