Chinese Schisandra: useful properties and contraindications

Schisandra Chinese - also called shizandra, is a curly plant with white flowers, red berries, which have an acid-salty taste and the smell of lemon. Chinese magnolia vine, useful properties and contraindications, which are taken into account when used in medicine and cosmetology, is used mainly in dried form.

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Useful properties of leaves

The leaves of Chinese magnolia vine contain a hugethe amount of micro- and macroelements useful to the organism, among them: cobalt, magnesium, zinc, aluminum, calcium, ferment, iodine, manganese, as well as vitamins, Kie compounds, minerals, esters.

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The most valuable properties are essential oil, which includes schizandrol and schisandrine. They contribute to the purification of the liver, which has a beneficial effect on her work, improve blood flow and tone up the nervous system.

Important! Medicinal drinks from leaves have a milder effect on the body than fruits and are used as an aid in basic treatment and prevention.

Depending on the needs of the preparation, the leaves are collected in the phase of the formation of the axis( flavonoids are removed) and in the period of falling off( get slime).

Tea( magnolia vine leaves), with a delicate aroma, with notes of the same name citrus. It well satiates the body with vitamin C, and is a preventative against scurvy. Infusions of leaves can be used as a vitamin remedy, strengthening immunity and able to overcome viruses, bacteria.

Useful properties of berries - how to use

The unique composition has berries of Chinese magnolia vine: minerals, starch, fiber, vitamins, organic acids, micro- and macro elements. How to eat fruits? For the preparation of the dosage form it is recommended to use only in dry form. But fresh berries, which have a high degree of viscosity and high content of acid, are suitable for mors, wine, syrup, jelly. Also, jams are made from fruits.

Step-by-step drying( basic at 400, drying at 600) allows you to store all useful substances, including schizandrol, schisandrine.

The benefits of Schisandra for the body are open in natural juice, which is perfectly stored in the refrigerator. To get a tonic, refreshing, invigorating drink, it is diluted with water.

What benefits are the bones of the Chinese lemon

Seeds of Chinese magnolia vine also have a similar composition with fruits, but differ in the presence of a large number of fatty, essential oils, vitamin E and tocopherol.

Folk medicine finds them use in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract, including correction of the liver and kidneys.

Important! The Schisandra bones have lignans in the composition. They have two important properties for the body: they fill the lack of phytoestrogens, which are similar in structure to steroid hormones, and help fight free radicals. The latter function is more important for the skin, which quickly slows the production of collagen and elastin under the influence of the polluted environment of megacities.

It is worth knowing that more than 2 g of powder from seeds leads to a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice at elevated and, conversely, increases with reduced. Studies have shown that the powder from the seed of Chinese magnolia vine in a dosage of 1 g 3 times a day can eliminate pain in gastritis, ulcers. It is better to take 30 minutes before eating.

To improve performance and relieve tension after mental, physical activity, it is recommended to prepare tincture on seeds( 96% alcohol + seeds).Use 20-30 drops, depending on the body weight, on an empty stomach.

How to brew Chinese lemongrass

The decoction plant can be used in its full form, that is, dried branches, leaves, berries and seeds.

The branches of Schizandra, whose useful properties are not inferior to leaves and fruits, are most convenient for use in drinks, and they can be prepared more quickly: they cut and hung in the attic to dry, if necessary, they were taken and used as a medicine. Decoction of them saturates vitamins and trace elements, tones up, improves the protective properties of the body, accelerates metabolism, normalizes blood circulation, and is also taken for potency.

Effective recipes for the use of

Recipes for the preparation of magnolia vine are different and depend on the nature of the disease:

  • for immunity: 1 tbsp.l.from dried branches, berries and leaves pour 1 cup of boiling water, allow to brew for 2 hours, free from pomace and drink 2 tablespoons.l.before eating;
  • to adjust blood pressure, improve the work of the heart will help the next infusion: 10 fruits + 100 ml of boiling water, put the mixture in a water bath and bring it to readiness for 15 minutes. Take 1 tsp.daily;
  • for vitality: mix lemonade leaves and black tea in proportions of 1: 2.Brew and drink, without restrictions, in reasonable dosages;
  • for sight: 1 part dried berries + 5 parts alcohol( 96% alcohol, vodka).If the medicine will be prepared with a less high-alcohol drink, then insist 3-4 weeks, unlike alcohol - 2 weeks. Regular intake of 30-40 drops 2 times a day will increase visual acuity and improve visibility in the dark.

Useful properties for a strong half of humanity

Chinese magnolia vine for men is usually taken to improve the quality of sexual life, but the folk method can worsen the health in the following cases:

  • unhealthy heart work;
  • increased pressure;
  • insomnia;
  • is allergic to any component of the plant.

Manufacturing of the dosage form can be any: tincture, decoction, tea. Consider some of them:

  • tincture. Seeds are poured with vodka, they are set aside for 2 weeks and take 30 drops 3 times a day;
  • tea.1 tbsp.a spoonful of dry berries is poured in 1 tbsp.water, infused for 6 hours and drunk, with the addition of sugar.

Important! Far Eastern Schizandra is accepted only with obvious sexual dysfunction. Moreover, it will act on the body in a complex way: increasing potency, working capacity and improving the barrier functions of the body.

It is allowed to eat fresh or dry berries( 2-3 pcs.) Immediately before intercourse. This proves that the action of Schizandra is carried out immediately, and not after a long reception.

Diet with Chinese Schizandra

Chinese magnolia vine, the properties of which have proved to be applicable in dietology, can reduce blood sugar levels. With a restriction in the intake of fatty, high-calorie foods, sweets still need to be included in a small amount, as a complete restriction in sugar leads to headaches, apathy, non-assortment. In turn, the plant is able to reduce the absorption of glucose by the body. It is enough to sprinkle vegetables, salads, dishes from fish and meat with juice from berries.

Important! Any diet with magnolia vine should not exceed more than 30 days, otherwise excess of active substances will lead to consequences. The juice contains metals such as silver and titanium. Accumulating, they destroy the walls of the stomach, causing pain and nausea.

But this is not all the benefits of a diet with Chinese magnolia vine. Juice has a large amount of vitamin C, which speeds up all metabolic processes in the body, cleans the body of toxins, beneficially affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract, especially the stomach.

The calorie content of the product is 11 kcal per 100 g. About 20-30 g of juice is used per filling, which means that it will not affect the figure exactly.

Schizandra for teenagers

For children under 12, the plant is not recommended for use, because until this age the child's nervous system is only being formed and installed. But as a teenager, it can be included in the daily diet as an infusion. How useful is Schizandra for them? It promotes growth and development of mental ability.

Infusion is made according to the following recipe: 1 tsp.dry leaves and branches pour 200 ml of water, boil for 20 minutes using an enameled container. Insist until completely cooled. Give the children of school age 40 grams in the morning and after dinner.


Since the substance schisandrine is a strong stimulant of natural origin, Chinese magnolia vine is contraindicated in people suffering from: persistent high blood pressure, insomnia, arrhythmia, increased nervous excitability, ICP( intracranial pressure), inflammation of the brain and spinal cord, impaired autonomic nervous activitysystem, with liver and kidney diseases, acute infectious diseases, caused by the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the body.

Important! Pregnant women should also refrain from any dosage form of magnolia vine.

Overdose of the drug leads to an increase in pressure, active production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, headache, insomnia.

Despite the useful properties of Chinese magnolia vine, it is capable of causing harm, therefore in its reception it is necessary to be cautious. A prerequisite is an accurate diagnosis of the disease and the control of the treating doctor.

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