Flax with gastritis - seeds( flaxseed), treatment with decoction, cocktail, porridge, how to brew and take?

Gastritis is a stomach condition, the main symptoms of which are pain, heartburn, general malaise, nausea and sometimes fever. To avoid these troubles, as well as relief of symptoms, there are a huge number of recipes in folk medicine. Especially useful and effective in the removal of symptoms, and even in the treatment of this disease is flax.

How to brew a decoction of flax with gastritis?

This phytopreparation was used to treat gastritis in ancient times, our ancestors. Flax is used not only in its pure form, but also in combination with coriander, tansy, chamomile, bearberry, thyme in equal parts. This mixture in the amount of two tablespoons per half liter of boiling water is boiled and turned into infusion. The received linseed cocktail is accepted at a gastritis on one third part of a glass during two months.

In addition, you can just sprinkle these seeds with food. To do this, they are ground and used as a seasoning. This ingredient is also added to muesli or oatmeal in order to consume them for breakfast. It does not take much effort, but it will be an excellent preventative against gastritis, or it will also help treat the symptoms when inflammation starts.

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Among other things, you can grind flax grain in a coffee grinder, and then dilute the resulting flour in kefir or milk. During the consumption of this flour, you need to drink plenty of water so that all the useful substances that are contained in flax can reach the goal, and also help in the treatment of the disease.

You can also make a kissel from its seeds. In addition, it is possible to add them to berries or oatmeal in the preparation of berry, or oat jelly. By the way, this drink is considered the best with gastritis. The enveloping effect of the kissel perfectly protects the gastric mucosa from the harmful entry of the acidic medium of gastric juice.

The value of flax seeds in the treatment of gastritis

Seeds contain a large number of nutrients, as well as useful organic compounds. Lens is rich in proteins and polysaccharides. Proteins that contain seeds are similar to soy proteins, and they are also considered to be the most nutritious. Polysaccharides in cooking produce mucus, which has an enveloping effect. Accordingly, due to it, the negative influence of toxins on the general condition of the body decreases and acts on them like sorbents.

Seeds also contain a large amount of plant fiber lignans, the strongest antioxidants. Lignans of flax during gastritis have an antimicrobial effect.

In addition, the seeds are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially oleic and linoleic. They improve immunity and promote resistance to diseases.

Treatment of gastritis with flax will not provide the desired effect without a sparing diet. Under this diet, with gastritis, five or six meals per day are expected in small amounts. Preference is given to mashed food or cocktails from a blender. It is also better to eat fish and vegetable broths, fruits and vegetables, as well as compotes. From the diet is completely excluded from fried, spicy food, as well as baking( flour) and in any form of alcohol and smoking. It should be added to the menu for a day of kissels and cereals, which, like a decoction of flaxseed, enveloping, and also anti-inflammatory function. Directly with gastritis, you must eat foods that have these qualities.

How to take flax seeds with gastritis?

To prepare the broth, take three tablespoons of flaxseed and one liter of boiling water, brewed, covered with a lid( top with a towel) and infused overnight. At the same time, mucus is formed from flax, enveloping the mucous membrane and relieving inflammation. In the morning half of the glass of the broth is cooked 20 minutes before breakfast, and the rest is stretched all day. A fresh tincture is prepared daily. The course of treatment for this remedy is 1 month, even in the case of cessation of external symptoms.

If the patient wants to get rid of heartburn or bitterness in the oral cavity, you need to prepare an additional drug. How to brew: rub the seeds so that you get one tablespoon, brew it and drink before eating twice a day. This cocktail will also help with coughing, taking for one week in the morning and before going to bed.

Flaxseeds will be incredibly effective, taking in equal parts flax, chamomile flowers, fiber, bearberry, thyme, coriander and tansy. All this should be carefully grinded and mixed. Two tablespoons of the finished dry mixture should be poured half a liter of boiling water, and leave the cooked tincture for the whole night. The received liquid should be taken one third cup in one day. It is best that this course of receiving the tincture lasted two months.

In addition, it is always necessary to remember the contraindications. If there is an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, and if any type of hepatitis is present in the history, cholelithiasis, any course of treatment with this medication is not permissible. The best option, before you start treatment of gastritis, will be a consultation with a qualified specialist or your doctor.

When we have already figured out how to brew and how to take flax seeds with gastritis, you need to figure out how to choose them and how to store them. They should be bought at a pharmacy or specialized medical stores. They are sold in a cardboard box. As a rule, they are packaged in 100 grams. When choosing grain flax, you should pay attention to the date of their manufacture. It is better that they were as fresh as possible. Shredded ready-made seeds should not be purchased, they should be crushed by themselves. This is due to their rapid oxidation and a short shelf life. In flax grains, one year is stored, however, it is hermetically packed, in the dark and cold.

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