Lactofiltrum with constipation, can I take the baby, can there be a stool after it, does it help the children?

The drug Lactofiltrum has a double effect. It works simultaneously as a sorbent and a prebiotic. On the one hand, it binds and detoxifies, which are invariably formed in the large intestine with prolonged constipation. On the other hand, it helps to restore useful microflora. After the course of use in adults, and in children the local immunity rises, this has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the patient, therefore it is not only possible but also necessary to take Lactofiltrum with constipation.

The chemical formula of the drug is based on the combination of two components: hydrolytic lignin and lactulose. This is a very successful combination, which helps effectively combat any type of constipation. Lignin is a product of wood processing. It is not absorbed into the blood, while it sorely absorbs the large intestine throughout its area. Lignin removes toxins and toxins, as well as salts of heavy metals, excess cholesterol. During the day, effective cleaning of the body, which contributes to the rapid recovery of health.

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Lactofiltrum is most often prescribed in the treatment of constipation to children also because it, by carrying out absorption, with proper application does not remove from the body useful trace elements. You can drink the medicine for three weeks and not be afraid for the fact that the child will experience a deficiency of vitamins. Only in the intestine is the second component of the drug - lactulose. It is artificially created sugar, which, decomposing in the large intestine, forms a favorable environment for reproduction of beneficial bacteria. Growing up, their colonies quickly supplant the conditionally pathogenic environment, so Lactofiltrum helps with constipation. Lactulose, like lignin, is not absorbed into the blood, and this is another bonus in favor of prescribing the drug to a child and an adult patient to treat the described syndrome.

Can there be constipation after Lactofiltrum?

Lactofiltrum with constipation is not prescribed if the patient has gastric or intestinal bleeding. Getting into the blood vessels, lactulose clogs them, so there is a risk of developing thromboembolism. The drug is contraindicated in those who are diagnosed with intestinal obstruction. The described drug stimulates peristalsis, which is very dangerous for the patient's life. Do not buy the described medicine, if there is an individual intolerance to its individual components.

The one who is forced to take Lactofiltrum for a long time, wants to know if there can be constipation after it? Usually it is well tolerated by both kids and adults, but its overdose in itself is capable of provoking constipation. Therefore, before use, you must carefully read the instructions for use. After drug cancellation, any side effects go away with themselves. If observed, side effects are not detected.

When treating constipation, choosing the Lactofiltrum, it is necessary to plan the time of taking the drug. It can be drunk at least an hour after a meal, and preferably after one and a half or two. Otherwise, lignin will collect toxins together with useful microelements and then remove it from the body. That's why with prolonged incorrect intake of Lactofiltrum, there is often an avitaminosis.

Babies up to one year of the drug is not prescribed. From one year to three years, take the drug for a quarter of a bag of powder, from three to seven Lactofiltrum in case of constipation, the child can be given in tablet form( one capsule or half of the powder).Children from eight to twelve years with 2 tablets. Adolescents from the age of twelve and over are 3 tablets. The course of treatment is two, three weeks.

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