Eucalyptus is used for household needs and in pharmacology. The ground part of the plant is useful. Especially young leaves are light green in color. Their procurement is carried out all year round.
The dried leaves contain 1.5 to 3% essential oil in which cineole predominates. He is also other fragrant and useful plants.
Unique in composition and properties is eucalyptol, which is an active biological substance. Additionally, the leaves have:
- healing bitterness,
- resin,
- tannins,
- phytoncides.
The latter have a disastrous effect on poor microflora, bacteria and viruses.
Therapeutic properties of
Eucalyptus strengthens the immune system. It can be used as a preventive agent for various epidemics in the off-season. In the summer, the plant can be used to repel blood-sucking insects. Essential oil, thanks to its specific smell, well refreshes the room and eliminates unpleasant odors.
Research has proven other useful properties of the plant:
- Soothing. It is used for insomnia and during severe stress.
- Anti-inflammatory. Eucalyptus fights inflammation, therefore it is used not only for oral administration, but also for external applications.
- Antifouling. Eliminates the parasites of adults and children, can be used for this purpose for prevention.
How to use eucalyptus oil in medicine and cosmetology, see in our video:
Use in medicine
For bronchitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract, essential oil is used for inhalation. It is possible to use means in nebulizers. But in relation to children, this method of treatment should be used cautiously. Effectively an agent for the treatment of the common cold, purulent sore throats and stomatitis. A particularly good effect is achieved if the effect is initiated in the early days of the disease.
Eucalyptus leaves are assisted by people with urinary tract problems. Tincture helps to cope with stones, inflammatory processes. Eucalyptus is used to fight any pathogenic microorganisms. It stops the development of trichomonads, tuberculosis bacteria. Preparations created on the basis of this plant have analgesic, antiseptic and expectorant action.
Preparations with eucalyptus
How is it used?
Eucalyptus can be used for cooking:
- Decoction. Helps to cope with gastritis, caused by low acidity.
- Topical for mouth and throat and inhalation.
- Alcohol tincture. Good anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Oils. It is used to treat phlegmon, carbuncle. Helps as an analgesic for rheumatism, neuralgia, radiculitis.
How to prepare infusion and decoction: recipes
To prepare the decoction, take 2 large spoons of leaves and a glass of boiling water. The composition is infused with a water bath for 20 minutes. Take small amounts( 20 ml) three times a day. Such a decoction also helps in the washing of wounds. Then the volume is adjusted to 1 liter.
For treatment of bronchial asthma and bronchitis, 2 large spoons of dry raw material are taken per cup of boiling water. Tea is taken in small sips throughout the day. The broth is prepared in another way. For this, the leaves are poured with boiling water and cook for 3-4 minutes. Then the mixture is filtered through gauze.
If you need to get rid of tonsillitis urgently, 10 g of leaves is boiled and boiled in the thermos for one hour. You need to rinse your throat after every meal. You can cook for two days. The second way of preparing the infusion is as follows: 2 small spoons are filled with a glass of water. The composition is brought to a boil and remains on the fire for several minutes. After cooling at home, it is used to rinse your mouth and throat. How to prepare a medicine from eucalyptus:
Contraindications, side effects of
Despite the large number of positive properties, eucalyptus can not be used in all cases. Because of the risk of causing allergic reactions, it is not recommended to use it for children up to three years of age. Instead, choose an ointment based on this plant.
Eucalyptus is a potent plant, so before using it is advisable to consult a doctor. You can not exceed the dose. If there is nausea, diarrhea, or dizziness, this may indicate the occurrence of side effects. They appear most often with an overdose.
In what formulations is found?
Traditional medicine uses essential oil, tinctures, ointments, sprays. For the treatment of the throat, eucalyptus is often added to lozenges for absorption and tablets from sore throats. One of the popular drugs is Chlorophyllipt. It was developed in the Institute of Microbiology. Effectively copes with staphylococcal infection. Can be used for alcohol and oil solutions, as well as as an external agent for wound healing.
Eucalyptus oil is sold in a pharmacy for rubbing with pediculosis. Effective as an anesthetic in case of joint, muscle pain. Can be used to prepare a rinse solution.
For the treatment of diseases of internal organs is collected. In equal parts is taken eucalyptus, mother-and-stepmother, thyme. All these parts are mixed and brewed. Most effective this tool has proved itself in the treatment of cough.
A variety of aromatic baths also have a positive effect. They help with colds, to strengthen the musculoskeletal system. Oil can also be used for cosmetic purposes to treat hair loss, acne. In saunas and baths, the remedy is also relevant. In this eucalyptus extract is combined with cedar, lavender, rosemary.
In homeopathy, eucalyptus has not been used for a very long time. It is used in low concentration for the treatment of tuberculosis of the kidneys, genitourinary system and respiratory tract. It uses a composition of 5 drops several times a day.
Forms of eucalyptus release
Efficiency and feedback on the treatment of
Eucalyptus has long established itself positively, so there are many home medicine kits. The research was carried out at the Sechenov Institute. They showed that the oil from this plant stimulates the B and T - immunity systems, so it can be used to promote health, as well as reduce the risk of developing cancer and occupational diseases.
It is proved that coniferous plants accumulate viability. The druids of their resin were called the cup of life. User reviews show that many use decoctions to relieve inflammation from the throat, to treat a cold and cough. There are many recipes using eucalyptus, many of them are passed down from generation to generation.