Treatment of hemorrhoidal anemia

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One of the most dangerous manifestations of hemorrhoids is bleeding, especially if the discharge becomes abundant. The threat of bleeding lies in the fact that in a short time it causes anemia in a person. The level of hemoglobin can drop to critical levels, 70 g / l, which will lead to the development of serious, often irreparable consequences. Anemia, provoked by severe bleeding from inflamed hemorrhoids, can be acute( occurring with a single heavy blood loss) and chronic. Anemia with hemorrhoids has the following symptoms:

  • Patient's skin becomes pale;
  • The person loses efficiency and quickly becomes tired;
  • He has frequent headaches and tinnitus;
  • Possible loss of consciousness.

This symptomatology is typical for the acute form of anemia, in which there are cases of immediate threat to life. In such situations, blood transfusion is required. Only emergency measures can save the life of a patient with acute hemorrhoidal anemia. The chronic form of anemia has its symptoms and.people who suffer from it usually complain of increased sweating, heart palpitations, drowsiness, fatigue and constant weakness. An experienced specialist with such clinical manifestations will be able to easily diagnose a patient, confirmed by the results of laboratory blood tests.

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Due to the fact that any kind of anemia accompanying hemorrhoids is a very disturbing sign, a person, who has it, needs careful treatment. It should be aimed at eliminating the anemia itself and the factor that provoked it. In some cases, an emergency surgery may be required to remove the inflamed and bleeding nodes. In chronic hemorrhoids, which usually develop on the background of other pathologies of the digestive tract, among which the appearance of malignant neoplasms in the rectum is frequent, anemia is an indisputable reason for an urgent appeal to a qualified specialist. It is unacceptable to take independent measures to get rid of the disease, as this can lead to the development of serious complications that threaten not only health but also the life of the patient.

Treatment of anemia in hemorrhoids

In order to minimize the risk of anemia, emergency medical care is required for large blood loss. It includes:

  • Stop bleeding;
  • Assessment of the degree of hemorrhage;
  • Replenishment of the missing amount of blood.

All therapeutic measures used to eliminate hemorrhoids caused by anemia must be comprehensive. Their main component consists of drug treatment, approved by a specialist of folk remedies and accompanying diet. Only thanks to the use of such tactics of therapy, it is possible to get rid of hemorrhoids and anemia.

In order to quickly stop bleeding, doctors prescribe the use of hemostatic drugs, among which the most popular is Vikasol. It is recommended for anemia caused by hemorrhoids, and the use of local drugs - suppositories with adrenaline and collagen sponges. At the same time, hemoglobin is restored with the help of drugs containing iron. With significant blood loss, the use of full-scale infusion therapy is required. Often, the treatment of anemia with hemorrhoids, requires a transfusion to a sick person in the restoring purposes of single-group plasma.

All therapeutic measures for this type of pathology should be conducted only accompanied by special dietary nutrition, its correction allows you to make therapeutic measures aimed at getting rid of the disease, more effective. The diet for anemia, provoked by hemorrhoids, is prescribed taking into account the underlying disease. Products that restore the function of hematopoiesis are introduced into it additionally:

  • Fish and meat of low-fat varieties;
  • Pork or veal liver, which is the most useful product for the recovery of hemoglobin, and, accordingly, the cessation of the development of hemorrhoidal anemia;
  • Dairy and lactic acid products;
  • Cereals( millet and buckwheat) and legumes;
  • Greens, vegetables and fruits;
  • Bran.

In a daily diet of patients with anemia that occurs against the background of hemorrhoids, a large number of trace elements, folic acid, vitamins belonging to group B, and at least 120 g of high-grade proteins should be contained. Patients with any form of pathology require a full 5 meals a day, in which there are almost no fats that depress the hematopoietic function.

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