Omelet with gastritis, what recipes can be?

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It is impossible to imagine the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases without a strict diet, because they are all associated with inflammatory pathology occurring in the walls of the stomach. Therefore, as soon as the patient is diagnosed with gastritis, the first question will be: "What can I eat"?

Yes, there are many nutritional restrictions for this insidious disease, but they do not touch eggs that can be eaten even during periods of exacerbation of the disease. True, only in 2 types - either a steam omelet or an egg soft-boiled. Hard to use this product is strictly not recommended. It is also forbidden to fried fried eggs in oil.

Dishes from eggs are allowed during periods of exacerbations of many diseases, including gastritis. The reason for this lies in their composition. The protein contains all the amino acids and nutritional proteins that are so necessary for the human body. And in the yolk, in addition to this, there is a large number of vitamins and trace elements.

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Omelet recipes for gastritis

Therefore, it is not surprising why an omelet is recommended for a therapeutic diet for this disease. A prerequisite for its preparation is that it is made to be steamed. There are several omelet recipes that are suitable for a therapeutic diet with gastritis.

Steam Omelette normal:

Milk 80 ml and eggs 2 pieces are mixed well, slightly add salt and pour into the lubricated sink.oil saucepan, which has a low bead. Cooked for a couple. Be sure to remember that its height should not exceed 4 cm, otherwise it may contain microbes that are dangerous for gastritis. When served on a table, this dish is poured into a sink.oil.

Steam omelet with carrots for a diet for gastritis:

There is no less interesting recipe for this dish, which can be used in this disease. For him, except for 2 pcs.eggs and 50 ml. The milk will require 100 g of carrots. It should be cut into small circles and let in a small amount of water until ready.

After the carrot is ready, it should be wiped through a sieve. To the raw eggs, carrots and milk are added, it is slightly salted and beaten with a fork or corolla to a homogeneous mass.

The beaten mixture is poured into molds that are pre-oiled and cooked either in a double boiler or in a saucepan with mesh liners. The thickness of this omelet should not exceed 4 cm, so that all germs that are dangerous for gastritis are lost. Before serving, the dish is poured with melted butter.

Both of these recipes are good for any GI disease, so you can use them safely. Just do not forget that more than 2 eggs a day can not be eaten, since they can cause the formation of cholesterol plaques.

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