Anal polyp( in the anus, canal, aperture, anality, near the anus) - causes, symptoms, treatment, removal, photo

What is anal polyp? How can it be distinguished from a hemorrhoidal node? Why do they appear in the rectum? Often with those questions addressed to the proctologist, those who have already been diagnosed with polyps in the anus. Only an experienced doctor can answer them. Doctors pay attention to the fact that an ordinary person can not independently recognize this or that pathology. Externally, the polyp of the anal canal is very similar to hemorrhoids, they may have the same symptomatology. Therefore, only differential diagnostics of the rectum can help to determine the diagnosis.

Hemorrhoids and polyps near the anus often have similar symptoms. This is:

  • Falling from the anal passage.
  • Pain syndrome. Rectal bleeding.

But the described diseases have different anatomical morphology. Hemorrhoids occur when blood is hidden in the vessels of the small pelvis. It is stagnation that forms the nodes, which then protrude outward. Polyp is a benign neoplasm - a product of abnormal degeneration of the epithelial cells of the rectal mucosa. It can also protrude outward, but only if it has a very long leg and a large head. When the stool mass passes, the leg is twisted, the stool masses push the head through the anus. It is almost impossible to distinguish it from the hemorrhoidal node independently.

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The nature of the anal polyp

Usually the growth is a benign neoplasm. It is formed as a result of protrusion of the cells of the mucous membrane of the hollow organ. Around the anal canal can be formed one meat growth, sometimes the tumors can be grouped. As a rule, in the designated area, mushroom-like anal polyps are formed, which have a well-defined long narrow leg and head. But there are spherical, pear-like growths, sometimes their cluster resembles the head of cauliflower.

If the lesion is benign, the color of the head coincides with the color of the rectal mucosa, if there are many vessels, then the growth becomes red, crimson or crimson. The darker the color, the higher the risk of inflammation or suppuration.

Types of polypas of analgesia

Benign neoplasms are different in their morphological nature.

  • If connective tissue predominates, it is a fibrous anal polyp. Similar tumors, as a rule, are most often inflamed or inflamed, but very rarely, almost never transformed into cancer.
  • When glandular tissue predominates - adenoma develops - a dangerous neoplasm, which is most often transformed into malignant tumors.
  • There is also a villous type, it has a velvety to the touch surface consisting of small papillae. They are similar in appearance to villi. Such a build-up is also very dangerous.
  • In the examination, polyps in the anus are often identified, with a mixed structure( glandular-villous or mucocutaneous).The accumulation of several neoplasms similar in morphology is called polyposis. He, too, often affects the anus.

Causes of anal polyp

The main causes of the appearance of pathology are not fully understood. But it is noticed that it develops against a background of chronic hemorrhoids, inflammatory process, permanent constipation, dyskinesia of the intestine, dysentery or ulcerative proctosigmoiditis. There is a theory that the cause of the appearance of an anal polyp can be a hereditary predisposition, as well as violations of the intrauterine development of the embryo at the time when the intestinal mucosa was forming.

There are factors that also have an indirect effect on the formation of polyps in the anus. This is an abnormal diet, alcohol abuse, a sedentary lifestyle, and an unfavorable ecological situation, the symptoms appear only when the polyp near the anus in the posterior canal becomes large. In this case, it begins to bleed, with the infringement of the leg appears severe pain, which gives into the anus. The patient complains of prolonged diarrhea or constipation. Constipation is the consequence of the development of intestinal obstruction( the growth builds up and partially or completely closes the lumen of the intestine).

But the most dangerous complication is the possibility of transformation of the polyp in the anus to a malignant tumor. The presence of one or more of the listed symptoms should prompt a person to make a responsible decision. The sooner you seek help from specialists, the higher the percentage of complete recovery.

Treatment of anal polyp

Anyone who does not know what an anal polyp is, often confuses a benign neoplasm with a hemorrhoidal node. Such a delusion is very dangerous. The fact is that if a hemorrhoidal node is found, conservative treatment is allowed. If polyps are diagnosed in the anus, treatment is reduced to the removal of the tumor. Only an operation allows you to get rid of it once and for all. Timely removal is the only possible method of preventing colon cancer.

How is the surgery of the anus of the anal opening done? Most often, the method of sigmoidoscopy is used. Recto-manoscope is a device similar to a metal tube. At its end there are nozzles in the form of a loop or miniature forceps, the anal polyp is removed by the method of electroexcision under stationary conditions.

If the leg of the meat built-up is pronounced, the operation is performed using a loop. It rests on the head like a lasso and tightens around the leg, pinching it. Then a current is applied to the tightening point, it cuts off the head and seals the vessels of the leg. When the anal polyp is similar to a plaque, forceps are used. Their neoplasm is plucked to pieces until the polyp of anality disappears completely, the treatment does not end there. The patient is prescribed drugs that can speed up the recovery of the mucosa, as well as eliminate the identified causes of the pathology. In addition, the patient is advised to adhere to a therapeutic diet.

The low-lying anal polyp is removed transanally. It occurs as follows:

  1. The patient is previously given a local anesthetic.
  2. The rectal mirror is then inserted into the anus, it helps to widen the passage.
  3. The next step is using a special forceps to grasp the head, slightly pull it out and cut it with a scalpel.
  4. The mucosal cavity is closed with catgut suture.

Transanal removal of oval flat polyps near the anus occurs in a slightly different way: an oval incision is made around the neoplasm, the anal polyp is cut out, the defective mucosa is sewn.

When diagnosing a polyposis, the patient is put in a hospital and an operation is performed, making special incisions under general anesthesia. In any case, the cut tissue is necessarily sent for histology, it should give the main answer - are there any signs of a transformation of the benign area into a malignant one. When the excision of polyps near the anus is done in a timely manner, the disease is completely gone. But often there are relapses, so those who have had the anal polyp removed, are advised to undergo a prophylactic examination once a year.

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