Treatment of hemorrhoids at the initial stage, how to treat nodes 1( first) degree in the home by folk remedies, can it be cured with ointments and candles?

Man is used to experiencing various diseases. Some diseases are serious enough, others can not cause serious changes in the body. There are also such diseases, which it is embarrassing to even talk to doctors. It is to such ailments can be attributed hemorrhoids.

Treatment of hemorrhoids of the 1st stage does not cause any special difficulties, which is why it is necessary to pass the diagnosis in time to confirm the symptoms. With hemorrhoids 1 degree, conservative treatment will be required.

How to get rid of hemorrhoids in the initial stage?

Initial hemorrhoids, although not causing major problems, it is best to start the therapy in time. Before appointing drugs, the specialist must perform visual and instrumental diagnostics.

Many specialists prefer to treat initial hemorrhoids:

  • Aspirin. Medication is prescribed to reduce the risk of blood clots;
  • Detraleksom. The drug improves the tone;
  • by Escuzan. Such pills prevent the appearance of new cavernous nodes;
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  • Ibuprofen. This medicine reduces the pain syndrome. It should be remembered that the treatment of hemorrhoids in the early stages of such a drug is not carried out during pregnancy;
  • by Vikassol. It is prescribed for suspected bleeding. Despite the fact that it is not difficult to cure the first degree of hemorrhoids, the appearance of blood in fecal masses will cause a complication. Soon, anemia may develop. This happens when the disease goes to another degree.
  • Gepatrombinom can eliminate puffiness and inflammation. The advantage of the drug is that it does not cause allergic reactions;
  • Treatment of hemorrhoids at the initial stage should be aimed at eliminating constipation. Any suitable medicine can be used.

In addition to using tablets, it is recommended to use gels and suppositories. Treatment for beginning hemorrhoids can be performed by the following substances:

  • Levomechol;
  • Bezornilom;
  • Heparin ointment.

As for the use of candles in the initial stage of the disease, doctors recommend using:

  • Anestezin;
  • Ultraproject;
  • Lidocaine.

In order for a patient to recover in a short time, treatment of the initial stage of the disease can be carried out at home.

Treatment of the initial stage of hemorrhoids folk remedies

Medications can get rid of venous formations in a few weeks. To make the healing process go faster, doctors recommend combining medical therapy with the initial stage of hemorrhoids using folk remedies.

With the help of natural substances, it is easy to cope with inflammatory processes, pain syndromes and other early symptoms that occur during the initial stage of the disease.

It is recommended to coordinate your actions with your doctor. To treat the disease at an early stage can be the following recipes:

  • Sedentary baths. It is best to use a decoction of medicinal herbs. Ideal for these purposes is chamomile and millennia. If you do not have these plants, you can use ordinary warm water. On an early degree of ailment, the baths quickly relieve the patient's condition;
  • The initial hemorrhoids can be treated with a suppository made from raw potatoes or honey. Before use, the candles must be frozen. Candles with the first degree of disease will relieve the patient of pain, swelling and inflammation;
  • Microclysters based on chamomile, marigold or beet juice can also be used to cure initial hemorrhoids;
  • At home, you can use the gel from the disease in the initial stage. For its preparation, an oak bark, a herb of water pepper and a flower of linen will suit. Everything is mixed with fat of nutria. Each ingredient must be taken in equal quantities. Consistency should be heated in a water bath for 12 hours;
  • Elimination of cavernous formations at the initial stage can be carried out by decoction from St. John's wort. This drug has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Having detected hemorrhoids of stage 1, it is necessary to immediately take up the treatment, in addition it can be done at home.

How to quickly cure initial hemorrhoids?

To get rid of the disease in the initial stage, some medications are not enough. It is necessary to change your way of life. First of all, it is recommended to revise your diet. In order to cure the initial hemorrhoids need to eat at least 5 times a day in small portions.

Do not forget about the healing power. It must be done in breaks between work. It is not recommended to sit behind the wheel of the car and the computer without a break for more than 2 hours, this applies to any degree of ailment.

The onset of the disease is caused by the appearance of constipation, so that this does not happen, it is forbidden to lift weights. Long walks and jogs are also contraindicated. This applies not only to the early degree of the disease.

If you follow the above rules, treating a beginning hemorrhoids will be easy. At the same time, it is important to coordinate all your actions, performed at home, with a doctor.

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