Chronic combined( mixed) hemorrhoids 1, 2, 3, 4 degrees, symptoms and treatment, surgery to remove, how to treat folk remedies?

Man during his lifetime has to face a huge number of diseases. Some diseases cause only discomfort, while others cause severe pain and complications.

Modern man often faces such a problem as hemorrhoids. The ailment can be divided into several types, which have their own manifestations. They are treated differently.

Worst of all, when the patient appears combined hemorrhoids( code ICD-10 I84).In this case, the patient exhibits symptoms of external and internal forms. Before you deal with the disease, you need to understand why this is a difficult disease.

Mixed hemorrhoids can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Excessive consumption of drinks containing alcohol;
  • Frequent constipation;
  • Work that requires a person to sit;
  • Constant lifting of heavy things, weighing more than 15 kilograms;
  • Addiction to anal sex;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Venereal diseases.

Do not be afraid of the above reasons, each of the factors can not affect the appearance of the disease, it all depends on the general state of the person.

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Symptoms of combined hemorrhoids

A person must constantly monitor his state of health. Sometimes feeling unwell, people write off their condition for fatigue. It is necessary to monitor all changes occurring in the body. It should be noted that chronic mixed hemorrhoids have several forms of development. The signs of each form differ from each other.

Combined hemorrhoids of the 1st degree practically pass asymptomatic, so patients can not pay attention to it. A person with an ailment experiences a slight discomfort at the time of defecation.

Mixed hemorrhoids of the 2nd degree appear shortly. In this form, the following symptoms are observed in the patient:

  • In the process of emptying the intestine, the patient experiences discomfort, while the anal opening is constantly itchy;
  • After a time, cavernous sacs fall out. In this case, the patient experiences severe pain and burning at the entrance to the rectum;
  • If the disease has passed into the chronic form of combined hemorrhoids of the 2 nd degree, the cavernous nodes will fall out when lifting a small weight;
  • In the running cases, it is impossible to insert the node yourself.

If after the manifestation of symptoms do not proceed to treatment, there may appear mixed hemorrhoids of the 3rd degree. With this form of ailment, the patient appears:

  • Particles of blood at the time of defecation. In this case, it becomes clear that the disease is progressing;
  • The feeling of fullness of the intestines after visiting the toilet remains;
  • Soon the disease becomes complicated and acquires the chronic form of combined hemorrhoids of the 3rd degree. In this case, bleeding continues even after the end of the defecation;
  • Nodes fall out when walking.

Worst of all, if the patient has a combined grade 4 hemorrhoids. This is a neglected form of the disease, in which:

  • After the act of defecation, it does not become easier, but the pain only intensifies;
  • It is not possible to stand or sit for a long time;
  • When the disease turns into a chronic form, combined hemorrhoids of the 4th degree can only be eliminated by surgical methods. Cavernous sacs acquire a blue tinge. Necrosis starts soon.

To visually identify a mixed type of cavernous formations, you must first see the corresponding photo.

Treatment of combined hemorrhoids

When a patient is treated with a diagnosis of "mixed hemorrhoids," treatment will not be easy. Physicians will need to cope with 2 problems:

  1. Eliminate diseased external nodes;
  2. Reduce the number of cavernous formations that appear inside the rectum.

It should also be noted that therapy will be performed depending on the stage of the disease. Chronic combined hemorrhoids of the 1st degree are treated conservatively and do not require specialist intervention. An exception is the appearance of bleeding. The course is more than 5 weeks. It is best for the therapy to use:

  • Vascular preparations;
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Anesthetics.

Treatment of mixed hemorrhoids 2 degrees, conducted by specialists. For the elimination of knots, latex rings are used, which can pull lumps. In case of complication, the proctologist can apply cryodestruction.

Combined hemorrhoids of grade 2 may be complicated by bleeding, in which case the treatment should be directed to the elimination of damaged vessels. Categorically prohibited independent intervention.

