Polyps and hemorrhoids, how to distinguish, what are the differences?

Patients suffering from pathological changes in the intestine can be diagnosed with 2 diseases: hemorrhoids and polyps. These are completely different diseases that arise in the large intestine, although they have some similarities in signs. Among the identical in manifestation of their symptoms, the following are distinguished:

  • Bloody inclusions in fecal masses, for the most part very dark in color;
  • Bright red blood, which appears if the hemorrhoidal node or polyp has received fresh mechanical damage;
  • Prolonged stool retention, often more than 2 days, due to the intestinal obstruction created by these defects.

This similarity of their symptoms often makes it difficult to make the right diagnosis without a thorough instrumental examination, and in some cases even tissue biopsy is required.

Both these diseases, both hemorrhoids and polyps, are prone to hidden leakage, so the patient usually learns about their presence late enough, only after a few years from the time when any of these pathologies began to develop.

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This, for the most part, is due to the fact that the feces begin to appear inclusions of blood, pus or mucus, as well as a difficult bowel movement and a feeling of incomplete bowel emptying. Such signs force the patient to turn to a specialist, and then, during the course of diagnosis, the presence of polyps or hemorrhoids can be detected.

What are hemorrhoids and polyps?

Hemorrhoids refers to diseases that develop in the rectum, and are capable of delivering enormous inconveniences to the patient. With the development of this pathology in patients, the veins that are in the anus are inflamed and bleed. As a consequence, their pathological changes occur, which leads to the formation of hemorrhoids, often bleeding due to infringement.

A distinctive feature of hemorrhoids is that the outflow of blood from the venous nodes formed with it becomes difficult. These defects, formed in the lower part of the intestine, can very quickly increase in size and protrude into the anus, often leaving it.

Polyps are also a dangerous defect in the rectum, but they do not appear due to inflammation of the blood vessels, but because of the pathological modification of the cells of the mucous membrane located in the intestine. They usually develop similar symptoms with hemorrhoids in their development.

And, although it is believed that these neoplasms never go beyond the rectum, a polyp that grows on the stem next to the bowel outlet can also "peek" into the anal passage as it increases in size. This all leads to the fact that these pathologies are often confused.

How to distinguish a polyp from a hemorrhoids?

The causes of the patient's appearance of these diseases are inherently different, since the formation of polyps is due to the pathological proliferation of mucosal cells, up to a certain time being benign, and the appearance of nodes contributes to inflammation of the blood vessels, in fact, varicose veins in the lowerdepartment of the intestine. But there is one common precondition for their development - this is a sedentary lifestyle.

Unpleasant and painful sensations localized in the anus of the anus almost constantly, and not only during the defecation process, as well as the spotting that appears with the stool, are a serious reason for going to the doctor.

But many patients suffer such symptoms simply because they consider them shameful. This attitude is very dangerous, because these signs indicate the development of a patient with one of the most problematic diseases of the rectum, hemorrhoids or polyps, which are difficult to distinguish.

Very often, patients confuse these diseases. Because of the similarity of some of their manifestations that do not allow to distinguish them from each other, as well as unwillingness or embarrassment to seek advice necessary for these pathologies to a specialist. The situation in this case is such that a person adopting a polyp that grows in the lower part of the rectum for hemorrhoids begins to treat the latter with the help of advertised ointments and suppositories.

As a result, the polyp, which should necessarily be removed in order to avoid its degeneration into a malignant tumor, remains in its place and continues to develop and grow, preparing the patient unpleasant, often very terrible consequences.

Therefore, any person should remember that if there are signs such as the presence in the stool masses of dark( not scarlet) blood and the soreness of the process of defecation, it can be about internal hemorrhoids and polyps. To establish the exact diagnosis independently in such a case is not possible.

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