Alcohol with a stomach ulcer: red wine, beer, cognac, vodka - what alcohol is allowed?

Alcohol in gastric ulcer is the most discussed topic, causing ambiguous opinions both among doctors and patients.

Doctors-gastroenterologists, engaged in the treatment of this serious, life-threatening disease of the patient, are united in their opinion - alcoholic in the stomach ulcer is prohibited. Why are specialists so categorically tuned?

  • Alcohol provokes the inflammatory process of the gastric walls.
  • Even such low-alcohol beverages as beer or red wine with stomach ulcer increase acidity, disrupt the digestive process, slowing it down.
  • With alcohol, alcohol causes an acute attack of the disease, often accompanied by internal bleeding complicating the course of the process and threatening the patient with a lethal outcome.

Many people with a gastroenterological illness do not agree with the doctors' statement, having a different opinion on this matter. Some of them are sure that alcohol in an ulcer does not hurt.

Is there a place for alcohol in people's lives with a diagnosis of stomach ulcer? How many missed glasses of wine or beer mugs will remain unnoticed for the patient and which beverages to prefer?

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Wine with gastric ulcer

A study of Italian scientists from the University of Siena argues that red wine with an ulcer, used in small amounts, has a therapeutic effect.

British colleagues agree with their opinion, experimentally confirming the fact that wine from red grape varieties adversely affects the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which causes peptic ulcer.

Survey of people who took part in the experiment showed: the use of one glass of wine per day reduces the number of bacteria by 17%.The figure of people who drank alcoholic beverages three times more received a smaller result( 11%).

Many patients with GI disease information about red wine are perceived as a guide to action. Can wine with an ulcer? Doctors warn that this drink is useful only as a preventive measure. The one who already has the disease,

  • dry, fortified, semisweet, sweet wine,
  • sparkling alcoholic beverages( champagne),
  • tinctures,
  • vermouth,
  • martini

will cause severe irritation of the ulcerated surface of the stomach, increase acidity, adversely affect the digestive function. As a result, a person will feel pain, aversion to food, vomiting.

Is it possible with an ulcer beer?

A drink brewed from cones of hops, by many inhabitants, is unfairly considered to be an easy and harmless for the body alcohol. Doctors are supported by absolutely the opposite opinion, focusing on light, filtered beer grades.

In their opinion, filtered beer adversely affects the entire gastric tract, disrupting the function of the digestive system, which is unacceptable for people suffering from gastroenterological pathology.

  • Regularly using light beer in an ulcer, the patient provokes an increased secretion of the stomach with hydrochloric acid, which corrodes the mucous walls of the organ. The processes of putrefaction are starting, the inflammatory process begins.
  • Slaboalkogolny drink causes eructations, heartburn, increases gas formation, bloating, slows the digestion process, provoking chronic constipation in the intestines.
  • As a result of gastrointestinal dysfunction, the body does not receive nutrients, the protective function weakens, allowing Helicobacter pylori infection to become more active, causing a primary attack of peptic ulcer.
  • Light beer repeatedly increases the risk of recurrence, the flow of the acute form of the disease into a chronic disease.

An unfiltered drink made from hops, according to scientists from Munich, more gently affects the body, promoting the activation of the juice produced by the stomach.

Hops, present in unfiltered varieties, favorably affects the gastrointestinal tract, providing analgesic, soothing, disinfecting, anti-carcinogenic effect. Unfiltered beer( in moderate doses) is able to enrich the body with proteins, useful carbohydrates, enzymes, mineral salts, which is very useful for diseases of the digestive system.

Vodka with an ulcer

Discussing the question of which alcohol is more safe for the sick stomach, people deliberately avoid strong drinks, considering vodka and cognac for the stomach ulcer the most harmful.

Is it possible for an ulcer vodka?

Practice shows that quality strong spirits drunk in small quantities deliver much less negative consequences to the patient than other alcohol. But this axiom operates under the condition that the following rules are fulfilled:

  • Vodka with gastric ulcer is admitted to use in rare cases and in limited quantities.
  • Spring and autumn are not the best time to take strong alcohol, because it is at this time that there is the greatest number of relapses of the disease.
  • Vodka and cognac with stomach ulcer can be consumed only after a dense dinner or dinner. Food will be able to protect the mucous membrane of the walls from the aggressive effects of alcohol.

Treatment of stomach ulcers with vodka

In folk medicine, this strong drink is widely used to treat diseases of the stomach. For example, simple recipes such as a tablespoon of vodka and raw egg or sea buckthorn oil, drunk one after another, are very popular among patients who prefer to be treated by folk methods.

Traditional medicine is convinced that the treatment of vaginal canker is ineffective and fraught with serious consequences.

Strong alcohol can not overcome the infection by itself. If alcohol is perfectly disinfected when used externally, then the patient will have to take at least twenty five liters of vodka to reach the alcohol concentration in the blood to suppress microbes.

In addition, the treatment of vaginal canker is dangerous because the imaginary relief resulting from the influence of alcohol on nerve endings and dull pain does not allow the patient to monitor his or her actual state of health and promptly consult a specialist while the ailment is progressing.

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