Combined hemorrhoids of grade 3 are characterized by proliferation of cavernous nodes, so therapy is primarily aimed at stopping cone growth. Only after this step can you fight the underlying illness. In case of complications, the fight with chronic combined hemorrhoids should be carried out by the Longo method.

It is impossible to treat combined hemorrhoids of a severe form by standard methods. First, specialists conduct a repeated diagnosis. If the diagnosis is confirmed, doctors will perform an operation of combined hemorrhoids.

Intervention of surgeons is aimed at the removal of hemorrhoidal formations of mixed type. If pain is unbearable, analgesics should be used. Before going to the clinics, the patient should give the following tests:

  • ECG;
  • General blood test;
  • Urine;
  • Cal.

Getting rid of chronic hemorrhoids of a mixed type is quite difficult. It may take a long time to recover. It is best to use an integrated approach:

  • Ointment Relief in chronic combined hemorrhoids, will allow to give the veins elasticity;
  • Combined candles can also be used;
  • It is not necessary to neglect the folk remedies in the fight against the chronic mixed form of the disease. Thus, the recovery process will be faster.

Treatment of combined hemorrhoids folk remedies

From mixed chronic hemorrhoids 2 and 3 degrees can be eliminated with the help of herbs and lotions. For a quick recovery, doctors recommend combining medication with methods of alternative medicine. Before proceeding to this step, it is best to talk with the proctologist, since chronic combined hemorrhoids can be of different stages, and there may also be an exacerbation, in which the treatment will be carried out permanently.

If surgery is not required, the combined hemorrhoids can be alleviated by the following means:

  • Candles from chamomile broth. To prepare the medicine you need a glass of water and a tablespoon of chamomile. Put the container on the fire, then boil for at least 10 minutes. Then the broth is filtered and poured into the mold. Before use, freeze;
  • For the remission of chronic combined hemorrhoids to occur more quickly, you can use honey suppositories. They can be purchased at the pharmacy or manufactured independently;
  • Compress of beetroot. To understand how to apply the lotion, just look at the photo of mixed hemorrhoids. After the procedure, the pain will quickly pass.

Complications after surgery for combined hemorrhoids

After an operation to remove cavernous pouches of a combined type has been performed, during the first 3 days, the patient will experience discomfort and pain. To reduce pain, specialists are prescribed analgesics.

With the help of tampons and drains, surgeons stop bleeding, but this can cause discomfort. If the inconvenience continues for more than 3 days, you should inform the physicians about it.

The first day is best not to eat. This is due to the fact that food can damage the seams. On the second day, you need to eat food in small fractions, and do not forget about the drinking regime.

Unfortunately, in some cases, after the removal of combined hemorrhoids complications may appear:

  • Psychological problem associated with fear of act of defecation;
  • Bleeding. It can happen if the seams have parted;
  • After an incorrect operation, the anal canal becomes narrow. In this case, repeated intervention is necessary;
  • Inflammation. Occurs when the hygiene rules are not respected.

It is important to be under medical supervision for at least one week after surgical removal of cavernous cones. If necessary, a photo is taken, to compare the results.

Prevention of combined hemorrhoids

In order not to perform an operation to remove chronic mixed cavernous formations, it is necessary not to let the disease go into a more complex form. To do this, it is sufficient to carry out simple preventive measures.

First of all it is recommended to normalize your diet. To understand what products are best for you, you should see which group includes chronic combined hemorrhoids.

Thanks to proper nutrition, GIT function will be restored. The act of defecation is normalized, after which the patient can normally visit the toilet.

Hygienic measures play an important role. After visiting the toilet, it is recommended to use soft toilet paper or napkins. It will also be useful to wash off with chilled water to relieve the swelling of the cavernous knots and pain.

When the first symptoms of combined hemorrhoids appear, it is strictly forbidden to lift weights. It is also recommended to reduce physical activity.

It should be noted that chronic combined hemorrhoids can occur in both men and women. The only difference can be in therapy if a woman is pregnant. In this case, doctors should carefully draw up a therapy regimen.

Most often, the loss of cavernous sacs is the beginning of the appearance of serious diseases, such as cancer.

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