Dolihosigma and chronic colitis

When endoscopic examination of the large intestine reveals abnormal lengthening of the sigmoid intestine, a diagnosis is made of dolichosigma, colitis often accompanies such a disease, so the patient has violations of the motility of the colon, which lead to the formation of constipation. A similar pathology can be congenital and acquired. In the first case, to provoke the disease is capable of poor heredity, adverse environmental conditions, the transferred infections during pregnancy, the intake during pregnancy of some medications.

When chronic colitis develops, dolichosigma has acquired character. To provoke its appearance may be malnutrition, processes that lead to the formation of fermentation and putrefactive process inside the intestine. To provoke an increase in the length of the sigmoid colon can also a sedentary lifestyle, food rich in carbohydrates, the consumption of a large amount of meat.

Three stages of dolichosigma with colitis

When dolichosigma is formed, colitis develops due to stagnation of the contents of the large intestine. It is the increase in stagnant stools that stretches the walls of the sigmoid part, so it changes its anatomical dimensions. The department affected by the pathology often takes an s-shape or extends into a loop, it can be single-loop, bicuspid, multi-looped. In this form, the intestine becomes mobile and easily moves through the abdominal cavity and after each evacuation of the intestine, the possibility of a new loop is preserved.

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The course of the described disease passes in three stages. Each has its own symptoms.

  • The first stage is in the compensation position. The patient has periodic pain in the epigastric region and permanent constipation, which lasts longer than three days. At the first stage, dolichosigma and colitis are treated with a diet, the intestine is emptied only after taking laxatives.
  • The second stage is in the subcompensation position. Constipation becomes more prolonged, there is flatulence, the pains are already permanent. At this stage, the intestines can not be emptied with laxatives, so you have to constantly use enemas.
  • The third stage is in the decompensation state. This is the heaviest form of dolichosigma, it is accompanied by chronic colitis, constipation lasts longer than a week, the large intestine increases in size, stagnation of fecal matter gives rise to intoxication, which causes an increase in body temperature, constant nausea and rare vomiting. The patient has an appetite, on the skin there are pustular rashes. Emptying in this case is possible only with the use of siphon enemas.

Is it possible to cure dolichosigma and colitis?

As a rule, the first stage of the disease is treated with a diet. It is based on several components. It is necessary to learn how to eat by the hour, in small portions, six times a day. Meals should be divided, meat and pasta are completely prohibited. Patients are advised to eat raw vegetables and fruits, as well as foods rich in coarse fiber.

In the second stage of chronic colitis, in addition to diet, the patient is prescribed medication. Prescribed laxatives, for the removal of pain antispasmodics. It is also useful to do an abdominal wall massage, effective courses of vitamin therapy, sanitation and spa treatment.

Elimination of dolichosigma of the third stage in colitis is helped only by surgery. Its essence lies in the fact that the protruded loop-like region is cut off, sometimes the whole sigmoid region is completely removed. The operation is prescribed when the constipation is long-lasting, when the expansion of the intestine progresses, when the lesion of the neuromuscular apparatus is observed.

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