What is aphonia: the causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of the disease

Have you ever lost your voice to such an extent that you could only speak in a low-pitched whisper? This is how aphonia manifests itself. Learn about her treatment now, when you can still talk.

What is aphonia?

Afoniya - a state where the voice of a person loses its sonority. It manifests itself on a par with exophthalmos, alopecia and rosation. At the same time, the opportunity to speak is preserved, but the patient can do this only in a whisper. Sometimes nasal and jarring notes may appear in the speech. According to the ICD-10, voice loss is assigned to class R49.1.

Many confuse dysphonia and aphonia considering them as one disease. Dysphonia is also a manifestation of loss of voice, however, it has a different mechanism of action.

Types of the disease

Depending on the cause and nature of the lesion, several types of aphonia are distinguished:

  • True .When the true vocal cords can not properly perform their functions, close and vibrate due to any diseases, this pathology arises.
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  • Spastic .Is manifested against a spasm of internal.muscles of the larynx, which narrows the vocal cavity. Usually, the process triggers a strong irritation of the laryngeal mucosa.
  • Functional .The main reason for its appearance is laryngitis in acute and chronic form, as well as a long and loud cry, pathologies of the cerebral cortex. In rare cases, the cause may be fright or nervous shock.
  • Paralytic .Most often, it develops when the lower laryngeal nerve is damaged.

Reasons for

The most common cause of loss of voice are colds. Because of ARVI or ARI, influenza, angina and other similar diseases, the vocal cords swell and become inflamed. To less frequent reasons it is possible to carry:

  • Irritation of the larynx. For example, mechanical or due to chemical burns.
  • Tumors in the region of the speech device.
  • Diseases of the bronchi and lungs in acute / chronic form, for example, laryngitis.
  • " Disruption" of the voice. This is often observed in singing teachers and professional singers, announcers and other people whose activities cause overstraining of the vocal cords.
  • Spasm of muscle due to toxic effects or poisoning.
  • Mechanical injuries of the speech device.
  • Congenital pathology.
  • Psychological trauma, agitation, nervous breakdown, etc.
  • Lesions of the lower laryngeal nerve.

Short-term loss of voice can cause long inhalation of cold air.

Symptoms of

Afoniya does not have clear symptoms, which are inherent only to her. Therefore, if you find yourself with the following signs, contact your otolaryngologist to make sure there are no more serious diseases.

Afonia is accompanied by:

  • with pain and a cut in the mountain;
  • hoarseness;
  • the inability to speak normally;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • spasm or paralysis of the vocal cords.

Treatment of aphonia

Treatment of aphonia depends on the cause of its appearance and may include:

  • operation to remove a laryngeal tumor;
  • taking medications;
  • reception of traditional medicine( in conjunction with other methods);
  • psychotherapy;
  • removal of laryngeal scar;
  • physiotherapy;
  • compliance with the rest of the speech device;
  • respiratory gymnastics.

The course is appointed by an otolaryngologist. Sometimes you need additional advice from a neurologist, psychiatrist or therapist. At the patient's request, the main treatment can be combined with an alternative, for example, acupuncture or massage.

Please note! In some cases, aphonia passes by itself. In others, urgent medical intervention follows, as it can develop into more serious diseases.

General recommendations and folk remedies

To ease the pain in the throat, it is necessary to reduce the load on the laryngeal ligament apparatus, to exclude the intake of spices and caffeine, to stop smoking and alcohol. To ease the condition, you can use any of the following methods:

  • Make a warm compress on the neck area. As the main ingredient, you can take a vegetable oil, a warming ointment or heated vodka.
  • If there is no desire to mess with compresses, then they can be replaced with mustard plasters. However, do not forget about caution and make sure that there are no burns left on the skin.
  • Do not damage the daily intake of boiled lobules of garlic. The latter must be boiled to a state of mildness, to remove acuity.
  • Use in the morning for 3-4 raw quail eggs. You can replace 2 chicken, but before using them you need to wash.
  • Take inhalation from soda or decoction of chamomile / oak bark / other herbs with the approval of ENT.
  • Mix carrot juices( 2 stacks), turnips( 1 table spoon) and dandelion( 2 table spoons).Take it daily on an empty stomach.
  • Effective and freshly squeezed white cabbage juice. Take half a cup 3 times a day.

Recovery prognosis

In most cases, aphonia is curable. The voice returns to normal, and there are no changes in it.

If the loss of voice is paralysis of the laryngeal nerve, it can be cured only by eliminating the immediate cause, for example, by removing the tumor. Until then, there will be no relief from the condition.


To protect yourself or your child from partial loss of voice, you need:

  • Adjust the volume. Especially strictly this rule should be observed with regular loads on ligaments( for example, singing) and being in the cold.
  • Every 6 months.to visit an otolaryngologist, as needed by other doctors.
  • Refuse from smoking and other bad habits.
  • Strengthen the immune and nervous systems. You can:
    1. be hardened;
    2. take vitamins;
    3. to comply with sleep;
    4. choose suitable sports activities;
    5. monitor the food;
  • Strengthen laryngeal ligament apparatus.

Afoniya can overtake everyone, regardless of age and sex. To be sure that the voice will remain with you forever and under any circumstances, it is necessary to take care of it in advance. Take preventive measures, on time and correctly treated, do not overexert yourself, and your brash speech will please everyone around.

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