Recipes of aloe with honey: from cough, throat, sore throat, pharyngitis, runny nose, rinsing

Sore throat leads to unpleasant sensations. If you do not get rid of it in time, the disease can develop into a sore throat or cause respiratory illnesses. One of the effective means for treating children and adults is aloe. This plant can grow up to 4 meters in height. It has branched and densely leafy stems.

Leaves are used in both folk and classical medicine. The evaporated juice is called a sabur. It completely dissolves in 70% alcohol, worse in water. From it drugs are made, and also it is sold independently.

Useful properties

The plant has powerful bactericidal properties, successfully fights against streptococcus, staphylococcus. Therefore, it helps to cope with tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis and other inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx.

Aloe works as an immunomodulator, leading to the recovery of the whole organism.

Active components increase peristalsis of the intestine, help with atonic and chronic constipation. In small dosages, the extract improves circulation.

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Preparations based on this component enhance the processes of regeneration and tissue repair. Therefore, treatment continues after the disappearance of pain in the throat. The plant has:

  • vitamins,
  • essential oils,
  • beta-carotene,
  • amino acids.

Reviews on the treatment and useful properties of aloe in the treatment of various diseases:


Aloe juice is used for colds and coughs caused by the flu or ARVI.Positive effect has on the body with bronchitis, pneumonia. Juice is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent. Therefore, they can handle nasal passages with genyantritis, tonsils and throat, mouth cavity with stomatitis.

Due to the presence of polysaccharides, magnesium and enzyme bradykininase has a local immunomodulatory effect.

Aloe with honey from throat diseases: recipes

The simplest way is to hold the aloe leaf with honey in your mouth. To do this, cut it along and remove the sharp edges. The sheet is chewed for 10 minutes. The procedure is repeated several times a day.

With frequent catarrhal diseases, 100 gr is prescribed.aloe and lemon with 300 gr.honey. In the resulting mixture should be chopped walnuts. All the ingredients mix and drink 1 teaspoonful three times a day.

The second recipe will take a little longer. You need to take the leaves of five-year-old aloe and wrap them in parchment paper. The latter can be replaced with foil. Keep the plant in the refrigerator for 7 days. Then the skin is removed from it, and the flesh is scrolled in the meat grinder. The juice is mixed with lemon and honey in equal proportions. This prescription helps not only to stimulate immunity, but also to purify and heal blood with erosions and gastritis.

To increase immunity, aloe is mixed with honey and lingonberries. This recipe is also good for coughing. Drink follows a composition of 2 large spoons 4 times a day.

For the treatment of the common cold, a mixture of honey, aloe and onion is used. A few large spoons of aloe juice mixed with 1 tsp.honey and 1 tsp.onion juice. The mixture is well mixed, and then digested 2-3 times a day until complete recovery. If you think that the mucosa is too irritating, you can add aloe juice.

Ancient recipes based on aloe with honey:

How to prepare

Attention is paid not only to choosing aloe, but also to honey. When choosing a plant, you need to choose the right type of plant. Houses usually grow aloe vera and a century-old. To have a lot of useful substances in the leaves, the flower should be grown for at least 4 years. For the manufacture of medicinal mixtures, the fleshy lower and middle leaves are taken.

During the experiments, it was found that biogenic stimulants are better accumulated if certain storage conditions are ensured. Therefore, for 2 weeks sheet is wrapped in dark paper and stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.

If you want to get juice with pulp, the sheet is cut along the sheet and a transparent flesh is pulled out from it with a spoon. Regardless of whether you use only juice or with pulp, it is better to do the shredded mass not in a large volume.


In pharmacies you can meet lollipops from sore throat with aloe and honey or spray "Akvalor" with chamomile and aloe. They are accepted:

  • for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the throat and oral cavity,
  • strengthening of immunity,
  • maintaining the body after fasting and diets.

Sold and injection for injection with aloe. It is an excellent biostimulator. This is an effective tool for fighting various inflammatory diseases. The injections are also made for people with weakened immunity.

Aloe vera preparations


The most important contraindications are:

  • bleeding( hemorrhoidal, uterine),
  • pregnancy,
  • hypertension,
  • of kidney and bladder disease.

People suffering from diabetes mellitus are best avoided recipes that use honey. It is impossible to use such methods of treatment and for any tumor formations, allergic reactions to components. Since in children the reaction to two strong components can be unpredictable, it is not recommended to treat children under three years of age.

How to prepare a useful remedy for enhancing immunity:

Value of a remedy for the treatment of ENT diseases

Aloe is easy to grow at home, which greatly simplifies the preparation of a remedy. In the treatment of ENT diseases, a mixture of the two active components allows one to cope with purulent lesions of the mucosa. Actively used for the treatment of the common cold and other diseases.

The effect comes in a few hours after receiving. For example, there is a pain in the throat, the amount of discharge from the nose decreases. The course of treatment lasts 14-30 days, but not more than a month. Then a break for 30 days is done.

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