Polyps in the colon( intestine) - endoscopic removal, symptoms and treatment of polyposis

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Often, during diagnosis, multiple polyps are detected in the large intestine, their symptoms are well understood. Some of them are very bright and characteristic, the latter are similar to those of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Doctors pay attention to the fact that the more polyps appear in the intestine, the higher their potential for transformation into malignant tumors.

When the number of benign lesions becomes more than 100 units, a diffuse polyposis of the colon is diagnosed, its symptoms must necessarily be made to seek the help of specialists, and all because the risk of cancer increases two and a half times. The disease always progresses, complications become more serious, the patient has less chance for a full recovery. Therefore, it makes sense to elaborate on the description of the most characteristic features of the pathology described and its treatment options.

Symptoms of colonic polyposis

If multiple polyps are found in the large intestine, the signs are most pronounced. And all because neoplasms can have different, both large and small sizes, except for this, the morphology of each meat build-up can have its own. That is, at the same time, adenomas, juvenile and hyperplastic polyps in the large intestine can be detected simultaneously in one patient, the symptoms in this case appear as follows:

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  1. Rectal bleeding.
  2. Constipation or diarrhea.
  3. Pain in the epigastric region.

Rectal bleeding may indicate the presence of other proctologic diseases, often such a symptom accompanies an increase in the hemorrhoidal node, the appearance of anal fissures, the development of ulcerative colitis. Therefore, it will be rather difficult to make a diagnosis on your own. Only an experienced proctologist for the presence of additional manifestations will be suspected of polyposis.

The presence of polyposis is indicated by a combination of these symptoms, that is, rectal bleedings must necessarily develop against a background of weekly constipation or diarrhea, against the background of acute pain giving back to the anus. Constipation is always associated with partial obstruction of the intestine, pain occurs when the stool causes the pinching of the foot of the large growth.

Patients complain of discomfort in the entire peritoneal region, as well as in the area of ​​the anus, they experience frequent urge to defecate, they show signs of anemia and exhaustion without loss of appetite. All these symptoms in the aggregate and should help to put the correct diagnosis. It is impossible to diagnose diffuse polyposis of the large intestine, based on the manifestations described above. Talk about its presence can only be after confirmation of the family, hereditary nature of the disease.

Treatment and removal of colon polyps

If multiple polyps are found in the colon, removing them is the only chance of carrying out cancer prevention. With single, discrete or even multiple polyps scattered across different sites of the large intestine, endoscopic removal is used.

It is carried out in stationary conditions. The patient is pre-prepared, carefully cleaned the intestines, and then an endoscope is inserted into the anus-a flexible hose at the end of which the camera is securely fixed. She displays the image on the monitor, so during the operation the surgeon sees well what he needs to do, how to approach the build-up, how to perform the removal: in whole or in part in several stages. Such treatment involves the use of a low-frequency current or a laser. With the help of them, the process of endoscopic removal of the meat build-up and sealing of the vessels takes place, which helps prevent the occurrence of the most dangerous complication - uncontrolled bleeding.

Endoscopy or colonoscopy is performed in a state of medical sleep, so the patient does not feel anything during the operation. After removal of a benign tumor, pieces of his tissue are sent for histological examination. It must:

  • Confirm that the polyp has been removed completely.
  • To reveal its morphology.
  • Answer to the question whether the neoplasm is benign( non-cancerous), whether there are symptoms of malignant transformation.

Diffusive polyposis of the large intestine requires the use of more radical methods of treatment. If the polyp is covered with the entire hollow organ from the inside, the patient can completely remove the entire large intestine while retaining the possibly vesicular apparatus.

But beforehand an endoscopic examination will be carried out, with the help of which a biopsy of several meat outgrowths is performed and it is clarified what morphological nature they have. Practice shows that with diffuse polyposis of the colon, adenomal neoplasms predominate. They "love" to be combined with juvenile polyps, which do not pose a great danger, but multiple adenomatous polyposis is the main symptom and precursor of cancer, therefore doctors choosing options for treating diffuse polyposis of the colon always vote for complete removal of affected areas.

After such a radical treatment, patients should undergo an annual diagnostic examination at a specialized institution even when the large intestine has been completely removed. The fact is that many years of research practice reveals the formation of new polyps in other departments of the digestive tract in those people who have already had colonoscopy or bowel resection.

The risk of polyps formation is very high, so it is important not to miss the moment of the formation of a new site of diffuse polyposis. In parallel with the control diagnostic studies, medicamentous treatment is undertaken, which allows to eliminate the causes of the formation of meat growths, restore motor-evacuation functions of the intestine, prevent the formation of constipation or diarrhea. An important role in this process is proper nutrition. The diet will have to be observed now constantly, it is also worth completely giving up drinking and smoking.

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