Reducing the size of the pancreas( reduced), the reasons for this, how to reduce?

Anyone interested in this issue should first of all clearly realize that the phrase written in the conclusion of ultrasound - a reduction in the pancreas - is not a diagnosis. Therefore, pay attention not to the size of the body and decide how to fix it, but, first of all, it is necessary to outline the list of causes that affect such changes and select from them the one that is present in this particular case.

In determining the factors that triggered the reduction, special attention should be paid to the age of the patient who has noted similar abnormalities. This is very important, because after 50 years in almost a hundred percent of cases the pancreas decreases in itself, without the presence of any concomitant disease. That is why in older people this conclusion is not a cause for concern or the appointment of a further examination.

In other cases, changes in this human body can occur in the presence of one of the diseases:

  • Tumor of the head of the pancreas. With such a disease, a decrease not only in the head itself, but also in the whole area of ​​the diseased organ is observed. This is due to the total atrophy, in which the impression appears on the survey that the tail is isolated isolated. That's why in such a case it is necessary to examine the head more carefully.
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  • Chronic pancreatitis. In this case, the decrease in the pancreas will be uniform even in a visual examination, but it will be unevenly hyperechoic, and its structure is non-uniform( in comparison with the liver examination data).

It should also be noted that, often found during ultrasound, a decrease in the pancreas is a consequence of both factors simultaneously: chronic pancreatitis may well develop simultaneously with a tumor that grows slowly in the body or tail of the pancreas. Of course, none of the reasons are safe for the patient, so if a reduction was found during the examination, like any other changes in the size of the gland, you should immediately consult your doctor with the results of ultrasound to determine the etiology of reduction and treatment. This is especially true for patients who have found such abnormalities at the age of 45-50 years.

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