Dufalac: instructions for use, price, reviews, composition, analogs

Dufalac is simultaneously a prebiotic and laxative drug with an osmotic nature of action. It is used even for children in the period of complementary food with coarse fibers. We will consider today the instruction on the use of Dufalac for children and adults, its price, reviews of doctors and analogues of the drug.

Features of the drug

In fact, Dufalac is considered the only means of providing a laxative effect, which is used in all age groups because of its safety. With prolonged use, the intestinal microflora becomes accustomed to the action of the agent and, in order to achieve the effect, it is necessary to increase the dose.

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Composition of Dufalac

Water and lactulose.100 mg of the agent contains( respectively) up to 100 ml of water and 66.7 g of active substance.

Dosage Forms

Is available as a syrup. It can be in aluminum and polyethylene bags of 15 mg or in bottles of polyethylene at 1 liter, 500 and 200 ml.

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The cost of Dufalac is in the range of 250 to 700 rubles.

Pharmacological action

Laxative, stimulate intestinal peristalsis, has a detoxification effect.


  • The cleavage of lactulose is readily cleaved in the gut by low-molecular acids. Increasing their amount lowers pH, increases the amount of intestinal contents, increases osmotic pressure. Because of this, the consistency of the stool may change, the intestinal peristalsis is stimulated, physiological cleansing occurs.
  • The active substance exerts an additional effect, accelerating the growth of the intestinal flora. Along with the growth of favorable bacteria, lactulose interferes with the pathogenic microflora, which leads to the restoration of intestinal balance.
  • With encephalopathy of the hepatic or coma, Dufalac helps neutralize ammonia, the latter passes into an ionic form. Proteolytic bacteria decrease, but the number of acidophilic bacteria increases. Together with the emptying of the intestine, the amount of toxic nitrogen-containing substances decreases, since Dufalac stimulates bacteria to utilize ammonia.
  • Has the ability to prevent the growth of salmonella.


It does not reach the colon until it is absorbed, only it is split by the intestinal flora. At a dosage above 45 ml is metabolized, and at a dose of more than 70 ml part of the drug is excreted unchanged.


  • enteritis;
  • prophylaxis and treatment of hepatic coma;
  • constipation;
  • salmonellosis;
  • softening of the stool before operations on the large intestine, with hemorrhoids;
  • regulation of the rhythm of physiological emptying.

Dufalac is part of the group of medicines to facilitate intoxication and excretion of poisons of pathogenic microbes, it excellently excites staphylococcal toxins, which is why it is used in the treatment of carbuncle and similar diseases.

The following is an instruction for the use of Dufalac in pregnancy and in the normal condition of adults and children.

Instructions for Use

Ingest both in pure and diluted form. Any dose of Dufalac is swallowed immediately, without holding the solution in your mouth. If a long course is prescribed, then they take it every day at the same time. During the whole treatment for a day, it takes about 2 liters of liquid to drink.

Selection of the dose is made individually, and for accuracy use the measuring cup included in the kit. It is acceptable to divide the daily dosage into 2 doses. After 2 days, a therapeutic effect is observed.

Approximate doses of the drug are as follows:

  1. Up to a year - 5 ml.
  2. Up to 6 years - up to 10 ml.
  3. Up to 14 years - up to 15 ml.
  4. Adolescence and adults - up to 45 ml.

You can use the drug in childhood and during pregnancy, if there are no other contraindications. On the fetus, the effect is insignificant and there are no pathological changes, therefore it is allowed to apply it even during lactation. Children prescribe the drug, as well as other funds from the category of laxatives, only under the supervision of the doctor, so as not to disturb the reflux reflux.


  1. Galactosemia.
  2. Intestinal obstruction.
  3. Sensitivity to the active ingredient or to lactose, galactose, fructose.
  4. Intestinal perforation.

Because of the special composition, Dufalac is used cautiously with ileostomy, diabetes mellitus, lactose intolerance, rectal bleeding of unknown nature, colostomy.

Side effects of

In the first stage( 1-2 days), some people observe flatulence. If Dufalac is used for a long time in large quantities, there will be diarrhea and abdominal pain, as well as violations in the water-electrolyte balance( if the patient suffers from hepatic encephalopathy).

On the part of the gastrointestinal tract, there are such phenomena as nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, flatulence, diarrhea.

Special instructions

If, after the start of treatment, constipation has resumed and for about 2 days there is no positive reaction from Dufalac treatment, a doctor's consultation is required. Treatment of constipation for 6 months requires constant monitoring of blood plasma electrolytes.

In diseases associated with limiting the use of lactose( intolerance, diabetes), one should take into account that in 15 ml of the drug lactose is present in an amount of 0.9 g and galactose in an amount of 1.7 g. As a rule, in case of individual dose selection, Dufalac's patients withdiabetes is easily tolerated. It requires a more precise dosage for a hepatic coma.


Applying Dufalac people speak about it positively. High evaluation of its properties is given by doctors. They note that he not only copes with the problem of constipation, but also helps in the future to normalize the work of the digestive tract, improves the microflora. Thanks to the safe formulation, the drug is used even for newborns.

About analogues of Dufalac, the price in pharmacies for which cheaper, we'll talk below.

Analogs of

  1. Lactulose.
  2. Goodluck.
  3. Portalac.
  4. Norma.
  5. Evict.
  6. Prelaxan.
  7. Poslabin-Lactulose.

On Dufalac and his analogues will tell this video:

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