Acoustic and Optical Dysgraphy in Children and Adults: Causes, Types, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention

When a child( an adult) has difficulties( up to the absence of an opportunity), with mastering written speech, then it can be said with certainty that this is a dysgraphy.

Causes of dysgraphy in children and adults

The development of the ability to express their thoughts in writing is directly related to oral speech - the ability to distinguish phonemes, clearly pronounce sounds, speak coherently, intelligently building phrases.

The causes of dysgraphy in younger schoolchildren are provoked both by medical problems and due to the conditions in which the child's social, psychological becoming is realized. In this case, the following can also be present:

  • DPR;
  • dysarthria( sounds are pronounced incorrectly due to problems with the structures of the organism responsible for speech);
  • Alalia( the child practically does not speak or speaks very badly and little);
  • aphasia( lost already established speech);
  • dyslalia( the sounds are incorrectly pronounced, but there are no structural lesions), etc.
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Medical reasons?this is brain damage due to:

  • of a complicated pregnancy( childbirth);
  • infections;
  • hypoxia, etc.

Social and psychological conditions:

  • the compulsion of simultaneous mastering of a number of languages ​​due to family circumstances( for example, bilingualism);
  • speech problems in persons surrounded by a baby;
  • lack of communication through spoken skills;
  • lack of cautious attitude towards the peculiarities of the speech of the baby on the part of significant adults;
  • began to teach literacy on the background of insufficient preparedness;
  • constitutional features;
  • presence of other problems( mental, speech, etc.).

In adults, factors predisposing to dysgraphic problems serve in brain structures:

  • surgical interventions;
  • tumor formation;
  • injury;
  • stroke, etc.

Classification and types of

A number of classifications based on cause-effect interactions are proposed. The most common allocation of 6 species.


Quite rare in itself, but often accompanies other forms. For her typical:

  • problems with a spatial, visual worldview;
  • weak visual memory;
  • problems with the perception of the concepts of size, shape, color;
  • difficulty with distinguishing alphabetic images.


  • replacing( incorrect image) on a letter of similarly external letters( l-m, e-s, etc.).


The cause of pathology is the difficulty of differentiating sounds that are similar in sound( problems with phonemic hearing).Shown:

  • replacing the letters that correspond to the twin sounds( w-sh, d-t, e-u, etc.);
  • by permutation and / or omissions of letters.


Undeformed ability to correctly build speech?cause of this type. Manifestations:

  • misapplication of gender, prepositions, numbers;
  • incorrect mention of endings of cases;
  • omissions of a number of members in the sentence;
  • incorrect word order;
  • violation of the relationship between sentences, within one.


Pathology is caused by incorrect pronunciation of sounds. It appears:

  • by writing, how the patient himself "hears", as he himself says.

Disgraphy on the basis of violations of language analysis and synthesis

Pathology is noticeable in sentences( when they are divided into words) and words( problems with syllables / sounds).Manifestations:

  • letters / syllables are interchanged, skipped, extra ones are added;
  • appears to be inclined to incorrect spelling of words and / or separately;
  • appears a tendency to merge prepositions in other words;
  • appears a tendency to separate the root from the attachment.

Motor or dyspraxic

It is caused by motor problems during writing, and also with the binding of visual images of words and sounds to motor ones. It manifests itself in the form of structural distortions, substitutions of sentences and individual words.

We present to your attention a video that describes the causes and signs of dysgraphy:


The measures involve the initial exclusion of physiological factors, auditory and visual pathologies and suggest the consultation of narrow specialists - the neurologist, the oculist, the ENT.To identify the level of speech formation, the patient is necessarily examined by a speech therapist. Often, dysgraphia and dyslexia occur in the child at the same time.

When the diagnosis is made, the important points are the differentiation of dysgraphy with a simple ignorance of grammatical bases, as well as the definition of the type of pathology.

Surveys are conducted:

  • of speech, general development;
  • hearing, nervous system, vision, articulatory apparatus;
  • motor skills( manual, speech);
  • to identify the "main" hand;
  • for evaluating the pronunciation of sounds, the ability to perform sound analysis;
  • specific features and the volume of vocabulary, accuracy of speech construction;
  • analytical analysis of the work that the patient performs in writing;
  • based on completed tasks for copying, writing, dictating, reading, etc.


Correction is performed taking into account the mechanism and type of violation. In the presence of indications, medication and / or rehabilitation( physio- and hydrotherapy, exercise therapy, massage, etc.) are prescribed for treatment.

Correction work

Speech therapist assists the patient in:

  • filling in the blanks when pronouncing sounds;
  • the formation of faithful grammatical speech and enrichment of the vocabulary;
  • development of connectivity speech;
  • development of memory, locomotor activity, spatial orientation, thought processes, perception by ear, ability for sound analysis / synthesis.

The resulting stable oral skills are further consolidated through written exercises.

Exercises for elimination and correction of the

dysgraphy Based on the type of disorder, the speech therapist offers a number of specific exercises. However, there are examples of a general level that can be implemented on their own at home.

  • "Labyrinths" .Tasks of this kind, requiring an uninterrupted line, are aimed at training large motility( forearms, hands).Correct execution of them assumes a timely change in the position of the hand, but not a sheet of paper.
  • "Missing Letters" ?Inserting missing letters in large text. The task can be carried out using the help text, in which all the spaces are filled. Purpose of the exercise?development of attention, confidence in written skills.
  • Explanation of punctuation in the text.
  • Pronounce aloud directly at the time of writing according to the rules of writing.
  • "Correction correction" ?deleting from a rather voluminous text a given letter, and the next stage?striking out one and underlining the other. Promotes memorization of the visual image of letters, stability of attention.
Similar exercises, in isolation from training with a specialist, can not solve the problem, but can significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment of dysgraphy in younger students.


Preventive measures are effective before the beginning of literacy and include:

  • elimination of problems of oral speech;
  • stimulating the timely development of ideas about space, sensory functions, the ability to distinguish between sounds / letters by ear or visually;
  • identification and treatment of medical problems.
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