Frequent palpitation: causes, treatment at home, syndrome

Normal blood supply, transport of nutrients and gases are carried out during the period of cardiac contractions. How these processes will occur depends on the heart rate. If the rhythm of contractions of the heart fails, many physiological processes in the body deviate from normal activity.

The concept of frequent heartbeats

Normally, the heart of an adult man beats at a speed of 60-80 beats per minute. The excess of at least 10 strokes in excess of the norm is considered to be a rapid heartbeat, called medical tachycardia. To determine tachycardia in humans is available by different diagnostic methods, one of which is an electrocardiogram.

  • In rest, most healthy people detect a heart rate of 70.
  • Doing physical work requires more oxygen in the tissues, which causes the heart to discharge more oxygenated blood into the blood vessels. Sometimes this figure is 200, but in specific environmental conditions with increased load is considered the norm.

The specialist in the video below tells us what is heart palpitations:

instagram viewer

His varieties

According to the symptoms, the doctor can establish one of the forms of tachycardia:

  1. Chronic if the signs of rapid heartbeat do not stop or appear within a certain time interval.
  2. Paroxysmal , when symptoms intensively occur unexpectedly. During a paroxysmal tachycardia, a heart rhythm failure occurs, called arrhythmia. There are 2 types of arrhythmia, differing in the place of generation of nerve impulses of rapid excitation.
    • With the sinus tachycardia , the initial and final seizure state is determined by the patient himself. The causes of the condition usually lie on the surface and the patient knows which factor is the initiator for the onset of an attack. Among such factors - smoking, psychoemotional stress, alcohol abuse, etc.
    • The second kind of arrhythmia - paroxysmal .This version becomes obvious when decoding an electrocardiogram made in an acute period of an attack. A period not related to the course of an attack is not a basis for establishing a diagnosis with the help of an electrocardiographic method.

Paroxysmal tachycardia is found in certain areas of the heart. Depending on the site with a disturbed rhythm of cardiac activity, two types of paroxysmal arrhythmia are distinguished:

  • Atrial arrhythmia refers to pathologies in which rhythmic contractions of the heart do not undergo abrupt deviations. At the physiological level, there is a violation of hormone secretion, insufficient oxygen supply to the myocardium, a change in cation concentration, which leads to deviations in the acid-base balance of the blood. The functionality of the atrioventricular unit that forms the frequency of electric impulses passing from the atria to the underlying ventricles decreases. In the process of electrocardiographic examination, an increasing number of electrical impulses are detected per unit time. The patient develops shortness of breath, chest discomfort, tachycardia. The patient complains of pain in the head, malaise, nausea. If there is an increase in systolic pressure and a sense of lack of air, the reason lies in the deviations in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.
  • Ventricular arrhythmia .Zones of incorrect excitation affect the wall between the ventricles and the ventricles themselves. The sources of the disorder are inflammation in the heart muscle, ischemic disease and even vice. The consequence of ventricular tachycardia is a dangerous complication - atrial fibrillation, the risk of sudden cardiac arrest at which is very large. Individual transverse striated fibers of the ventricular myocardium begin to contract outside the rhythm and synchrony, while the remaining muscle fibers try to contract according to a given rhythm. The processes occurring during systole and diastole are not differentiated by differences. Blood flow disorders, cardiogenic shock, pulmonary edema - the consequences of pathology, which constitute a further threat to life of the patient.

Sensations of the patient

  • During a rapid heartbeat, a person feels their rhythm, hearing the sound of beats. Sometimes there is a paradoxical fact: the beat rhythms are quickened, and the sound is not audible, as if there are no blows at all.
  • Rapidly developing panic state, shortness of breath.
  • In the area of ​​the stomach, a sensation of a coma emerges.
  • Patients describe the fear of death, darkening in the eyes, a feeling of heat and an irresistible desire to cry.
  • In the area of ​​the heart can be found pains thrusting.
  • Appetite disappears, any strain causes painful sensations.
  • The whole body begins to tremble, pain in the head, fatigue does not give way to sleep.

What diseases are accompanied by the symptom

When a rapid heart rate is detected, a number of therapeutic techniques are prescribed to normalize the rhythmic reduction of the heart chambers. If the effectiveness of procedures is minimal, the patient should not undertake independent attempts to cure an unpleasant symptom. An immediate reference to a doctor-cardiologist is shown. The causes of more frequent contraction may indicate infectious diseases, myocardial pathologies, varieties( including life-threatening) of tachycardia, acute heart failure.

Mental disorders are not excluded, timely treatment of which eliminates an unpleasant symptom. Unfortunately, the mentality of an ordinary person does not allow you to turn to a doctor-psychotherapist because of the categorical denial of your madness. The interpretation for such people of the terms "insanity" and "mental disorder" is identical.


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

A patient who experiences anxious signs of a more frequent heartbeat, which occurs more than once, should trust the doctor to determine the diagnosis and perform the entire set of proposed procedures of .Along with the usual stress or a single overload of the nervous system behind the tachycardia, poisoning of the organism and other dangerous conditions can hide.

How to moderate frequent heartbeat, Elena Malysheva will tell in her video:

Methods of treatment

Rapid palpitation is easier to prevent, following the set of rules for a healthy lifestyle:

  • quitting;
  • not to abuse beverages containing alcohol and caffeine;
  • to strengthen motor activity;
  • learn different methods of respiratory gymnastics;
  • regularly monitor blood pressure and heart rate.

During an attack of tachycardia, every person should know the order of self-help to your body.

  1. At first it is recommended to get rid of tight clothes, unfasten and take one of the sedatives according to the dosage indicated in the instructions. They can serve as any tincture of herbs in the home medicine cabinet: valerian, motherwort. For this purpose, Valocordin, Corvalol, etc. are suitable.
  2. The second stage of self-help is taking a horizontal position and holding the breath for an exhalation for half a minute. Retention of breathing is repeated several times, after which press on top of the eyelids with closed eyes. Many patients reported improvement in the condition when they clicked on the abdomen. It is advisable to drink cool mineral water without gases and wipe the face and hands with a damp towel. Sometimes a call to vomiting makes you feel better, because the procedure has an antispasmodic effect.

Not always taken measures lead to improvement of well-being, therefore the doctor can prescribe at detection of a symptom:

  1. Phytotherapeutic sedative drugs( Novopassit, valerian, motherwort, etc.).
  2. Synthetic sedatives( phenazepam, phenobarbital).
  3. Drugs for the removal of arrhythmia( Verapamil and its analogs).

When a psychotropic effect on the heart rate is applied for a prescription to a neurologist or a psychotherapist. Sometimes resort to surgical treatment( heart defects, ischemic disease).

On the treatment of frequent heartbeats at home, this video tells:

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