Treatment of dysbiosis by the method of Skachko

In the treatment of dysbacteriosis by the method of Skachko, the author does not reject the achievements of modern pharmaceutics and the assessment of the functional state, but is encouraged not to trust them completely, since each study has an error. This method is in great demand, however, what is it?

Treatment of dysbacteriosis using the method of Skachko suggests the use of phytopreparations, adjustment of lifestyle and diet with the rational use of environmental factors.

Skachko's method is based on the fact that it is necessary to understand and accept the basic patterns of development of unified pathological processes in the intestinal cavity in modern conditions, instead of substituting it or dissecting it into a large number of different diseases.

The main, as the author suggests, is that in the treatment of dysbiosis it is necessary to ensure the normal course of the metabolic process in the intestinal cavity, with the maximum coordination of the functioning of organs and systems, taking into account the specific features of the life of a particular patient.

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So, it is necessary to ensure the most complete supply of the necessary macro- and microelements, while removing the toxic substances and slags formed in the process. In addition, in the treatment of dysbiosis by the Skachko method, a causal relationship should be considered in the appearance and development of pathological processes.

The first aspect in the treatment of dysbacteriosis using the Skachko method is to diagnose the patient's initial condition, taking into account his individual characteristics, age category and other important factors. It is required to identify the main factors that lead to a decrease in beneficial bacteria in the intestinal cavity and the whole organism as a whole. Given the interrelated activities of bodies and systems, an individual way of life is formed, in which it is necessary to provide for the maximum mitigation of the existing negative factors of the external and internal environment, with the strengthening of the useful activities.

Taking into account the general tendencies in the treatment of dysbiosis using the Skachko method, it is necessary to compile an individually minimally required list of medications for correcting the functional state of the intestine. In addition, periodic monitoring of the body's condition and appropriate adjustment are required if necessary.

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